Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is 'atavism'?

A. The genes which show numerous phenolypic effects

B. Reappearance of traits after several generations

C. Effects of mutation

D. Intermediate inheritance of genes

Correct Answer :

B. Reappearance of traits after several generations

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What is the correct answer?


The eland having endorine as well as exocrine function is

A. Adrenal gland

B. Thyroid gland

C. Pituitary gland

D. Pancreatic gland

What is the correct answer?


The artificial kidney is a

A. machine

B. transplant

C. another's kidney

D. other kidney form same body

What is the correct answer?


Polyploid wheat does not normally show an increase in

A. size

B. vigour

C. length of the life cycle

D. resistance to desease

What is the correct answer?


The white blood corpuscles the body because they are popularly called soldiers of

A. march at a regular pace

B. appear uniform

C. defend the body

D. are disciplined

What is the correct answer?


Insulin is produced in the human body by the

A. Heart

B. Kidney

C. Liver

D. Pancreas

What is the correct answer?


Which element in chillies causes burning sensations?

A. Capsaicin

B. Cyanogen

C. Ammonia

D. Capsicum

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is not an essential micronutrient for plants?

A. Boron

B. Zinc

C. Sodium

D. Copper

What is the correct answer?


The spores of Puccinia formed on the leaves of wheat are called

A. Basidiospores

B. Ascidiospores

C. Uredospores

D. Pycnospores

What is the correct answer?


Valve a are present inside

A. Arteries

B. Capillaries

C. Veins

D. Lymph vessels

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Temperature treatment which shortens the vegetative period and hastens the flowering is called

A. Phototropism

B. Photoperiodism

C. Vernalisation

D. Thermoregulation

What is the correct answer?


Fusarium causes the wilting of the cotton plants by

A. clogging the vessels

B. producing toxic substance

C. causing necrosis of roots

D. killing the leaves

What is the correct answer?


The Green Revolution in India owes much to

A. MS Swaminathan

B. TS Venkataraman

C. Norman Borlaug

D. Prime Minister

What is the correct answer?


An organism eating its own species is called

A. carnivore

B. detritivore

C. cannibal

D. herbivore

What is the correct answer?


The medulla oblongata encloses the

A. optic lobe

B. optic capsule

C. second ventricle

D. fourth ventricle

What is the correct answer?


Human blood is oxygenated and purified in the

A. heart

B. lungs

C. liver

D. kidneys

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases is caused by the deficiency of iron in human body?

A. Anaemia

B. Scurvy

C. Dermatosis

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Phenylketonuria is an example of an inborn error of metabolism. Thins error refers to

A. hormonal overproduction

B. atrophy of endocrine glands

C. inherited lack of an enzyme

D. nondisjuction of chromosomes

What is the correct answer?


The corn in an underground stem that grows

A. horizontally

B. vertically

C. above the soil

D. obliquely

What is the correct answer?


Cancer cells are more easily damaged by radiation than normal cells because they are

A. different in structure

B. non-dividing

C. starved of nutrition

D. undergoing rapid division

What is the correct answer?


The part of the human brain concerned with sight is the

A. Frontal lobe

B. Parietal lobe

C. Temporal lobe

D. Occipital lobe

What is the correct answer?


The plants will stop growing if the shoot tip is cut off because

A. shoot tip produces growth hormones

B. shoot tip contains meristematic cells

C. shoot tip is the growing part

D. the plant dies

What is the correct answer?


A person with a blood group ____ is considered to be an universal donor.

A. A Positive

B. AB Positive

C. AB Negative

D. O Positive

What is the correct answer?


Fat present below the skin surface in our body acts as a barrier against

A. loss of heat from the body

B. loss of essential body fluids

C. loss of salts from the body

D. entry of harmful micro-organisms from the environment

What is the correct answer?


Memory is the responsibility of

A. cerebrum

B. cerebellum

C. medulla oblongata

D. spinal cord

What is the correct answer?


Dinosaur is a/an

A. Fish

B. Amphibian

C. Reptile

D. Bird

What is the correct answer?


Blood is

A. acidic

B. alkaline

C. neutral

D. like a buffer

What is the correct answer?


Evergreen forests are confined to

A. Equatorial region

B. Temperate region

C. Alpine region

D. Arctic region

What is the correct answer?


Who discovered the electron microscope?

A. Knoll and Ruska

B. Rudolf and Kolliker

C. Robert Hooke

D. CP Swanson

What is the correct answer?


Leafy trees help in preventing

A. Land pollution

B. Water pollution

C. Noise pollution

D. Air pollution

What is the correct answer?


The hormone secreted when one is frightened or excited

A. pituitrin

B. thyroxine

C. adrenaline

D. parathormone