Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When a body is subjected to a direct tensile stress (σx) in one plane accompanied by a simple shear stress (τxy), the minimum normal stress is

A. x/2) + (1/2) × √(σx² + 4 τ²xy)

B. x/2) - (1/2) × √(σx² + 4 τ²xy)

C. x/2) + (1/2) × √(σx² - 4 τ²xy)

D. (1/2) × √(σx² + 4 τ²xy)

Correct Answer :

B. (σx/2) - (1/2) × √(σx² + 4 τ²xy)

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What is the correct answer?


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A. 11/7

B. 9/7

C. 4/7

D. All of the above

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The tensile strength of the welded joint for double fillet is (where s = Leg or size of the weld, l = Length of weld, and σt = Allowable tensile stress for weld metal)

A. 0.5 s.l.σt

B. s.l.σt

C. √2 s.l.σt

D. 2.s.l.σt

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Workdone during adiabatic expansion is given by (where p1 v1, T1 = Pressure, volume and temperature for the initial condition of gas, p2, v2, T2 = Corresponding values for the final condition of gas, R = Gas constant, and γ = Ratio of specific heats)

A. (p1 v1 - p2 v2)/(γ - 1)

B. [m R (T1 - T2)] /(γ - 1)

C. [m R T1/(γ - 1)][1 - (p2 v2 /p1 v1)]

D. All of these

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A. 50 %

B. 25 %

C. 0 %

D. 15 %

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A. Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure

B. Gauge pressure = Absolute pressure + Atmospheric pressure

C. Atmospheric pressure = Absolute pressure + Gauge pressure

D. Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure - Atmospheric pressure

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A. 4 tonnes/ cm²

B. 8 tonnes/ cm²

C. 16 tonnes/ cm²

D. 22 tonnes/ cm²

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A. Pressure

B. Volume

C. Temperature

D. Density

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A. Gauge pressure = Absolute pressure + Atmospheric pressure

B. Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure

C. Absolute pressure = Gauge pressure - Atmospheric pressure

D. Atmospheric pressure = Absolute pressure + Gauge pressure

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A. Working substance

B. Design of engine

C. Size of engine

D. Temperatures of source and sink

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A. Becomes constant

B. Starts decreasing

C. Increases without any increase in load

D. None of the above

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The compression ratio for Diesel engines is

A. 3 to 6

B. 5 to 8

C. 15 to 20

D. 20 to 30

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A. Bearing stresses

B. Fatigue stresses

C. Crushing stresses

D. Resultant stresses

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A. Straight line

B. Parabolic

C. Elliptical

D. Cubic

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A. Zero

B. Minimum

C. Maximum

D. Infinity

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Carnot cycle consists of

A. Two constant volume and two isentropic processes

B. Two isothermal and two isentropic processes

C. Two constant pressure and two isentropic processes

D. One constant volume, one constant pressure and two isentropic processes

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A. Kelvin

B. Joule

C. Clausis

D. Gay-Lussac

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When a body is subjected to biaxial stress i.e. direct stresses (σx) and (σy) in two mutually perpendicular planes accompanied by a simple shear stress (τxy), then maximum normal stress is

A. x + σy)/2 + (1/2) × √[(σx - σy)² + 4 τ²xy]

B. x + σy)/2 - (1/2) × √[(σx - σy)² + 4 τ²xy]

C. x - σy)/2 + (1/2) × √[(σx + σy)² + 4 τ²xy]

D. x - σy)/2 - (1/2) × √[(σx + σy)² + 4 τ²xy]

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A. Peat

B. Lignite

C. Bituminous coal

D. Anthracite coal

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The rivets are used for __________ fastenings.

A. Permanent

B. Temporary

C. Semi-permanent

D. None of these

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When cut-off ratio is __________ the efficiency of Diesel cycle approaches to Otto cycle efficiency.

A. Zero

B. 1/5

C. 4/5

D. 1

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The total elongation produced in a bar of uniform section hanging vertically downwards due to its own weight is equal to that produced by a weight

A. Of same magnitude as that of bar and applied at the lower end

B. Half the weight of bar applied at lower end

C. Half of the square of weight of bar applied at lower end

D. One fourth of weight of bar applied at lower end

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The air standard efficiency of an Otto cycle is given by (where r = Compression ratio, and γ = Ratio of specific heats)

A. 1 - rγ - 1

B. 1 + rγ - 1

C. 1 - (1/ rγ - 1)

D. 1 + (1/ rγ - 1)

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Diesel cycle consists of __________ processes.

A. Two constant volume and two isentropic

B. Two constant pressure and two isentropic

C. Two constant volume and two isothermal

D. One constant pressure, one constant volume and two isentropic

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A. 1 : 2

B. 1 : 3

C. 1 : 4

D. 1 : 2.5

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A. Low

B. Very low

C. High

D. Very high

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Reversed Joule cycle is known as

A. Carnot cycle

B. Bell-Coleman cycle

C. Rankine cycle

D. Stirling cycle

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The energy absorbed in a body, when it is strained within the elastic limits, is known as

A. Strain energy

B. Resilience

C. Proof resilience

D. Modulus of resilience

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A continuous beam is one which is

A. Fixed at both ends

B. Fixed at one end and free at the other end

C. Supported on more than two supports

D. Extending beyond the supports

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A. Greater than

B. Less than

C. Equal to

D. None of these

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Volumetric strain for a rectangular specimen of length l, breadth b and thickness t subjected to a pull of P is given by

A. e (1 - 2m)

B. e (1 - 2/m)

C. e (m - 2)

D. e (2/m - 1)