Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Union is used to hold different data at different time.

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer :

A. True

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following keyword supports dynamic method resolution?

A. abstract

B. Virtual

C. Dynamic

D. Typeid

What is the correct answer?


Which escape character can be used to beep from speaker in C?

A. \a

B. \b

C. \m


What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an example of compounded assignment statement?

A. a = 5

B. a += 5

C. a = b = c

D. a = b

What is the correct answer?


Expression 4**3 evaluates to 64.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


What's wrong? while( (i < 10) && (i > 24))

A. the logical operator && cannot be used in a test condition

B. the while loop is an exit-condition loop

C. the test condition is always true

D. the test condition is always false

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
void main()
int z, a = 5, b = 3; z = a * 2 + 26 % 3;
printf("%d", z); }

A. 10

B. 0

C. 12

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Single operations involving entire arrays are permitted in C.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a valid destructor of the class name "Country"

A. int ~Country()

B. void Country()

C. int ~Country(Country obj)

D. void ~Country()

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a unconditional control structure

A. do-while

B. if-else

C. goto

D. for

What is the correct answer?


printf() is not a library function.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?

#define x 5+2
int main(){
int i;
return 0;

A. 27

B. 343

C. 233

D. Compiler Error

What is the correct answer?


void' is a datatype.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a preprocessor directive

A. #if

B. #elseif

C. #undef

D. #pragma

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a standard exception built in C++.

A. std::bad_creat

B. std::bad_alloc

C. std::bad_cast

D. std::bad_typeid

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
void main() 
char a = 'B';
switch (a)
case 'A' : printf("a");
case 'B' : printf("b");
default : printf("c");

A. B

B. b

C. bca

D. bc

What is the correct answer?


gets() and puts() are unformatted I/O functions.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Right shifting an operand 1bit is equivalent to multiplying it by 2.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


A pointer is an indication of the variable to be accessed next.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


The expression "b = 3 ^ 2;" will evaluate b = 9.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Which header file is essential for using strcmp() function?

A. string.h

B. strings.h

C. text.h

D. strcmp.h

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is not a valid reserved keyword in C++

A. Explicit

B. Public

C. Implicit

D. Private

What is the correct answer?


The output of the following code is:
int sub[50];
for(i=0; i<=48;i++)
%d", sub[i]);

A. 0 to 48 will be displayed

B. 48

C. 49

D. Compilation Error

What is the correct answer?


Operation between an integer and float always yields a float result.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Variables declared as register storage type gets stored in CPU registers.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Every if statement can be converted into an equivalent switch statement.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is not a fundamental data type in C++

A. float

B. string

C. int

D. wchar_t

What is the correct answer?


unsigned char has a range from 0 to ------------

A. 253

B. 254

C. 255

D. 256

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the most preferred way of throwing and handling exceptions?

A. Throw by value and catch by reference.

B. Throw by reference and catch by reference.

C. Throw by value and catch by value

D. Throw the pointer value and provide catch for teh pointer type.

What is the correct answer?


C is a ___ language

A. High Level and Procedural

B. Low Level and OOPS

C. Middle Level and Procedural

D. Machine Level and OOPS

What is the correct answer?


If 'str' is a string of 7 characters, the statement printf("%4s", str); will display ------characters.

A. 4

B. 7

C. 6

D. 0