Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When the pen tool has a small plus side next to it, it means you can...

A. ...edit an anchor point

B. ...create an anchor point.

C. ...delete an anchor point.

Correct Answer :

B. ...create an anchor point.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The transformation point is...

A. ... the fading in a color gradient.

B. ... the phase at which an object is rendered.

C. ... the point from which an object or shape is rotated or scaled.

What is the correct answer?


This action allows you to save the object in the library panel for future use.

A. Importing

B. Exporting

C. Convert to text

D. Convert to Symbol

What is the correct answer?


It is to create new file.

A. Ctrl + O

B. Ctrl + Q

C. Ctrl + T

D. Ctrl + N

What is the correct answer?


This is used to change an object from a circle to a square.

A. Mask

B. Shape tween

C. Motion tween

D. Morphing

What is the correct answer?


This is the shortcut key for adding a key frame.


B. .Doc File

C. .FLV File

D. .ASF File

What is the correct answer?


With a button symbol...

A. You need to have content on all four keyframes (Up, Over, Down and Hit).

B. The Over keyframe represents what the button will look like when a user clicks on it.

C. The Hit keyframe represents what the button will look like when a user clicks on it.

D. The hit area will never been seen by the end user.

What is the correct answer?


To instruct a button to stop on the first frame of another scene, called replay, you would need to call the following method

A. gotoandplay(1, replay);

B. gotoAndPlay(replay, 1);

C. gotoAndStop(replay, 1);

D. gotoAndStop(1, replay);

What is the correct answer?


What part of the menu bar allows you to hide/unhide panels?

A. View

B. Edit

C. Window

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


It allows you to insert text within your flash stage.

A. Text Box

B. Text Tool


D. Key frames

What is the correct answer?


This tool is useful when you are zoomed in and need to move around an area in your artwork.

A. Merge Tool

B. move Tool

C. Hand Tool

D. Zoom Tool

What is the correct answer?


What is the most common user error (according to Meg) in writing actionscript?

A. forgetting to name your instances

B. misspelling an instance name or variable

C. forgetting a { or }

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


This is the shortcut key for adding a keyframe.

A. Erase Objects

B. Erase Only Shapes

C. Erase Selected Fills

D. Erase Normal

What is the correct answer?


This is, by far, the most tedious way to create animations.

A. Shape Tween

B. Motion Tween

C. Mask

D. Frame-by-Frame

What is the correct answer?


This area is much like a theatre stage. The white area displays what will be shown on the screen This area is much like a theatre stage. The white area displays what will be shown on the screen

A. Dashboard

B. Flash Stage

C. Tools Palette

D. Layers Panel

What is the correct answer?


________________ allow you to make objects move in a more random or non-straight path.

A. Mask

B. Shape tween

C. Guided layer

D. Gravity effect

What is the correct answer?


A key frame that contains objects will be represented by a ___________ circle.

A. hollow

B. black

C. blue

D. gray

What is the correct answer?


Use this to make a symbol disappear from view (great for changing pictures). You would use motion tween for this method. You have to change the alpha� setting of the symbol. Alpha represents transparency.

A. Zoom

B. Masking

C. Fade Effect

D. Morphing

What is the correct answer?


If you want to have a loop animation nested with in a symbol that you can tween on the main stage, you would

A. make a graphic symbol, then edit its timeline to animate a movie clip with shape tweens. Then on the main stage, you could motion tween the graphic symbol.

B. make a movie clip symbol, then edit its timeline to animate a movie clip with motion tweens. Then on the main stage, you could motion tween the movie clip symbol.

C. make a shape symbol, then edit its timeline to animate a graphic with shape tweens. Then on the main stage, you could motion tween the shape symbol.

D. make a movie clip symbol, then edit its timeline to animate a shape clip with shape tweens. Then on the main stage, you could motion tween the movie clip symbol.

What is the correct answer?


This area in Flash is similar to the clipboard in Microsoft Office applications.

A. Merge Drawing

B. Flash Tool

C. Oval Tool

D. Object Drawing

What is the correct answer?


You can change a solid color into a gradient in the....

A. ... color menu.

B. ... swatches menu.

C. ...properties inspector.

D. ... all of the above.

What is the correct answer?


These are objects that have been converted so that you can use the same image a number of times in a movie. You can also use this to do fade effects, rotation effects, and flip effects.

A. layer

B. symbols

C. clip art

D. tween

What is the correct answer?


To make an object transparent, the ______ should be set in the Property Inspector panel.

A. Alpha Value Settings

B. Transparency Settings

C. Color Settings

D. Object Settings

What is the correct answer?


This panel indicates what settings are being used for objects and allows you to change those settings.

A. Tools

B. Actions

C. Frames

D. Properties

What is the correct answer?


If you want a button to not be visible to the user but still listen for events, you would need to...

A. set the property .alpha = 0

B. set the property .visible = true

C. set the property .alpha = 1;

D. set the property .visible = false;

What is the correct answer?


This is like a comic strip that shows the important parts of a story.

A. Timeline

B. Photo Story

C. Comic book

D. Storyboard

What is the correct answer?


What does not qualify as a symbol?

A. graphic

B. bitmap

C. button

D. movie clip

What is the correct answer?


A powerful tool in flash that allows you to have greater control when creating lines.

A. Powerline

B. Line Tool

C. Powertool

D. Pen Tool

What is the correct answer?


functions need to be bracketed by....

A. [...]

B. (...)

C. {...}

D. :...; (Your Answer)

What is the correct answer?


Which option represents the correct syntax for writing an event listener for a movie clip called sandbox_mc

A. sandbox_mc.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, buildCastle);

B. sandbox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, buildCastle);

C. sandbox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buildCastle);

D. sandBox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, buildCastle);

What is the correct answer?


This tool allows you to modify the gradient in three ways.

A. Merge Drawing

B. Flash Tool

C. Gradient Transform Tool

D. Object Drawing