Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document?

A. 1

B. 1.25

C. 1.5

D. 2

Correct Answer :

B. 1.25

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A. source

B. destination

C. original

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A. Graphics, text, styles, macros

B. Customized word command setting

C. Auto text entries

D. All of above

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Ctrl + Right Arrow is used to

A. Moves the cursor one word right

B. Moves the cursor end of the line

C. Moves the cursor end of the document

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A. Page

B. Document

C. Section

D. Page Setup

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A. Menu Bar

B. Tool Bar

C. Status Bar

D. All of the above

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A. Save tab on Options dialog box

B. Save As dialog box

C. Both of above

D. None of above

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A. Double click the tab marker and choose Clear All

B. Drag the tab stop marker out of the ruler

C. Right click the tab stop marker and choose remove

D. All of above

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A. formatting toolbar

B. page setup dialog box

C. Standard toolbar

D. paragraph dialog box

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A. Raised

B. Outlined

C. Capscript

D. Superscript

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_____ formatting is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the screen and in print.

A. Document

B. Character

C. Paragraph

D. Object

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A. Page Orientation

B. Paper Size

C. Page Layout

D. All of above

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What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options ?

A. Page Setup

B. Section

C. Page

D. Document

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To select a block of text, click at the beginning of the selection, scroll to the end of the selection, position the mouse pointer at the end of the selection, hold down the _____ key, and then click (or drag through the text).

A. ctrl

B. alt

C. shift

D. tab

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A. From insert -> sound menu option

B. From insert -> file menu option

C. From insert -> object menu option

D. None of These

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When inserting Page number in footer it appeared 1 but you wish to show How can you do that?

A. From Insert menu choose Page Number and specify necessary setting

B. From format menu choose bullets and Numbering and configure necessary setting

C. Click on Page Number Format tool and specify required setting

D. All of above

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Ctrl + S

A. Save Document with different name

B. Save Document with same name

C. Save Document and Close Word Application

D. Save Document and Print whole Pages

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Landscape is ?

A. Paper Size

B. A font style

C. Page Orientation

D. Page Layout

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To undo the last work, press …..

A. Ctrl+U

B. Ctrl+Y

C. Ctrl+Z

D. Ctrl+W

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A. 0"

B. 0.5"

C. 1"

D. 1.5"

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A. To enhance the overall appearance of the document

B. To mark the starting of a page

C. To make large document more readable

D. To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed

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Page Down Key is used to

A. Moves the cursor one line down

B. Moves the cursor one page down

C. Moves the cursor one screen down

D. Moves the cursor one paragraph down

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When you want to view different parts of a document without moving the insertion point.

A. Use the previous page or next page buttons

B. Use the keyboard

C. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars

D. Use the zoom button

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A. Go to Format menu and then Font option. Open Underline Style and choose Double Underline

B. From Format menu choose Font option and then from Font tab open Underline Style and select Double Underline

C. Select the text then choose Format >> Font and on Font tab, open Underline Style and choose Double Underline

D. Click double underline tool on formatting toolbar

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To instruct Word to stop bulleting paragraphs, do any of the following except _____.

A. press the enter key twice

B. click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar

C. press the backspace key to remove the bullet

D. click the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar

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Ctrl + V is used to

A. Paste Texts in the beginning of Document

B. Paste Images in the beginning of Document

C. Paste Tables at the middle of Document

D. None of the above

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Ctrl + G is used to

A. Open Paragraph Dialog box activating Goto Tab

B. Open Page Setup Dialog box activating Goto Tab

C. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab

D. Open Goto Dialog box

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A. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing

B. Margin that is added to right margin when printing

C. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing

D. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing

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A. Spelling suggestions

B. Synonyms and Antonyms words

C. Translate

D. None of these

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How can you break the current column?

A. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter

B. Press Alt + Enter

C. Press Ctrl + Enter

D. Press Alt + Shift + Enter