Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When a body of mass M1 is hanging freely and another of mass M2 lying on a smooth inclined plane(α) are connected by a light index tensile string passing over a smooth pulley, the acceleration of the body of mass M1, will be given by

A. g(M1 + M2 sin α)/(M1 + M2) m/sec

B. g(M1 - M2 sin α)/(M1 + M2) m/sec²

C. g(M2 + M1 sin α)/(M1 + M2) m/sec²

D. g(M2 × M1 sin α)/(M2 - M1) m/sec²

Correct Answer :

B. g(M1 - M2 sin α)/(M1 + M2) m/sec²

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What is the correct answer?


The rate of change of displacement of a body with respect to its surrounding, is known

A. Velocity

B. Acceleration

C. Speed

D. None of these

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A satellite moves in its orbit around the earth due to

A. Gravitational force

B. Centripetal force

C. Centrifugal force

D. None of these

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A system of coplanar forces is in equilibrium when

A. Force polygon closes

B. Funicular polygon closes

C. Both force polygon and funicular polygon close

D. All the forces are concurrent

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A. 20 rad/sec

B. 15 rad/sec

C. 10 rad/sec

D. 5 rad/sec

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A. Imaginary work

B. Negative work

C. Virtual work

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A. Supports

B. Quarter span

C. Mid span

D. None of the above

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A. Howe truss

B. King post truss

C. Fink truss

D. Warren truss

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A. Proportional to A

B. Proportional to A²

C. Proportional to 1/A²

D. Independent of A

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A. Zero

B. 5 m/sec

C. 10 m/sec

D. None of these

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A. u² sin α/g

B. u² sin² α/g

C. u² sin α/2g

D. u² sin² α/2g

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A. 15 m/sec

B. 25 m/sec

C. 40 m/sec

D. 50 m/sec

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The force polygon representing a set of forces in equilibrium is a

A. Triangle

B. Open polygon

C. Closed polygon

D. Parallelogram

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A. wl/4d

B. wl²/4d

C. wl²/8d

D. wl²/16d

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A. 500 metres

B. 1000 metres

C. 1500 metres

D. 2000 metres

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A. Weight

B. Mass

C. Inertia

D. Momentum

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A. Downwards at its upper end

B. Upwards at its upper end

C. Perpendicular to the wall at its upper end

D. Zero at its upper end

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A. 2π √(l/2g)

B. 2π √(2g/l)

C. 2π √(l/g)

D. 2π √(g/2l)

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A. 437.5 cm4

B. 337.5 cm4

C. 237.5 cm4

D. 137.5 cm4

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A. 3/4

B. 4/5

C. 5/3

D. 3/5

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B. Beam only

C. Rigid frames only

D. Any type of structure

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A. Rotate about itself without moving

B. Move in any one direction

C. Move in any one direction rotating about itself

D. All the above

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A. 5 sec

B. 8 sec

C. 10 sec

D. 20 sec

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One Newton is equivalent to

A. 105 dyne

B. 106 dyne

C. 107 dyne

D. 108 dyne

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A. Virtual work

B. Imaginary work

C. Zero work

D. Negative work

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A. g/2

B. g/3

C. g/4

D. g/5

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A. 7000 km per hour

B. 8000 km per hour

C. 9000 km per hour

D. 11,000 km per hour

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A. log r

B. r


D. 1/r Where r is the distance of the particle from centre of the earth

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B. 1 rad/sec

C. 10 rad/sec

D. 100 rad/sec

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B. Floor is rough and the wall is smooth

C. Floor and wall both are smooth surfaces

D. Floor and wall both are rough surfaces

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A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5