Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Alzheimer's Disease
Subject: Medicine
An 84-year-old black female is brought to your office by her daughter, who is concerned that the mother has memory problems and is neglecting to pay her monthly bills. The mother also is forgetting appointments and asks the same questions repeatedly. This problem has been steadily worsening over the last 1-2 years. The patient has very little insight into her problems, scores 24 out of a possible 30 points on the Mini-Mental State Examination, and has difficulty with short-term recall and visuospatial tasks. Her physical examination and a thorough laboratory workup are normal. A CT scan of the brain reveals diffuse atrophy. Which one of the following is the most likely etiology for the patients memory problem?

A. Alzheimers disease

B. Dementia resulting from depression

C. Lewy body dementia

D. Multi-infarct dementia

Correct Answer :

A. Alzheimers disease

The patient shows classic symptoms of early Alzheimers disease, with difficulties in at least two cognitive domains that are severe enough to influence daily living.
> Depression (choice B) was previously thought to cause pseudodementia with significant regularity. However, several recent studies have shown that treating depressive symptoms does not result in significantly improved cognitive performance. It is now believed that progressive memory loss frequently results in depressive symptoms, rather than the converse.
> Lewy body dementia (choice C) is associated with physical findings of parkinsonism and often the presence of visual hallucinations, both of which are absent in this patient.
> There are no signs of multiple infarcts (choice C) on brain imaging, effectively ruling out this diagnosis.
> Normal aging changes can decrease ones ability to retrieve information but do not influence daily living and are usually noticed more by the patient than by family members.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Status Epilepticus
Subject: Medicine
A 58-year-old male with a history of seizure attacks suffered from a 30min loss of consciousness with repetitive seizures with no recovery of consciousness between attacks. What is the best initial treatment for his condition?

A. Lorazepam

B. Phenytoin

C. Phenobarbital

D. Carbamazepine

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Status Epilepticus
Subject: Medicine
A 58-year-old male with a history of seizure attacks suffered from a 30 min loss of consciousness with repetitive seizures with no recovery of consciousness between attacks. What is the disorder this patient is suffering from?

A. Tonic-clonic seizure

B. Absence seizure

C. Atonic seizure

D. Status epilepticus

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Horner's Syndrome
Subject: Medicine
A 54-year-old white male presents with drooping of his right eyelid for 3 weeks. On examination, he has ptosis of the right upper lid, miosis of the right pupil, and decreased sweating on the right side of his face. Extraocular muscle movements are intact. In addition to a complete history and physical examination, which one of the following would be most appropriate at this point?

A. A chest radiograph

B. MRI of the brain and orbits

C. 131 Iodine thyroid scanning

D. A fasting blood glucose level

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Mini Mental Status Exam (or MMSE)
Subject: Medicine
A 63-year-old retired teacher shared with his primary care physician (PCP) during a routine office visit that he has noticed increasing difficulty with his memory. Otherwise he is in good health and requiring no medication.
Which one of the following psychological tests is a valuable screening device to be used by primary care physicians in this type of situation?



C. Thematic Apperception Test

D. Mini-Mental State Exam

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Mini Mental Status Exam (or MMSE)
Subject: Medicine
While performing the Mini-Mental State Exam the PCP asks her patient to copy the following design. What cognitive function is being assessed by this request?

A. Language

B. Orientation

C. Registration

D. Visual-motor integrity

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Horner's Syndrome
Subject: Medicine
A 66-year-old diabetic man presents with constriction of the pupil, drooping of the upper lid, and anhidrosis on the left. Which one of the following nerves is most likely involved?

A. Oculomotor

B. Sympathetic

C. Trochlear

D. Trigeminal

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Osmotic Demyelination
Subject: Medicine
Osmotic demyelination can result when which one of the following is corrected too rapidly?

A. Hypocalcemia

B. Hypoglycemia

C. Hypomagnesemia

D. Hyponatremia

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Seizure
Subject: Medicine
A 52-year-old male with a history of seizure attacks suffered from loss of consciousness and tonic and clonic muscular contractions. His tongue fell back into the throat and he choked. What is the most likely diagnosis of this presentation?

A. Petit mal seizure

B. Grand mal seizure

C. Myoclonic seizure

D. Atonic seizure

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Subject: Medicine
A 25-year-old male presents 5 hours after the onset of the worst headache of my life. His temperature is 37.0°C (98.6°F), blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg, respiratory rate 20/min, and pulse rate 90 beats/min. The patient is lethargic but oriented; there are no focal neurologic findings, but neck stiffness is present. Unenhanced CT of the head is negative. You elect to perform a lumbar puncture. At this time, which one of the following findings in bloody spinal fluid would indicate a diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage?

A. Yellow-orange cerebrospinal fluid supernatant

B. A WBC:RBC ratio of 1/1000

C. A protein (g/L) to RBC (count/L) of 1/1000

D. A glucose level below 2.2 mmol/L

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Adverse Drug Effect
Subject: Medicine
During the morning rounds, a second year resident presents a patient as a 58-year-old female who suffers from rigidity and tremors. She has been diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease involving the depigmentation of substantia nigra and loss of dopaminergic input to basal ganglia. Identify the medication that would worsen rather than improve this patient's condition?

A. Levodopa

B. Bromocriptine

C. Chlorpromazine

D. Pergolide

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Alzheimer's Disease
Subject: Medicine
Which one of the following has NOT been identified as a risk factor for Alzheimer-type dementia (AD)?

A. Trisomy 18

B. Head trauma

C. Advanced age

D. Obesity and hypertension

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Dementia
Subject: Medicine
A 60-year-old white female presents for her annual physical examination. She tells you that since her last visit she has begun taking ginkgo biloba to improve her memory. She takes no other medications. The evidence supporting a benefit from ginkgo biloba is best for which one of the following?

A. Tinnitus

B. Benign prostatic hyperplasia

C. Dementia

D. Intermittent claudication

What is the correct answer?


Topic: DM neuropathy
Subject: Medicine
In which of the following diseases would you see a gloves and stocking neuropathy?

A. Diabetes mellitus

B. Lupus

C. Multiple sclerosis


What is the correct answer?


Topic: Horner's Syndrome
Subject: Medicine
A 70-year-old man presented with ptosis, myosis and anhydrosis on the left side. Which one of the following is the most likely cause of this condition?

A. Tumour induced exophthalmos

B. Fourth cranial nerve palsy

C. Apical pulmonary carcinoma

D. Enlarged thyroid gland

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Guillain-Barr� syndrome
Subject: Medicine
A 43-year-old man presents 2 weeks after you see him for infectious diarrhea caused by C. jejuni. He has now developed bilateral proximal lower limb weakness and bilateral distal parasthesia and decreased ankle tendon reflex.
What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Guillain-Barr� syndrome

B. Multiple Sclerosis

C. Myasthenia Gravis

D. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

What is the correct answer?


Topic: MMSE
Subject: Medicine
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) tests for:

A. Mood

B. Behavior

C. Intelligence quotient

D. Cognitive function

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Subject: Medicine
A 76-year-old male is brought to your office by his son. The patient complains of dizziness that has slowly been worsening over the past year. His description is vague, but he says that he notices the dizziness when he tries to walk. The review of systems is normal, except for increasing problems with his prostate in the last 6 months, with dribbling and accidents at times. The patient admits to going more often, and sometimes without warning. The son states that his father seems more forgetful, slower of speech, and not as full of life as he used to be. A neurologic examination reveals the patient to be oriented x 3, with a somewhat flat affect and a wide-based, slow, shuffling gate. The examination is otherwise normal. His Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score is 22 out of 30. No tremor is noted. A CBC, creatinine level, TSH level, vitamin B12 level and VDRL are all normal.
Which one of the following should you do next?

A. Order a brain MRI

B. Prescribe sertraline (Zoloft)

C. Prescribe carbidopa/levodopa (Sinemet)

D. Order physical therapy

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Diagnostic Investigations
Subject: Medicine
A 50-year-old male is brought to the emergency department because of a syncopal episode. Prior to the episode, he felt bad for 30 minutes, then developed nausea followed by vomiting. During a second bout of vomiting he blacked out and fell to the floor. His wife did not observe any seizure activity, and he was unconscious only for a few seconds. His history is otherwise negative, his past medical history is unremarkable, and he currently takes no medications. A physical examination is normal.
Which one of the following would be the most helpful next step?

A. CT of the head

B. Carotid ultrasonography

C. A CBC and complete metabolic profile


What is the correct answer?


Topic: Fragile X Syndrome
Subject: Medicine
You are asked to see a mentally challenged 45-yearold male from a nearby group home who has groin pain. On examination you notice that he has large ears, a prominent jaw, and large symmetric testicles.
These findings are consistent with:

A. A variant form of Down syndrome

B. Aspergers syndrome

C. Klinefelters syndrome

D. Fragile X syndrome

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Brain Death
Subject: Medicine
A 35 year old man has been on life support systems for the past 48 hours following blunt head trauma. Which of the following is the most important criterion to declare the patient brain dead and to permit removal of life support systems?

A. Bedside EEG showing no electrical activity

B. Decorticate and decerebrate posturing

C. Failure to respond to electroconvulsive stimuli

D. Glasgow coma score of 3 or less

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Alzheimer's Disease
Subject: Medicine
An 84-year-old black female is brought to your office by her daughter, who is concerned that the mother has memory problems and is neglecting to pay her monthly bills. The mother also is forgetting appointments and asks the same questions repeatedly. This problem has been steadily worsening over the last 1-2 years. The patient has very little insight into her problems, scores 24 out of a possible 30 points on the Mini-Mental State Examination, and has difficulty with short-term recall and visuospatial tasks. Her physical examination and a thorough laboratory workup are normal. A CT scan of the brain reveals diffuse atrophy. Which one of the following is the most likely etiology for the patients memory problem?

A. Alzheimers disease

B. Dementia resulting from depression

C. Lewy body dementia

D. Multi-infarct dementia

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Alzheimer's Disease
Subject: Medicine
A 62 year old woman has demonstrated increasing loss of recent memory over a 5 year period, now associated with reduced affect and nominal dysphasia. She dresses neatly and social amenities are preserved. There are no localizing motor or sensory findings.
Which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Cerebral vascular disease

B. Hydrocephalus

C. Huntington's disease

D. Alzheimer's disease

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Adverse Drug Effect
Subject: Medicine
Which one of the following is most associated with falls in older adults?

A. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

B. Atorvastatin (Lipitor)

C. Metformin (Glucophage)

D. Memantine (Namenda)

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Mini Mental Status Exam (or MMSE)
Subject: Medicine
In healthy adults, performance on the Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination is affected by which one of the following?

A. Educational attainment

B. Socioeconomic status

C. Gender

D. Race

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Amnesia
Subject: Medicine
Which of the following medications may cause amnesia as a side effect?

A. Hydroxyzine

B. Fluoxetine

C. Triazolam

D. Clonidine

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Trigeminal Neuralgia
Subject: Medicine
A man complains that recently when he shaves he has a shooting type of pain in his face. It happens once in a while and then goes away. You suspect trigeminal neuralgia.
What is the treatment of choice?

A. Fluoxetine

B. Prednisone

C. Acyclovir

D. Carbamazepine

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Seizure
Subject: Medicine
A 68-year-old man with a history of urolithiasis, suffered from a seizure attack which involved loss of consciousness with tonic and clonic muscular contractions. His tongue fell back into his throat and he choked.
Which of the following medications is contraindicated in this patient's treatment?

A. Levetiracetam

B. Phenytoin

C. Topiramate

D. Carbamazepine

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Dementia
Subject: Medicine
All of the following dementias can benefit from specific treatments, except:

A. Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH)

B. Alzheimers disease

C. Sarcoidosis

D. Creutzfeldt Jakob disease

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Peripheral Neuropathy
Subject: Medicine
A 68-year-old male presents to your department complaining of a very horrible sensation in his legs that started out 4 weeks ago as pins and needles tickling him but now has progressed and feels like being stabbed in his feet. He has started to use a walker because he feels that when he walks it feels like stepping on eggshells. The pain has not been responsive to acetaminophen and ibuprofen. The patients past medical history is significant for diabetes type II treated with metformin and glimepiride. The patient has not been very compliant with medications, especially metformin because he feels it causes him an upset stomach. His most recent HbA1C level was 9.8%. He also has hypercholesterolemia treated with lovastatin and hypertension treated with Lisinopril and amlodipine. His vital signs are temperature 37.4°C, BP is 125/70 mmHg, pulse 85/min, and respirations 15/min. The dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses are +2 bilaterally. No distal muscles weakness or atrophy is observed. Manual esthesiometer with monofilaments is used and reveals decreased sensation from the midfoot distally on both feet. There is no evidence of erythema, edema, or any wounds on either foot. He has tenderness to light touch on both feet. Labs reveal normal Vitamin B12 and thyroid function.
Which of the following would be the most appropriate treatment for this patients pain?

A. Daily metformin compliance

B. Metoclopramide

C. Pregabalin

D. Alpha lipoic acid

What is the correct answer?


Topic: Absence Seizures
Subject: Medicine
The treatment of choice for absence seizures is:

A. Lamotrigine

B. Ethosuximide

C. Phenobarbital

D. Phenytoin