Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When the velocity of a body is halved

A. its momentum is halved

B. its kinetic energy is halved

C. its acceleration is halved

D. its potential energy is halved

Correct Answer :

A. its momentum is halved

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


When the earth reaches its perihelion

A. it is nearest to the moon

B. it is nearest to the sun

C. it is nearest to Pluto

D. it is farthest from the sun

What is the correct answer?


A radio set that uses valves does not start operating immediately when it is switched on whereas a set containing only tranaistors operates immediately. The reason for this is that

A. the valve filaments have low resistance

B. valve-radio sets work at a higher voltage

C. transistor set has a low resistance

D. filaments of the valves cake time to beat up and function

What is the correct answer?


The method used to separate aluminium from a alumina is

A. electroplating

B. electrotyping

C. electrolysis

D. distillation

What is the correct answer?


The difference between planets and stars is

A. planets do not have light of their own whereas stars shine by their own light

B. planets do not twinkle like stars

C. planets are much smaller than stars

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Of the following which has got the highest frequency?

A. ultraviolet rays

B. gamma rays

C. radio waves

D. infrared waves

What is the correct answer?


Photocells are used

A. in burglar alarms

B. in automotive devices for light switches

C. television cameras

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs is not correct?

A. Television - Baird

B. Transistor ~ Shockley

C. Thermometer - Celsius

D. Barometer Torricelli

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs is not correct?

A. Television - Baird

B. Transistor ~ Shockley

C. Thermometer - Celsius

D. Barometer Torricelli

What is the correct answer?


The largest reserve of radioactive element which can be used in a nuclear reactor has been found in India, The name of the element is

A. Thorium

B. Uranium

C. Plutonium

D. Radium

What is the correct answer?


Diamond shines because of its

A. purity

B. hardness

C. high density

D. high refractive index and low critical angle

What is the correct answer?


A spherical mirror is

A. a reflecting elliptical portion

B. a reflecting spherical surface

C. a parabolic reflecting surface

D. a flat reflecting surface

What is the correct answer?


When two similar sources vibrate with slightly different frequencies, a regular rise and fall occurs in the loudness of tone. This phenomenon Is known as

A. doppler effect

B. beats

C. resonance

D. echo

What is the correct answer?


The difference between planets and stars is

A. planets do not have light of their own whereas stars shine by their own light

B. planets do not twinkle like stars

C. planets are much smaller than stars

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The spectrum of white light can be studied by

A. a microscope

B. a telescope

C. a stereoscope

D. a spectroscope

What is the correct answer?


Changing of one element into another element is known as

A. transmutation

B. fission

C. fusion

D. radioactivity

What is the correct answer?


When white light passes through a glass prism we get a spectrum on the other side of the prism. In the emergent beam the ray which is deviated least is

A. the violet ray

B. the red ray

C. the green ray

D. the blue ray

What is the correct answer?


In very cold countries alcohol is used as a thermometric liquid because

A. alcohol is a poor conductor of heat

B. alcohol can be coloured for its level to be seen easily

C. its freezing point is very low

D. it will not stick to the glass tube

What is the correct answer?


A man Jumping out of a moving train is thrown

A. forward

B. backward

C. sideways

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The asteroids belt lies between the orbits of

A. Earth and Mars

B. Venus and Earth

C. Mars and Jupiter

D. Moon and Mars

What is the correct answer?


We always see only one side of the moon because

A. the sun comes in between the earth and moon

B. the moon is stationary

C. the time taken by the moon to rotate on its axis is the same as the time taken by it to revolve round the earth

D. moon revolves round the sun

What is the correct answer?


The overhead wires supported by high towers in the grid system carry

A. alternating current of very high frequency

B. alternating current of very high voltage

C. a very large direct current

D. a high voltage direct current

What is the correct answer?


If an empty cylinder Is half ruled with a liquid, Its centre of gravity is

A. shifted upwards

B. shifted downwards

C. shifted neither upward nor downward

D. shifted upward or downward depending on the density of the liquid

What is the correct answer?


In experiments on static electricity the standard method for obtaining small amounts of positive electricity is to rub

A. a glass rod with flannel

B. an abonite rod with flannel

C. a glass rod with silk

D. Any of the above

What is the correct answer?


One can be recognised by his voice alone due to the factor of

A. quality

B. amplitude

C. pitch

D. loudness

What is the correct answer?


A proton is

A. a quantum of light energy

B. a quantum of matter

C. a positively charged atomic particle

D. another name for positron

What is the correct answer?


In the electrical circuit of a house the fuse acts as

A. a thermopile

B. a load

C. a step down device

D. a safety device

What is the correct answer?



A. look like falling stars

B. are really pieces of rock or metal

C. burn up as they shoot through the air

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Why is nuclear fusion also known as thermonuclear reaction?

A. Fusion converts nuclear energy into heat

B. Fusion demands conditions of extremely high temperature to produce it

C. Fusion produces large amount of heat

D. Fusion reactions takes place in the sun

What is the correct answer?


The planet that spins Caster than any other planet is

A. Saturn

B. Jupiter

C. Earth

D. Mercury

What is the correct answer?


The phenomenon of spontaneous disintegration of certain heavy nuclei is termed

A. radioactivity

B. fission

C. fusion

D. implosion