Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Vinegar is an aqueous solution of

A. oxalic acid

B. citric acid

C. acetic acid

D. hydrochloric acid

Correct Answer :

C. acetic acid

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


In the making of jewels, gold is usually mixed with

A. zinc

B. tin

C. copper

D. aluminium

What is the correct answer?


The compound or nitrogen used in dry cells is

A. ammonia

B. ammonium nitrate

C. ammonium chloride

D. ammonium nitrite

What is the correct answer?


Suspended impurities in water are effectively removed by

A. adding milk of lime

B. filtering through sand

C. adding filter alum

D. chlorination

What is the correct answer?


Ozone is an allotrope of Oxygen, containing ______ atom/s of oxygen per molecule instead of two.

A. three

B. four

C. one

D. five

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a halogen?

A. Radon

B. Astatine

C. Cesium

D. Ruthenium

What is the correct answer?


Acute diabetes patients smell of

A. acetone

B. ether

C. ethyl alcohol

D. methyl alcohol

What is the correct answer?


The alloy added in the preparation of steel contains

A. Fe and C

B. Mn and C

C. Fe and Mn

D. Fe, Mn and C

What is the correct answer?


Hydrogen gas has

A. a very sweet smell

B. a very pungent smell

C. an irritating smell

D. no smell at all

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Which of the following cannot be used as fuel?

A. Gasoline

B. Kerosene

C. Sulphuric acid

D. Alcohol

What is the correct answer?


A metal which exhibits allotropy is

A. cobalt

B. tin

C. manganese

D. platinum

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Real gases tend to become ideal Under

A. low pressure and high temperature

B. low pressure and low temperature

C. high pressure and low temperature

D. high pressure and high temperature

What is the correct answer?


In the process of purification of water for town supply, the substance used to remove bad smell and colour from water is

A. charcoal

B. bleaching powder

C. chlorine

D. carbolic acid

What is the correct answer?


During fermentation, the by-product is

A. ethyl alcohol

B. methyl alcohol

C. carbon monoxide

D. carbon dioxide

What is the correct answer?


The most abundant noble gas present in air is

A. neon

B. argon

C. helium

D. krypton

What is the correct answer?


A non-material kind of pollution is

A. land pollution

B. air pollution

C. noise pollution

D. water pollution

What is the correct answer?


Gasoline is obtained from crude petroleum by

A. fractional distillation

B. fractional crystallisation

C. sublimation

D. evaporation

What is the correct answer?


Brass contains

A. copper and tin

B. aluminium and magnesium

C. copper and zinc

D. copper, tin and zinc

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is baking soda?

A. Na2CO3 . 10H2O


C. Na2CO3 . H2O


What is the correct answer?


A mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is

A. coal gas

B. producer gas

C. water gas

D. gobar gas

What is the correct answer?


The compound used in photography is

A. ammonium dichromate

B. copper Sulphate

C. magnesium Sulphate

D. sodium thiosulphate

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of potable water?

A. It must be free from suspended impurities

B. It must be free from harmful bacteria

C. It must contain traces of sodium bicarbonate

D. It must have a fishy odour

What is the correct answer?


Galvanising is the process of coating

A. iron with zinc

B. zinc with iron

C. copper with silver

D. silver with gold

What is the correct answer?


One of the ingredients of the paste on the side of a match box is

A. phosphorus pentaoxide

B. phosphorus trichloride

C. phosphorus trisulphide

D. phosphorus trioxide

What is the correct answer?


Concrete is a mixture of

A. cement an limestone

B. cement and sand

C. cement and gravel

D. cement, sand and gravel

What is the correct answer?


Compounds of nitrogen with metals are called

A. nitrates

B. nitrites

C. hyponitrates

D. nitrides

What is the correct answer?


Temporary hardness is due to the presence of

A. calcium carbonate

B. calcium bicarbonate

C. magnesium sulphate

D. calcium sulphate

What is the correct answer?


The Combined Gas Law equation is

A. P1V1T1 = P2 V2 T2

B. P1V1T2 = P2V2T1

C. P = P1 + P2 + P3

D. C =

What is the correct answer?


The Long Form of the Periodic Table is based on

A. atomic number

B. valency

C. atomic mass

D. atomic radius

What is the correct answer?


A form of carbon which is a good lubricant is

A. diamond

B. coke

C. graphite

D. charcoal

What is the correct answer?


Rusting of iron cannot be prevented by

A. painting

B. applying alkaline phosphate

C. applying soap water

D. galvanising