Current Affairs January 2024


Select the most appropriate set of words from the given choices to fill in the blanks.

What is the correct answer?


When you want to digitalise a city __________ with millions, you dont bet __________ the odds.

A. proceeding, into

B. teeming, against

C. undergoing, adhere

D. dangling, for

Correct Answer :

B. teeming, against

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


My friend and I decided to watch a play, however ______enjoyed it.

A. hardly of us

B. some few of us

C. we scarcely only

D. neither of us

What is the correct answer?


His remarks were filled with _____ , which sounded lofty but presented nothing new to the audience.

A. aphorisms

B. platitudes

C. bombast

D. adages

What is the correct answer?


This is about ___________ a sociological analysis can penetrate.

A. as far as

B. the outer limit that

C. just how far into the subject

D. just the relative distance that

What is the correct answer?


After a recent mild paralytic attack his movements are_____ restricted otherwise he is still very active.

A. entirely

B. slightly

C. nowhere

D. frequently

What is the correct answer?


A child is the future of a family _________ nation.

A. just as

B. as a

C. like a

D. as well as of a

What is the correct answer?


Growth under this government has been ________ high and remarkably ________ even during the worst global economic crisis.

A. Impededly, flippant

B. Relatively, intractable

C. Obstructedly, rigid

D. Sustainedly, resilient

What is the correct answer?


Brands __________ decision-simplicity strategies make full use of available information to __________ where consumers are on the path of decisions making and direct them to the best market offers.

A. diluting, divulge

B. tempting, maintain

C. imputing, overdrive

D. pursuing, assess

What is the correct answer?


There is no ______ evidence to support your assertion.

A. facile

B. fictitious

C. facetious

D. factual

What is the correct answer?


Take this medicine regularly and you will get rid __________ this disease.

A. at

B. from

C. of

D. over

What is the correct answer?


The organization takes its cue from the person on the top. I always told our business leaders their personal ___________ determined their organizations ___________.

A. serendipity, faux pas

B. predilection, despair

C. intensity, success

D. oddity, conformity

What is the correct answer?


A man reportedly .......... two passports with the same photograph, but under different names was arrested by the
commissioners Task Force. (1) possessing (2) examining (3) surrendering (4) mastering (5) holding (6) fixating

A. (2) and (3)

B. (3) and (6)

C. (1) and (5)

D. (1) and (4)

What is the correct answer?


His most striking _____ is the enthusiasm which he brings to everything he does.

A. factor

B. attitude

C. characteristic

D. character

What is the correct answer?


The students _________ not reach on time _________ of the transport strike.

A. can, as

B. could, because

C. may, account

D. will, despite

What is the correct answer?


I. He was good with Mathematics so he could not fathorn why other people cribbed about such an .......... subject.
II. In a world so riddled with greed and corruption where every man seems to be out to get another, it is not very .......... to trust others.

A. good

B. exciting

C. wise

D. easy

What is the correct answer?


The teacher_____the boys comic which he was reading during the Mathematics period.

A. possessed

B. procured

C. abandoned

D. seized

What is the correct answer?


It is not fair to cast___on honest and innocent persons.

A. aspirations

B. aspersions

C. inspiration

D. adulation

What is the correct answer?


The law prohibits a person from felling a sandalwood tree, even if it grows on ones own land, without prior permission from the government. As poor people cannot deal with the government this legal provision leads to a rip-roaring business for ___________, who care neither for the ___________ , nor for the trees

A. middlemen, rich

B. the government, poor

C. touts, rich

D. touts, poor

What is the correct answer?


Skeptics would not ___________ that the earth actually moves, let alone that it ___________ around the sun.

A. permit, orbits

B. accept, revolves

C. experience, circles

D. assume, went

What is the correct answer?


Traffic problems in Bombay are as serious as in any other city in India and they are complicated by digging of roads by the corporation on this or that ____.

A. aspect

B. pretext

C. intention

D. instance

What is the correct answer?


Sheila gained an advantage __________ me.

A. upon

B. from

C. on

D. over

What is the correct answer?


They ________ their seats away from the curved wall panels to give themselves more space as the flight attendant brought drinks from the gallery, which was ________ with familys favorite snacks and beverages.

A. Swiveled, stocked

B. Hinged, lacquered

C. Pended, embellished

D. Retracted, thronged

What is the correct answer?


Rajeev was upset because he _____________ forgotten his best friends birthday?

A. have

B. shall

C. will

D. had

What is the correct answer?


Every one will admit that swindling ones fellow beings is a necessary practice; upon it, is based really sound commercial success ___________.

A. sell what you cannot buy back

B. buy what you will sell to another at a higher price

C. buy cheap and sell dear

D. sell what you can, do not buy from a competitor

What is the correct answer?


By the middle of the 19th Century, the urban population of England _________ the rural population.

A. have exceed

B. exceeded

C. was to exceeds

D. exceeds

What is the correct answer?


The window of our room ____ he rear.

A. overlooks

B. opens

C. opposes

D. adjoins

What is the correct answer?


Satyajitrays films ________ all barriers of caste, creed and religion. They are universal.

A. transcend

B. transcends

C. trancend

D. transend

What is the correct answer?


Shanku was born_____ a silver spoon in his mouth and was very proud of his wealth.

A. with

B. along

C. on

D. within

What is the correct answer?


The bus __________ fifty passengers fell __________ the river.

A. with; into

B. for; upon

C. over; on

D. of; at

What is the correct answer?


My India by Corbett deals ______ the authors familiarity with and love of India.

A. in

B. of

C. at

D. with

What is the correct answer?


The genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda, apart from being mis-described in the most sinister and _________ manner as 'ethnic cleansing', were also blamed, in further hand-washing rhetoric, on something dark and interior to __________ and perpetrators alike.

A. innovative, communicator

B. enchanting, leaders

C. disingenuous, victims

D. exigent, exploiters