Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What meridian is the International Date Line?

A. The 180° meridian

B. The O° meridian

C. The 90° meridian

D. The 135° meridian

Correct Answer :

A. The 180° meridian

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


What is peninsula?

A. A narrow belt of land

B. A mountainous island

C. A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides

D. A range of hills

What is the correct answer?


Sidereal means

A. Pertaining or referring to the stars

B. Pertaining or referring to the moon

C. Pertaining or referring to the Sun

D. Pertaining' or referring to the cosmic bodies

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an astronomical object?

A. Pulsar

B. Brittle Star

C. Black hole

D. Quasar

What is the correct answer?


The term 'syzygy' is referred to when the

A. Earth is at prihelion and Moon at perigee

B. Earth is at aphelion and Moon at apogee

C. Moon and Sun are at right angles with reference to the Earth

D. Moon, Sun and Earth lie along a straight line

What is the correct answer?


When a year divisible by 4 and not divisible by 400 is called

A. Siderial Year

B. Solar Year

C. Cosmic Year

D. Leap Year

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Polar Auroras are

A. Quasars

B. b) Pulsar

C. Aurora Borealis

D. White Dwarfstar

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A family or system of millions and millions of stars are called ____.

A. Universe

B. Solar System

C. Galaxy

D. Asteroids

What is the correct answer?


How much time does earth take in making one rotation on its axis with respect to a fixed star at infinite distance?

A. 23 hours 56 minutes

B. 24 hours

C. 23 hours 46 minutes

D. 24 hours 4 minutes

What is the correct answer?


The length of its day and the tilt of its axis are almost identical to those of the Earth. This is true or

A. Uranus

B. Neptune

C. Saturn

D. Mars

What is the correct answer?


The axis of Mars la inclined at an angle of

A. 25°

B. 30°

C. 35°

D. 15°

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Which one of the following stars is nearest to the Earth?

A. Polaris

B. Alpha Centauri

C. Sun

D. Sirius

What is the correct answer?


What is the difference between a lake and a tank?

A. A lake is small and a tank is big

B. A lake has flowing water, a tank has still water

C. A lake is a geographical feature, a tank is not

D. Both are land-enclosed water bodies, but the latter is man-made

What is the correct answer?


The rate of rotation of the Earth on its axis is the highest on which of the following date?

A. It never changes

B. January-4

C. January-3

D. January-21

What is the correct answer?


Polar diameter of the Eearth is.

A. 17214 km

B. 12741 km

C. 12714 km

D. 17124 km

What is the correct answer?


Equatorial diameter of the Earth is __.

A. 12757 km

B. 17257 km

C. 17527 km

D. 17572 km

What is the correct answer?


The difference between day and night increases as one moves

A. From equator to poles

B. From poles to equator

C. From tropics to equator

D. From plains to mountains

What is the correct answer?


Who was the first person to describe the earth as a sphere?

A. Columbus

B. Varahmihir

C. Aryabhat

D. Copernicus

What is the correct answer?


The dark patches, associated with the Sun storms present in Sun are called

A. Sunspots

B. Pulsars

C. White Dwarfstar

D. Supernova

What is the correct answer?


What la the difference between a gulf and a bay?

A. A gulf is big and a bay is small

B. A gulf is at a rivermouth and a bay is not

C. A bay is surrounded by cliffs and a gulf by lowland

D. Both are part of the sea that extend considerably into the land, but a bay usually has a wider entrance than a gulf

What is the correct answer?


The permanent tilt of the Earth's axis and the revolution of the Earth in its orbit together cause

A. Day and night

B. Varying lengths of day and night at different times of the year

C. Differences in time between places on different meridians

D. The deflection of winds

What is the correct answer?


How many degrees north and south are the Tropics?

A. 47 degrees

B. 23.5 degrees

C. 12 degrees

D. 30 degrees

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is known as the Cold Planet?

A. Mars

B. Uranus

C. Jupiter

D. Venus

What is the correct answer?


Equatorial circumference of the Earth is

A. 40067 km

B. 50067 km

C. 4067 km

D. 5067 km

What is the correct answer?


Orion and Great Bear stand for ______.

A. star

B. planet

C. Solar System

D. Constellation

What is the correct answer?


The Jupiter's atmosphere comprises mainly of

A. Hydrogen and oxygen

B. Carbondioxide and oxygen

C. Hydrogen and hydrogen compounds

D. Nitrogen and helium

What is the correct answer?


Average density of the Earth is ( relative to water) __.

A. 5.5

B. 4.5

C. 9.5

D. 6.5

What is the correct answer?


How many planets does our Solar System consist of?

A. 9

B. 6

C. 7

D. 10

What is the correct answer?


When the Sun is vertically overhead along the Tropic of Capricorn at mid-day

A. days and nights are of equal lengths in the Northern Hemisphere

B. Nights are longer than days in the Southern Hemisphere

C. Days and nights are of equal lengths at the poles

D. Night is equal to 24 hours at the North Pole

What is the correct answer?


Distance between the Moon and the Earth is
1. Approximately 386000 km
2. 1.25 light seconds

A. Only 1

B. Only 2

C. Both land 2

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


A celestial body consisting of a gaseous cloud enveloping a bright nucleus moving around the Sun in an elliptical or parabolic orbit so eccentrically that some escapes from the Solar Systems is called

A. Comet

B. Great Bear

C. Meteores

D. Asteroides