Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which novel by Charlotte Bront� follows the life of the orphaned protagonist Jane Eyre?

A. Wuthering Heights

B. Villette

C. Jane Eyre

D. Agnes Grey

Correct Answer :

C. Jane Eyre

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What is the correct answer?


Which American author is known for his works set in the American South, including As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury?

A. William Faulkner

B. Tennessee Williams

C. Harper Lee

D. Eudora Welty

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote the play A Doll's House, which addresses issues of gender roles and societal expectations?

A. Henrik Ibsen

B. August Strindberg

C. Anton Chekhov

D. Eugene O'Neill

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Who is the author of Beloved, a novel about the horrors of slavery and its aftermath in America?

A. Toni Morrison

B. Maya Angelou

C. Alice Walker

D. Zora Neale Hurston

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Which American poet is known for her reclusive lifestyle and unique use of dashes in her poetry?

A. Emily Dickinson

B. Sylvia Plath

C. Anne Sexton

D. Adrienne Rich

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Which poet is known for writing Leaves of Grass, a collection of poems celebrating individualism and the human spirit?

A. Emily Dickinson

B. Walt Whitman

C. Langston Hughes

D. Robert Frost

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In George Orwell's essay Shooting an Elephant, what does the elephant represent symbolically?

A. Imperialism

B. Freedom

C. Democracy

D. Enlightenment

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Who wrote the novel To the Lighthouse, known for its exploration of consciousness and stream-of-consciousness narrative style?

A. Virginia Woolf

B. D.H. Lawrence

C. E.M. Forster

D. James Joyce

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What is the title of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, set in the fictional town of Macondo and known for its magical realist elements?

A. One Hundred Years of Solitude

B. Love in the Time of Cholera

C. Chronicle of a Death Foretold

D. The Autumn of the Patriarch

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Who wrote the epic poem Paradise Lost?

A. John Bunyan

B. John Donne

C. John Milton

D. Jonathan Swift

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Who is the author of the novel Fahrenheit 451, which explores themes of censorship and intellectual freedom in a dystopian society?

A. Ray Bradbury

B. Aldous Huxley

C. George Orwell

D. Philip K. Dick

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What is the title of the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald that explores the excesses and moral decay of the Jazz Age?

A. Tender Is the Night

B. This Side of Paradise

C. The Beautiful and Damned

D. The Great Gatsby

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Who is the author of the novel The Grapes of Wrath, which portrays the struggles of the Joad family during the Great Depression?

A. John Steinbeck

B. Ernest Hemingway

C. F. Scott Fitzgerald

D. William Faulkner

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Which American playwright wrote Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and The Zoo Story?

A. Edward Albee

B. Arthur Miller

C. Lorraine Hansberry

D. Tennessee Williams

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Who wrote the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, which addresses issues of racial injustice in the American South?

A. Harper Lee

B. Truman Capote

C. John Steinbeck

D. Toni Morrison

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Which play by Arthur Miller is an allegory for McCarthyism and the Red Scare in America during the 1950s?

A. The Glass Menagerie

B. Death of a Salesman

C. The Crucible

D. A Streetcar Named Desire

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Who wrote the play Long Day's Journey into Night, a semi-autobiographical work centered on a dysfunctional family?

A. Eugene O'Neill

B. Arthur Miller

C. Tennessee Williams

D. August Wilson

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What is the title of the novel by Ernest Hemingway set during the Spanish Civil War, known for its minimalist style?

A. For Whom the Bell Tolls

B. The Sun Also Rises

C. A Farewell to Arms

D. The Old Man and the Sea

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Who wrote the poem The Road Not Taken, which includes the famous lines Two roads diverged in a wood, and I / I took the one less traveled by?

A. Robert Frost

B. Langston Hughes

C. Emily Dickinson

D. Walt Whitman

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Who is the author of the novel Mrs. Dalloway, known for its use of stream of consciousness to delve into the inner lives of characters?

A. Virginia Woolf

B. James Joyce

C. E.M. Forster

D. F. Scott Fitzgerald

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In George Orwell's novella Animal Farm, which animal represents the bourgeoisie and ruling class?

A. Pigs

B. Horses

C. Dogs

D. Sheep

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Which American author is known for his works set in the American South, including As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury?

A. William Faulkner

B. Tennessee Williams

C. Harper Lee

D. Eudora Welty

What is the correct answer?


What is the title of the novel by Zora Neale Hurston, centered around the character Janie Crawford's journey to self-discovery in the American South?

A. Their Eyes Were Watching God

B. Beloved

C. Song of Solomon

D. The Bluest Eye

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Which Russian playwright wrote The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, and The Cherry Orchard?

A. Anton Chekhov

B. Leo Tolstoy

C. Fyodor Dostoevsky

D. Maxim Gorky

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Who is the author of Their Eyes Were Watching God, a novel exploring the journey to self-discovery of the protagonist Janie Crawford?

A. Zora Neale Hurston

B. Toni Morrison

C. Maya Angelou

D. Alice Walker

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Which American author wrote The Sun Also Rises, a novel that explores the experiences of the Lost Generation after World War I?

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. F. Scott Fitzgerald

C. John Steinbeck

D. Sinclair Lewis

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Who wrote the poem Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, which includes the refrain Rage, rage against the dying of the light?

A. W.B. Yeats

B. Dylan Thomas

C. John Keats

D. William Wordsworth

What is the correct answer?


Which American author wrote The Sun Also Rises, a novel that explores the experiences of the Lost Generation after World War I?

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. F. Scott Fitzgerald

C. John Steinbeck

D. Sinclair Lewis

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Who wrote the play The Importance of Being Earnest, known for its wit and satire of Victorian society?

A. Oscar Wilde

B. George Bernard Shaw

C. Samuel Beckett

D. Anton Chekhov

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In J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, what is the name of the powerful ring that is the central focus of the story?

A. The One Ring

B. The Ring of Power

C. The Ring of Sauron

D. The Precious

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In Shakespeare's play Hamlet, which character famously utters the soliloquy beginning with To be, or not to be?

A. Hamlet

B. Ophelia

C. Claudius

D. Polonius