Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


To calculate the elasticity of demand, which of the following formula is used?:

A. Percentage change in demand Original demand

B. Proportionate change in demand Proportionate change in price

C. Change in demand Change in price

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

B. Proportionate change in demand Proportionate change in price

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What is the correct answer?


Identify the work of T.W.Schultz:

A. Transforming Traditional Agriculture

B. Productivity and Technical Change

C. Jobs, Poverty and the Green Revolution

D. Causes of Poverty

What is the correct answer?


If, at the prevailing price, more of a good is desired than is available for sale:

A. The price is below equilibrium

B. The price is at equilibrium

C. The price must fall

D. We cannot tell anything about the price

What is the correct answer?


A market demand schedule is obtained by adding individual demand schedules:

A. Horizontally

B. Vertically

C. Permanently

D. Perpetually

What is the correct answer?


Monopoly means:

A. Where there is no retail trade and every thing is sold on wholesale basis

B. Where trading of a particular commodity is controlled exclusively by one firm

C. Where many people sell only one commodity

D. A form of business organization in which only single proprietorship exists

What is the correct answer?


Because the price elasticity of demand for OPEC oil is approximately .08, in order to increase revenues OPEC should:

A. Lower price in order to increase revenues

B. Lower price in order to decrease the amount of oil sold

C. Rise price in order to increase the amount of oil sold

D. Raise price in order to increase revenues

What is the correct answer?


When at a given price, the quantity supplied of a commodity is more than the quantity demanded, there will be:

A. An upward pressure on price

B. A downward pressure on price

C. Price will remain unaffected

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The isoquant which are generated by CES (constant elasticity of substitution) production function are always:

A. Positively sloped

B. Negatively sloped

C. Concave to the origin

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If the commodity is normal then Income Effect (I.E) is:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Zero

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


In substitution effect and income effect:

A. The substitution effect is more certain

B. The income effect is more certain

C. The substitution effect is uncertain

D. The income effect is always positive

What is the correct answer?


To get more revenue, a Finance Minister impose tax on that commodity which has:

A. Inelastic demand

B. Elastic demand

C. Unit elasticity

D. Zero elasticity

What is the correct answer?


When was Adam Smiths major work An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations published?

A. 1756

B. 1777

C. 1776

D. 1801

What is the correct answer?


The external economies of scale experienced by a firm include the:

A. Growth of firms processing its waste materials

B. Development of research bureau serving the industry

C. Supply of suitable skilled labor in the area

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The engineering production function and engineering costs curves are concerned with the:

A. Production cost

B. Collection cost

C. Raw material costs

D. Distribution costs

What is the correct answer?


The act of producing the output from more than one plant is concerned with:

A. Monopoly

B. Multi-plant monopoly

C. Bilateral monopoly

D. Price discrimination

What is the correct answer?


A country is advised to devalue (reduce external value of) its currency only when its exports face:

A. Inelastic demand in foreign markets

B. Elastic demand in foreign markets

C. Unit elastic demand in foreign markets

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


According to Marshal, the Law of Diminishing Returns is applicable to:

A. Industry

B. All fields of production

C. Agriculture

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If a commodity sold under monopoly is got free of cost, then MC will be:

A. Zero

B. Identical with the MR

C. A horizontal straight line

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote An Introduction to Positive Economics?

A. R.G.Lipsey

B. Paul.A.Samuelson

C. E.D.Domar

D. J.M.Keynes

What is the correct answer?


When total product falls:

A. MP is positive

B. MP is negative

C. MP is falling

D. MP is rising

What is the correct answer?


Equilibrium of a discriminating monopolist requires the fulfillment of which one of the following conditions?

A. It must be profitable to him to sell output in more than one market

B. Marginal revenue in both markets must be the same

C. Marginal revenue in both markets must also be equal to the marginal cost of producing the monopolists aggregate output

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


If by doubling all inputs in the long run output is less than double, it is a case of:

A. Increasing returns to scale

B. Decreasing returns to scale

C. Constant returns to scale

D. Variable returns to scale

What is the correct answer?


Abstinence or Waiting theory of Interest was presented by:

A. Lord Keynes

B. J.S.Mill

C. Alfred Marshal

D. Prof.Senior

What is the correct answer?


The normal long-run average cost curve is influenced by the:

A. Principle of diminishing returns

B. Economies and diseconomies of large scale production

C. Principle of constant return to scale

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The optimum level of output in long run takes place where:





What is the correct answer?


The utility function u = f(x) is based upon :

A. Two goods

B. Few goods

C. One good

D. Zero goods

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist is:

A. Price winner

B. Price searcher

C. Price taker

D. Price leaver

What is the correct answer?


In centralized cartel, the firms are like:

A. Price takers

B. Price setters

C. Price discriminators

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a property of indifference curve?

A. Convex to the origin

B. Slopes downwards to the right

C. Parallel to each other

D. Cannot intersect each other

What is the correct answer?


Demand is consumers:

A. Ability to get a commodity

B. Willingness to get a commodity

C. Willingness and ability to get a commodity

D. Desire for a commodity

What is the correct answer?


Average Revenue means:

A. Per unit revenue received from all the units sold by the producer

B. Revenue of the units having average size

C. Total number of units× Revenue per unit

D. Total revenue × Number of units sold