Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When the Mach number is less than unity, the flow is called

A. Sub-sonic flow

B. Sonic flow

C. Super-sonic flow

D. Hyper-sonic flow

Correct Answer :

A. Sub-sonic flow

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What is the correct answer?


The velocity corresponding to Reynold number of 2800, is called

A. Sub-sonic velocity

B. Super-sonic velocity

C. Lower critical velocity

D. Higher critical velocity

What is the correct answer?


The discharge through a channel of rectangular section will be maximum, if

A. Its depth is twice the breadth

B. Its breadth is twice the depth

C. Its depth is thrice the breadth

D. Its breadth is thrice the depth

What is the correct answer?


A hemispherical tank of radius (R) has an orifice of cross-sectional area (a) at its bottom and is full of liquid. The time required to empty the tank completely is

A. 14π R1/2/15Cd × a √(2g)

B. 14π R3/2/15Cd × a √(2g)

C. 14π R5/2/15Cd × a √(2g)

D. 14π R7/2/15Cd × a √(2g)

What is the correct answer?


During the opening of a valve in a pipe line, the flow is

A. Steady

B. Unsteady

C. Uniform

D. Laminar

What is the correct answer?


In one dimensional flow, the flow

A. Is steady and uniform

B. Takes place in straight line

C. Takes place in curve

D. Takes place in one direction

What is the correct answer?


A fluid is said to be ideal, if it is

A. Incompressible

B. Viscous and incompressible

C. Inviscous and compressible

D. Inviscous and incompressible

What is the correct answer?


The discharge through a siphon spillway is

A. Cd × a × √(2gH)

B. Cd × a × √(2g) × H3/2

C. Cd × a × √(2g) × H2

D. Cd × a × √(2g) × H5/2

What is the correct answer?


A flow is called hyper-sonic, if the Mach number is

A. Less than unity

B. Unity

C. Between 1 and 6

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Piezometer is used to measure

A. Pressure in pipe, channels etc.

B. Atmospheric pressure

C. Very low pressures

D. Difference of pressure between two points

What is the correct answer?


The flow which neglects changes in a transverse direction is known as

A. One dimensional flow

B. Uniform flow

C. Steady flow

D. Turbulent flow

What is the correct answer?


The ratio of absolute viscosity to mass density is known as

A. Specific viscosity

B. Viscosity index

C. Kinematic viscosity

D. Coefficient of viscosity

What is the correct answer?


The error in discharge (dQ/Q) to the error in measurement of head (dH/H) over a rectangular notch is given by

A. dQ/Q = (1/2) × (dH/H)

B. dQ/Q = (3/4) × (dH/H)

C. dQ/Q = (dH/H)

D. dQ/Q = (3/2) × (dH/H)

What is the correct answer?


The units of dynamic or absolute viscosity are

A. Metres² per sec

B. kg sec/meter

C. Newton-sec per meter

D. Newton-sec² per meter

What is the correct answer?


An odd shaped body weighing 7.5 kg and occupying 0.01 m3 volume will be completely submerged in a fluid having specific gravity of

A. 1

B. 1.2

C. 0.8

D. 0.75

What is the correct answer?


Choose the wrong statement

A. The horizontal component of the hydrostatic force on any surface is equal to the normal force on the vertical projection of the surface

B. The horizontal component acts through the center of pressure for the vertical projection

C. The vertical component of the hydrostatic force on any surface is equal to the weight of the volume of the liquid above the area

D. The vertical component passes through the center of pressure of the volume

What is the correct answer?


The depth of the centre of pressure on a vertical rectangular gate 8 m wide and 6 m high, when the water surface coincides with the top of the gate, is

A. 2.4 m

B. 3.0 m

C. 4.0 m

D. 5.0 m

What is the correct answer?


The value of the coefficient of compressibility for water at ordinary pressure and temperature in kg/cm is equal to

A. 2100

B. 2700

C. 10,000

D. 21,000

What is the correct answer?


One poise is equal to

A. 0.1 N-s/m2

B. 1 N-s/m2

C. 10 N-s/m2

D. 100 N-s/m2

What is the correct answer?


When a cylindrical vessel containing liquid is resolved, the surface of the liquid takes the shape of

A. A triangle

B. A paraboloid

C. An ellipse

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Surface tension has the units of

A. Newton-sec/m

B. Newton-m/sec

C. Newton/m

D. Newton

What is the correct answer?


In a broad-crested weir, the discharge is maximum if the head of water on the downstream side of weir is __________ the head of water on the upstream side of weir.

A. Equal to

B. One-third

C. Two-third

D. Three-fourth

What is the correct answer?


True one-dimensional flow occurs when

A. The direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical

B. The velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time

C. The magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

D. The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane

What is the correct answer?


Pitot tube is used for measurement of

A. Pressure

B. Flow

C. Velocity

D. Discharge

What is the correct answer?


A piece of metal of specific gravity 7 floats in mercury of specific gravity 13.6. What fraction of its volume is under mercury?

A. 0.5

B. 0.4

C. 0.515

D. 0.5

What is the correct answer?


Mercury does not wet glass. This is due to property of liquid known as

A. Adhesion

B. Cohesion

C. Surface tension

D. Viscosity

What is the correct answer?


One stoke is equal to

A. 10-2 m2/s

B. 10-3 m2/s

C. 10-4 m2/s

D. 10-6 m2/s

What is the correct answer?


The kinematic viscosity is the

A. Ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the liquid

B. Ratio of density of the liquid to the absolute viscosity

C. Product of absolute viscosity and density of the liquid

D. Product of absolute viscosity and mass of the liquid

What is the correct answer?


Property of a fluid by which its own molecules are attracted is called

A. Adhesion

B. Cohesion

C. Viscosity

D. Compressibility

What is the correct answer?


The siphon will work satisfactorily, if the minimum pressure in the pipe is __________ vapour pressure of liquid.

A. Equal to

B. Less than

C. More than

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


When a plate is immersed in a liquid parallel to the flow, it will be subjected to a pressure __________ that if the same plate is immersed perpendicular to the flow.

A. Less than

B. More than

C. Equal to

D. None of these