Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


When was Adam Smiths major work An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations published?

A. 1756

B. 1777

C. 1776

D. 1801

Correct Answer :

C. 1776

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What is the correct answer?


In case the two commodities are complements, cross elasticity will be:

A. Positive

B. Unitary

C. Negative

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


The effect of consumer boycotts usually is:

A. A rise in the price of the product

B. A decrease in the demand for the product

C. A decrease in the supply of the product

D. An increase in the quantity supplied of the product

What is the correct answer?


According to Smith, by value we mean the value with respect to use, and the price we mean the value with respect to:

A. Production

B. Consumption

C. Exchange

D. Formation

What is the correct answer?


Supply of a commodity refers to:

A. Total stock of a commodity in the market

B. Total production of a commodity during the year

C. Total production plus total stock of a commodity

D. Amount of commodity offered for sale at some price at a particular place and time

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following oligopoly models is concerned with the maximization of joint profits?

A. Price leadership model

B. Bertrands model

C. Collusive model

D. Edgeworths model

What is the correct answer?


The long run total cost is attained by:





What is the correct answer?


In a socialist (communist) economy the invisible hand:

A. Guides most resource allocation decisions

B. Operates effectively only in the labor market

C. Operates effectively only in the market for capital

D. Is prevented from operating effectively

What is the correct answer?


If the demand for good is less elastic and government levied a tax per unit of output, the price per unit for the firm would:

A. Rise by the amount of the tax

B. Rise by more than the amount of the tax

C. Rise by less than the amount of the tax

D. Remain the same

What is the correct answer?


The equilibrium conditions, MC = MR = AR = AC, will happen:

A. In the short-run under perfect competition

B. In the long-run under perfect competition

C. In the short-run under monopolistic competition

D. In the long-run under monopolistic competition

What is the correct answer?


Under which of the following forms of the market structure does a firm have no control over the price of its product?

A. Monopoly

B. Monopolistic competition

C. Oligopoly

D. Perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist is able to maximize his profit when:

A. His output is maximum

B. He charges a high price

C. His average cost is minimum

D. His marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost

What is the correct answer?


Law of variable proportions is based on the assumption of:

A. Short period of time

B. Long period of time

C. Timeless production relationship

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Each SAC represents a particular level of:

A. Input

B. Output

C. Both of them

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


External economies are witnessed in:

A. A rising supply curve

B. A rising demand curve

C. A falling supply curve

D. A falling demand curve

What is the correct answer?


The main contribution of David Ricardo is in the field of:

A. Wages of labor

B. Factor pricing

C. Theory of rent

D. Determination of the rate of interest

What is the correct answer?


Whenever a group of monopolistic competitors attains equilibrium, the firms in this group usually:

A. Charge different prices, but produce identical outputs

B. Produce different outputs, but charge identical prices

C. Charge different prices, and produce different outputs

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If there are many producers, each of whom has an individual production possibility curve, then the lowest marginal cost producer of good X is the producer:

A. Who must sacrifice fewer units of every other goods than any other producer

B. Who can produce more X per hour than any other producer

C. Who must sacrifice more units of every other goods than any other producer

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The supply curve for the short-run competitive firm is the same as:

A. Marginal cost curve

B. Average variable cost curve

C. That part of the marginal cost curve which equals or is greater than AVC

D. Average total cost curve

What is the correct answer?


When the income of consumer increases then budget line will:

A. Get steeper

B. Shift parallel to right

C. To get flatter

D. To shift upward

What is the correct answer?


As the price of diamond is higher, so it has:

A. Higher marginal valuation for consumer

B. Lower marginal cost for producer

C. Higher marginal cost for producer

D. Both (a) and (c)

What is the correct answer?


Stable cobweb model is a:

A. Simple model

B. Dynamic model

C. Both of them

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


Variable costs refer to:

A. Capital cost plus operating costs

B. Capital costs alone

C. Capital costs plus spill-over costs

D. Operating costs alone

What is the correct answer?


Supply of commodity is a:

A. A stock concept

B. A flow concept

C. Both stock and flow

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The study of economic theory for the sake of certain objective is called:

A. Positive Economics

B. Normative Economics

C. Micro Economics

D. Development Economics

What is the correct answer?


In case of economic bads, an IC can be :

A. Sloping downward

B. Sloping upward

C. Positively sloped

D. Negatively sloped

What is the correct answer?


To calculate the elasticity of demand, which of the following formula is used?:

A. Percentage change in demand Original demand

B. Proportionate change in demand Proportionate change in price

C. Change in demand Change in price

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


According to Chamberlin, the activity of a monopolistic competitive firm:

A. Get noticed by the rival firms

B. Get unnoticed by the rival firms

C. Get noticed by the employees of the rival firms

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The relationship between AC and MC curves depend upon the behavior of:

A. AP curves

B. MP curves

C. Both of them

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


Income-elasticity of demand is expressed as:

A. % change in quantity demanded % change in income

B. % change in income % change in quantity demanded

C. Change in income Change in quantity demanded

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Under monopolistic competition, in long-run there is:

A. Ban on exit

B. Ban on entry

C. Free entry

D. Free entry and exit