Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What does the assertTitle checks ?

A. Element title

B. Page title

C. Block title

D. Title of element under focus

Correct Answer :

B. Page title

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What is the correct answer?


Select the variation which locates elements by the value of their id� attribute in Web Driver Selenium

A. By.id

B. By.idno

C. By.id_no

D. By.tag_id

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Which command can be used to enter values onto text boxes?

A. sendsKeys()

B. sendKey()

C. sendKeys

D. sendKeys()

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Select the method which clears all selected entries in Web driver Selenium.

A. dselectAll()

B. deselect_All()

C. dselect_All()

D. deselectAll()

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Which component of Selenium can create customized test results.

A. Web driver

B. Selenium RC

C. Selenium IDE

D. Selenium Grid

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What does the term DOM refers to ?

A. Dynamic Object Model

B. Document Object Model

C. Data Object Model

D. Document Flow Object Model

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We use the dot (.) operator followed by either a * or a +. The + tells the regular expression that there will be instances between 0 and n, while the * tells the regular expression that there will be instances between 1 and n.

A. True

B. False

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The Selenium

A. Provides professional customer support

B. Test Reports are generated automatically

C. Comes with a built-in object repository

D. Cannot access elements outside of the web application under test

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In Selenium variables are stored in _________ .

A. storedVars

B. storedVariables

C. VariablesStore

D. All of the above

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In selenium, parent and child nodes are in same query because HTML has a tree structure.

A. True

B. False

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Which Component is used to run multiple tests simultaneously in different browsers and platforms?

A. Selenium Grid

B. Selenium IDE

C. Selenium RC

D. Selenium Webdriver

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Is Web Driver a component of the Selenium?

A. No

B. Yes

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Method which selects the option which displays the text matching the parameter passed to it

A. selectVisibleText()

B. selectByVisibleText()

C. select_VisibleText()

D. select_ByVisibleText()

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Selenium IDE stands for

A. Selenium Intialization Development Environment

B. Selenium Interrelated Development Environment

C. Selenium Integrated Development Environment

D. Selenium Information Development Environment

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How to execute specific command?

A. Highlight a command. Press Ctrl + F9.

B. Highlight a command. Press Alt + F9.

C. Highlight a command. Press Ctrl + X.

D. Highlight a command. Press X.

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Select the command that will NOT wait for a new page to load before moving onto the next command.

A. clickAndWait

B. selectAndType

C. typeAndWait

D. selectAndWait

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Which Selenium component supports All Operating System?

A. Selenium Generator

B. Selenium IDE

C. Selenium WebDriver

What is the correct answer?


What does the assertTitle checks ?

A. Element title

B. Page title

C. Block title

D. Title of element under focus

What is the correct answer?


Variable can be saved in which format?

A. ${variableName}

B. storedVars['variableName'].

C. Both of these

D. None of these

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Out of the following which can only test web applications


B. Selenium

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Selects all the parent, grandparent, and so on of the element is related to which axis name in Selenium:

A. Ancestor

B. Preceding

C. Parent

D. All of these.

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Can Unix operating system be supported by Selenium IDE?

A. No

B. Yes

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Which is a faster component between the SeleniumWeb driver and Selenium RC?

A. Selenium RC

B. Selenium Web driver

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The Web driver is used

A. To execute tests on the HtmlUnit browser.

B. To design a test using Selenese

C. To quickly create tests

D. To test a web application against Firefox only.

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Which regular expression sequence that loosely translates to anything or nothing?

A. .* (dot star)

B. *. (star dot)

C. *?

D. *+

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Select the command which is used to pause execution until the page is loaded completely.

A. waitForPageToLoad

B. waitForElementPresent

C. waitForPage

D. waitForLoad

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Select the command which is used to compare the actual page title with an expected value.

A. verifyTitle

B. verifiedTitle

C. verifyTitles

D. verifiedTitles

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Select the command which is NOT a type of assertion in Selenium IDE.

A. Assert

B. Verify

C. WaitFor

D. Wait

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Selenium is compatible with

A. CSS1.0 and CSS 2.0,

B. CSS1.0, CSS 2.0, and CSS 3.0 selectors.

C. CSS 2.0, and CSS 3.0 selectors.

D. CSS1.0, CSS 2.0, CSS 3.0 and CSS 4.0 selectors.

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Select the command which is used to check the presence of a certain element.

A. verifyTable

B. verifyTitlePresent

C. verifyTextPresent

D. verifyElementPresent

What is the correct answer?


Which is the following is true in case of waitFor command?

A. waitForAlertPresent

B. waitForTextPresent

C. waitForFramePresent

D. waitForPageToLoad