Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When a year divisible by 4 and not divisible by 400 is called

A. Siderial Year

B. Solar Year

C. Cosmic Year

D. Leap Year

Correct Answer :

D. Leap Year

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Arrange the Inner Planets in decreasing order of their distances from the Sun.
1. Earth
2. Mercury
3. Venus
4. Mars
5. Neptune

A. 1, 4, 3, 2

B. 4, 2, 1, 3

C. 4, 1, 2, 3

D. 4, 1, 3, 2

What is the correct answer?


The atmosphere of Venus contains large quantity of

A. Carbondioxide and sulphuric acid

B. Carbondioxide and nitric acid

C. Nitrogen and sulphuric acid

D. Nitrogen and nitric acid

What is the correct answer?


What happens during the equinoxes?

A. The countries along the Equator are in darkness

B. The countries along the Equator are at their hottest

C. The countries along the Equator are at their wettest

D. The Sun shines vertically over the Equator

What is the correct answer?


The Sun experiences magnetic storms and this Interferes with the magnetic field oC the Earth and produces light which are called

A. Quasars

B. Polar Auroras

C. Meteorites

D. Pulsar

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the largest ocean?

A. Indian

B. Pacific

C. Atlantic

D. Arctic

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following stars is nearest to the Earth?

A. Polaris

B. Alpha Centauri

C. Sun

D. Sirius

What is the correct answer?


Earth revolves round the Sun In an orbit once In every __.

A. 24 hours

B. 20 hours

C. 365 % days

D. 366 days

What is the correct answer?


How much time does the earth take in completing one rotation on its axis in relation to sun?

A. 23 hours 56 minutes

B. 24 hours

C. 23 hours 46 minutes

D. 24 hours 4 minutes

What is the correct answer?


When the earth is at its maximum distance from the Sun it is said to be in

A. Perigee

B. Apogee

C. Perihelion

D. Aphelion

What is the correct answer?


Period of sunspot cycle is

A. 11 years

B. 15 years

C. 21 years

D. 33 years

What is the correct answer?


Brightest planet of our Solar System is _____.

A. Venus

B. Mercury

C. Uranus

D. Saturn

What is the correct answer?


The visible surface of the sun is known as

A. Chromosphere

B. Sunspots

C. Sun surface

D. Photosphere

What is the correct answer?


The word 'satellite' means _____.

A. wanderer

B. settlement

C. light

D. a smaller companion to anything

What is the correct answer?


Hale Bopp' is a newly discovered ____.

A. Planet

B. Meteore

C. Satellite

D. Comet

What is the correct answer?


What la the difference between a gulf and a bay?

A. A gulf is big and a bay is small

B. A gulf is at a rivermouth and a bay is not

C. A bay is surrounded by cliffs and a gulf by lowland

D. Both are part of the sea that extend considerably into the land, but a bay usually has a wider entrance than a gulf

What is the correct answer?


What is the average radius of the Earth?

A. 6071km

B. 6571km

C. 6371km

D. 6771 km

What is the correct answer?


Which planet is called 'red planet'?

A. Mars

B. Jupiter

C. Mercury

D. Venus

What is the correct answer?


What proportion of the mass of the earth does the mass of the Moon equal?

A. 1/81

B. 1/18

C. 1/27

D. 1/72

What is the correct answer?


The term 'syzygy' is referred to when the

A. Earth is at prihelion and Moon at perigee

B. Earth is at aphelion and Moon at apogee

C. Moon and Sun are at right angles with reference to the Earth

D. Moon, Sun and Earth lie along a straight line

What is the correct answer?


Rapidly rotating stars emitting intense radio waves are called ___.

A. Pulsars

B. Quasuars

C. Neutron stars

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is a narrow waterway separating two bits of land called?

A. A bay

B. A gulf

C. A strait

D. An isthmus

What is the correct answer?


Which two Planets do not have any satellites?

A. Venus and Mercury

B. Venus and Uranus

C. Venus and Neptune

D. Mercury and Uranus

What is the correct answer?


Distance between the Moon and the Earth is
1. Approximately 386000 km
2. 1.25 light seconds

A. Only 1

B. Only 2

C. Both land 2

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements prove(s) that the earth Is spherical?
The Sun rises and sets at different lines in different places.
The shadow cast by the earth on the moon during the lunar eclipse is always circular.
Pictures taken from high alti

A. Only 1

B. 2 and 3

C. I, 2 and 3

D. Only 2

What is the correct answer?


The date on which the Sun is vertical over the 'Tropic of Capricorn' is

A. December-22

B. March-21

C. June-21

D. September-23

What is the correct answer?


What is the difference between a lake and a tank?

A. A lake is small and a tank is big

B. A lake has flowing water, a tank has still water

C. A lake is a geographical feature, a tank is not

D. Both are land-enclosed water bodies, but the latter is man-made

What is the correct answer?


Which star has the largest percentage In the universe

A. Single stars

B. Binary stars

C. Multiple stars

D. Cephied stars

What is the correct answer?


The dark patches, associated with the Sun storms present in Sun are called

A. Sunspots

B. Pulsars

C. White Dwarfstar

D. Supernova

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are the Outer Planets?
1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3. Uranus
4. Neptune

A. 1 and 2

B. 1, 2and 3

C. 1, 2, 3 and 4

D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

What is the correct answer?


What is a 'synodic month'?

A. Moon's period of rotation on its axis with respect to the earth.

B. Moon's period of revolution around the earth.

C. Moon's period of revolution with respect to a star at infinity

D. Moon's period of revolution with respect to the Sun