Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What would be the output of the following program?
int x=40;
int x=20;

A. 40

B. 20

C. Compilation Error

D. Garbeg Value

Correct Answer :

B. 20

20 Because whenever there is a conflict between a local and a global variable, it is the local variable gets priority.

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void main() 
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int a;
int &b = a;
", b,a);

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struct stud
int roll;
char name[20];
float marks;
} *p;
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B. 2

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int main(){
int i=320;
char *ptr=(char *)&i;
return 0;

A. 1

B. 64

C. 320

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B. False

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(a == b? printf("%d", a));

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