Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which Latin tense is used to express actions that will happen in the future?

A. Present

B. Imperfect

C. Future

D. Perfect

Correct Answer :

C. Future

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What is the correct answer?


Which Latin term is used for a statement that is accepted as true without proof?

A. Axiom

B. Paradox

C. Syllogism

D. Conundrum

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Which Roman poet is known for his erotic poetry and love elegies, including Amores?

A. Ovid

B. Virgil

C. Horace

D. Catullus

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Which Roman author is known for his collection of essays known as Moral Essays and Letters to Lucilius?

A. Cicero

B. Seneca

C. Marcus Aurelius

D. Epictetus

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Which Latin poet is known for his epic poem Metamorphoses, a narrative of transformations in Greco-Roman mythology?

A. Virgil

B. Ovid

C. Horace

D. Catullus

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In Latin, what does the word per typically mean?

A. With

B. Through

C. Against

D. In

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What does the Latin phrase Tempus Fugit mean in English?

A. Time flies

B. Time heals all wounds

C. Time is of the essence

D. Time is money

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What does the Latin term Sic Transit Gloria Mundi mean in English?

A. Thus passes the glory of the world

B. The end justifies the means

C. In the beginning

D. Through adversity to the stars

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What is the meaning of the Latin term In loco parentis?

A. In the place of a parent

B. In the absence of a parent

C. In the love of a parent

D. In the name of a parent

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What does the Latin term Alea Iacta Est mean in English?

A. The die is cast

B. The die is rolled

C. The die is won

D. The die is lost

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Semper Fidelis?

A. Always faithful

B. Always brave

C. Always strong

D. Always wise

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What is the superlative form of the Latin adjective bonus meaning good?

A. Optimus

B. Pessimus

C. Melior

D. Malus

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Which Roman poet is known for his satirical works, including Satires and Epodes?

A. Horace

B. Ovid

C. Catullus

D. Juvenal

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What is the meaning of the Latin phrase Tabula Rasa?

A. Blank slate

B. Clean slate

C. White table

D. Clear board

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Which Roman philosopher and statesman was known for his letters on various topics, collected as Letters to Lucilius?

A. Cicero

B. Seneca

C. Marcus Aurelius

D. Epictetus

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Which Roman author is known for his philosophical work On the Nature of Things (De Rerum Natura)?

A. Cicero

B. Seneca

C. Lucretius

D. Marcus Aurelius

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What is the plural form of the Latin word opus meaning work or task?

A. Opuses

B. Opera

C. Opia

D. Operi

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What is the meaning of the Latin phrase Veni, Vidi, Emi?

A. I came, I saw, I bought

B. I came, I saw, I conquered

C. I came, I saw, I loved

D. I came, I saw, I ate

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Which Latin phrase means after the fact?

A. Post hoc

B. Pro bono

C. Ex post facto

D. In vino veritas

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Which Roman poet is known for his fables, including The Tortoise and the Hare?

A. Ovid

B. Virgil

C. Aesop

D. Horace

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What does the Latin term Ceteris Paribus mean in English?

A. All other things being equal

B. With great power comes great responsibility

C. To infinity and beyond

D. Every cloud has a silver lining

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Which Latin term is used for a logical fallacy where one diverts the argument by introducing an irrelevant topic?

A. Red Herring

B. Straw Man

C. Non Sequitur

D. Ad Hominem

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What case in Latin is used to indicate the direct object of a verb?

A. Nominative

B. Genitive

C. Accusative

D. Dative

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Which Latin phrase means by the fact itself?

A. Ipso Facto

B. Ex post facto

C. Ad hoc

D. Quid pro quo

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What does the Latin term Deus ex machina mean in literary context?

A. A contrived or improbable solution to a plot problem

B. God from the machine

C. Through adversity to the stars

D. Divine intervention

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Vox Nihili?

A. Voice of nothing

B. Voice of the people

C. Voice of the gods

D. Voice of wisdom

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Pro Bono?

A. For the public good

B. For the greater good

C. For the benefit of one

D. For the good of all

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What is the meaning of the Latin phrase E Pluribus Unum?

A. Out of many, one

B. In God we trust

C. Liberty or death

D. United we stand

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What is the meaning of the Latin term Quid Pro Quo?

A. Something for something

B. This for that

C. Something for nothing

D. All for one

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What is the meaning of the Latin phrase Carpe Diem?

A. Seize the day

B. Love conquers all

C. In the name of the Father

D. Live and let live

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Which Roman author is known for his collection of moral essays known as Moral Epistles?

A. Cicero

B. Seneca

C. Marcus Aurelius

D. Epictetus