Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What solid has no defined crystal structure except perhaps in the arrangement of the nearest neighboring atoms or ions?

A. Crystalline

B. Amorphous

C. Polycrystalline

D. Poly amorphous

Correct Answer :

B. Amorphous

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What is the correct answer?


One farad equals

A. 1 coulomb/volt

B. 1 newton/coulomb

C. 1 newton-meter

D. 1 volt/second/ampere

What is the correct answer?


__________ is a substance of whose molecules consist of the same kind of atom.

A. Mixture

B. Compound

C. Element

D. Isotope

What is the correct answer?


What principle states that each electron in an atom must have a different set of quantum numbers?

A. Inclusion principle

B. Exclusion principle

C. Quantum principle

D. Electron principle

What is the correct answer?


The quantity of magnetism retained by a magnetic material after withdrawal of the magnetizing force is called

A. Leftover magnetism

B. Hysteresis

C. Residual magnetism

D. Coercivity

What is the correct answer?


If the distance between two magnetic poles decreases by 2 timesa the force between them

A. decreases two times

B. increases four times

C. increases two times

D. decreases four times

What is the correct answer?


A permanent magnet does not exert a force on

A. an unmagnetized iron bar

B. a magnetized iron bar

C. a moving electric charge

D. a stationary electric charge

What is the correct answer?


The straight line passing through the two poles of magnet is called

A. Real axis

B. Cartesian axis

C. Magnetic axis

D. Imaginary axis

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The electric field intensity between the parallel plate air capacitor is 20 N/C. If an insulating slab of relative permittivity 5 is placed between the platesa then electric field intensity will be

A. 20 N/C

B. 100 N/C

C. 4N/C

D. 40 N/C

What is the correct answer?


A law that states that the current in a thermionic diode varies directly with the three- halves power of anode voltage and inversely with the square of the distance between the electrodesa provided operating conditions are such that the current is limited only by the space charge.

A. Hall's law

B. Joule's law

C. Child's law

D. Coulomb's law

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following materials has the least hysteresis loop area?

A. soft iron

B. silicon steel

C. hard steel

D. wrought iron

What is the correct answer?


A law stating that the magnetic susceptibilities of most paramagnetic substances are inversely proportional to their absolute temperatures.

A. Curie's Law

B. Child's Law

C. CR Law

D. Curie-Weiss Law

What is the correct answer?


The ability of a mechanically stressed ferromagnetic wire to recognize rapid switching of magnetization when subjected to a dc magnetic field.

A. Wartheim effect

B. Wiedemann effect

C. Wiegand effect

D. Edison effect

What is the correct answer?


Steel is hard to magnetize because of its

A. Low permeability

B. High permeability

C. High density

D. High retentivity

What is the correct answer?


If the magnetic material is located within a coil through which alternating current (60 Hz frequency) flowsa then __________ hysteresis loops will be formed



What is the correct answer?


The force between two magnetic poles varies with the distance between them. The variation is ______ to the square of that distance.

A. Equal

B. Greater than

C. Directly proportional

D. Inversely proportional

What is the correct answer?


Whenever a flux inking a coil or current changesa an emf is induced in it. This is known as

A. Joule's Law

B. Coulomb's Law

C. Faraday's first law of electromagnetic induction

D. Faraday's second law of electromagnetic induction

What is the correct answer?


Defined as the flux density produced in it due to its own induced magnetism

A. Magnetic field intensity

B. Electric field intensity

C. Electromagnetic field intensity

D. Intensity magnetization

What is the correct answer?


Who discovered that a current-carrying conductor would move when placed in a magnetic field?

A. Michael Faraday

B. Andre Ampere

C. Hans Christian Oersted

D. Gustav Robert Kirchhoff

What is the correct answer?


One of the common application of an air- cored choke.

A. Radio frequency

B. Audio frequency

C. Power supply

D. Power transformer

What is the correct answer?


What type of bond is formed when there exists some form of collective interactions between the (negatively charged) electrons and (positively charged) nuclei in a solid?

A. Ionic

B. Covalent

C. Metallic

D. Van der Waals

What is the correct answer?


The force between two charges placed a given distance apart ______ as the relative permittivity of the medium is increased.

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains unchanged

D. becomes infinite

What is the correct answer?


The potential at a point due to a charge is 15 V. If the distance is times, the potential at the point will be

A. 5 V

B. 18 V

C. 45 V

D. 15 V

What is the correct answer?


The lagging effect between flux density of the material and the magne

A. Permeance

B. Eddy current

C. Hysteresis

D. R eluctance

What is the correct answer?


The quantity 10^6 maxwells is equivalent to one

A. Weber

B. Gauss

C. Gilbert

D. Tesla

What is the correct answer?


Hipernik is an alloy containing __________ iron and __________ nickel.

A. 40% ; 60%

B. 60% ; 40%

C. 50% ; 50%

D. 70% ; 30%

What is the correct answer?


Ohm's law can be used only to a _____ circuit or component.

A. Unilateral

B. Exponential

C. Trivalent

D. Linear

What is the correct answer?


The net electrical charge in an isolated system remains constant. This is known as

A. Law of conservation of charge

B. Coulomb's first law

C. Coulomb's second law

D. Law of conservation of energy

What is the correct answer?


What is another name for relative permittivity?

A. Dielectric strength

B. Electric intensity

C. Potential gradient

D. Dielectric constant

What is the correct answer?


Lenz' law states that the direction of the induced emf and hence current

A. Is determined by the rate of current flux

B. Is found by the right hand rule

C. Is found by the left hand rule

D. Always opposes the cause producing it

What is the correct answer?


Two similar polesa each 1Wba placed 1 m apart in air will experience a repulsive force of

A. 63000 N

B. 63 × 10^-3 N

C. 8 × 10^12 N

D. 796 kN