Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


To verify that the note text is positioned correctly on the page, switch to _____ view or display the document in print preview.

A. normal

B. print layout

C. page layout

D. page edit

Correct Answer :

B. print layout

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What is the correct answer?


Page Up Key uses for

A. Moves the cursor one line up

B. Moves the cursor one screen up

C. Moves the cursor one page up

D. Moves the cursor one paragraph up

What is the correct answer?


Small squares, called _____, on the selection rectangle that surrounds a graphic can be used to change the dimensions of the graphi

A. scroll boxes

B. sizing handles

C. status indicators

D. move handles

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What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol?

A. Alt+Ctrl+C

B. Alt + C

C. Ctrl + C

D. Ctrl + Shift + C

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To verify that the note text is positioned correctly on the page, switch to _____ view or display the document in print preview.

A. normal

B. print layout

C. page layout

D. page edit

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What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character?

A. 163

B. 1638

C. 16038

D. None of above

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A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as

A. Raised

B. Outlined

C. Capscript

D. Superscript

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It is possible to _______ a data source before performing a merge.

A. create

B. modify

C. sort

D. all of the above

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Switching between portrait and landscape modes involves the:

A. header and footer toolbar

B. print layout view

C. page setup dialog box

D. none of the above

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What is the extenslon of files created in Ms-Word 97- 2003

A. dot

B. doc

C. dom

D. txt

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In MS-Word, for what does ruler help?

A. to set tabs

B. to set indents

C. to change page margins

D. All of the above

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In MS Word, Ctrl + W is used for

A. Save and Print the Document

B. Save and Close Word Application

C. Save and Close document

D. Without Save, Close Document

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Which indent marker controls all the lines except first line?

A. Left Indent Marker

B. First Line Indent Marker

C. Right Indent Marker

D. Hanging Indent Marker

What is the correct answer?


If you need to double underline a word, how will you do that?

A. Go to Format menu and then Font option. Open Underline Style and choose Double Underline

B. From Format menu choose Font option and then from Font tab open Underline Style and select Double Underline

C. Select the text then choose Format >> Font and on Font tab, open Underline Style and choose Double Underline

D. Click double underline tool on formatting toolbar

What is the correct answer?


Short cut Ctrl + P used to

A. Open Paragraph Dialog Box

B. Open Page Format Dialog Box

C. Open Save Dialog Box

D. Open Print Dialog box

What is the correct answer?


When Word flags a possible spelling or grammar error, it also changes the mark on the Spelling and Grammar Status icon to a _____.

A. green X

B. green check mark

C. red X

D. red check mark

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Which of the following is not of the merge process?

A. Preview the merge results

B. Format a main document

C. Edit a data source

D. Identify the main document

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From where you can access Save command?

A. Home tab

B. Insert tab

C. Review tab

D. None of above

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How much space in minimum must be provided between columns?

A. 0"

B. 0.5"

C. 1"

D. 1.5"

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are word processing software?

A. WordPerfect

B. Wordpad

C. MS Word

D. All of above

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Which of the following commands should you always use before submitting a document to others?

A. find command

B. Replace command

C. Spelling and Grammar

D. Thesaurus

What is the correct answer?


In MS-Word shortcut SHIFT+DELETE is used to

A. Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin

B. Copy the selected item

C. Rename the selected item

D. Create a shortcut to the selected item

What is the correct answer?


Which menu in MSWord can be used to change character size and typeface?

A. View

B. Tools

C. Format

D. Data

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To Redo the last work, press …..

A. Ctrl+U

B. Ctrl+Y

C. Ctrl+Z

D. Ctrl+W

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Why Drop Caps are used in document?

A. To drop all the capital letters

B. To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter

C. To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter

D. None of These

What is the correct answer?


Ctrl + Down Arrow is used to

A. Moves the cursor one paragraph down

B. Moves the cursor one line down

C. Moves the cursor one page down

D. Moves the cursor one screen down

What is the correct answer?


Short cut Ctrl + F is used to

A. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Find Tab

B. Open Page Setup Dialog box with activating Layout Tab

C. Open Font Dialog Box with activating Font tab

D. Open File Save as Dialog box

What is the correct answer?


To select a block of text, click at the beginning of the selection, scroll to the end of the selection, position the mouse pointer at the end of the selection, hold down the _____ key, and then click (or drag through the text).

A. ctrl

B. alt

C. shift

D. tab

What is the correct answer?


What does EXT indicator on status bar of MS Word indicate?

A. It indicates whether the external text is pasted on document or not

B. It indicates whether extended add-ons are installed on MS Word or not

C. It indicates whether Extended Selection mode is turned on or off

D. None of These

What is the correct answer?


Selecting text means, selecting?

A. a word

B. an entire sentence

C. whole document

D. any of the above

What is the correct answer?


Ctrl + S

A. Save Document with different name

B. Save Document with same name

C. Save Document and Close Word Application

D. Save Document and Print whole Pages