Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


To view Panels of a StatusBar set _________ to true

A. Panel

B. Panels

C. ShowPanel

D. ShowPanels

Correct Answer :

D. ShowPanels

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B. No

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B. Installutil -e

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A. Panel

B. GroupBox

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

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dim arr(10) as string,
the max index of the array is

A. 9

B. 10

C. Can be >10 also

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B. MaximizeBox

C. MinimizeBox

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/*1. Class C
2. public mustinherit sub abc()
3. msgbox("Base Class")
4. end sub
5. end Class /* The error is in line no.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

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B. Class View

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A. True

B. False

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A. .exe, .sln

B. .exe, .dll

C. .dll, .sln

D. .exe, .ocx

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B. .../Project folder name/Bin

C. .../Project folder name/Debug

D. .../Project folder name/Debug/Bin

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B. Properties Window

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B. WordWrap

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A. Splitter.Click

B. Splitter.Clicked

C. Splitter.Drag

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