Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the below SQL statement?

A. 25

B. 26

C. 25.65

D. 25.00

Correct Answer :

C. 25.65

This statement converts the value to a varchar datatype.

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B. Virtual

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A. Strings

B. Numbers

C. Both A. and B.

D. None of the above

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What is the work of UPDATE command?

A. A single or multiple rows can be accessed using this command from one or more tables of a database. Using the WHERE clause with this command is also possible.

B. Using this command, you can remove or erase recorded information from a database table.

C. Database data can be updated or changed using this command.

D. It enables you to create new databases, tables, table views, and other objects using this command.

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B. _ operator

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A. It returns the no of record of table

B. It returns the no of record of database

C. It returns the no of record of row

D. It returns the no of record of column

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A. Referential Integrity

B. Domain Integrity

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A. SQL Not Equal Operator (!=)

B. SQL Equal Operator (=)

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B. Independently

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A. Intrusion Detection System is Network-based

B. Intrusion Detection System is Host-based

C. Both A) and B)

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A. open()

B. translate()

C. transaction()

D. execute()

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A. No value in cell

B. Inappropriate Information

C. Unknown data

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SELECT INTO statement -

A. Select the content from a table.

B. Rename the content in a table.

C. Copy the content from one table into another existing table.

D. None of the above

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A. Physical Data

B. Logical Data

C. Integrity

D. Distribution

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SQL became the standard of?




D. Both B and C

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A. Optimization Engines

B. SQL Query Engines

C. Query Dispatchers

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A. Character Table Expressions

B. Character Table Evaluator

C. Common Table Evaluator

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A. CREATE statement

B. CREATE VIEW statement

C. VIEW CREATE statement

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A. Arithmetic

B. Comparison

C. Set

D. All of the above

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A. Brackets, Left

B. Brackets, Right

C. Parenthesis, Left

D. Parenthesis, Right

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A. In this SQL statement, the data or records are inserted into an existing database table. One query statement can insert multiple records simultaneously using this statement.

B. A new database will be created through this SQL statement.

C. In the database management system, this SQL statement deletes the existing database, together with all the database tables and views.

D. By executing this SQL statement, all records in the SQL database will be deleted.

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A. Data Describe Language

B. Definition Data Language

C. Data Definition Language

D. Data Distinct Language

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Which of the following statement is TRUE about DISTINCT Clause?

A. Returns only Distinct values.

B. Only on the single column, it operates.

C. It can be used with the aggregates such as COUNT, AVG, etc.

D. All of the above

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What is the difference between UNION & UNION ALL operators?

A. Combining the results of two select statements will be done using UNION whereas combined records from both queries are returned by UNION ALL operator.

B. Combining the results of two select statements will be done using UNION ALL whereas combined records from both queries are returned by UNION operator.

C. After performing the UNION operation, duplicate rows will not be removed whereas after performing the UNION ALL operation, duplicate rows will be removed.

D. None of the above

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A. The result is purged of duplicates

B. Duplicate records are not removed

C. Performs column-by-column comparisons

D. None of the above

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Select the statement which is TRUE?

A. In case a transaction is rolled back, the data allied with table variable also get rolled back.

B. In case a transaction is rolled back, the data allied with table variable does not roll back.

C. In case a transaction is not rolled back, the data allied with table variable get rolled back.

D. None of the above.

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A. A Primary Key cannot be NULL

B. A Foreign Key cannot be NULL

C. A Primary Key cannot be Duplicate

D. A Foreign Key can be Duplicate

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A. Primary

B. Unique

C. Composite

D. None of the above

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A. ntext

B. binary(n)

C. varbinary

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