Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are the activities of the function- oriented design.

A. Data- flow design

B. Structural decomposition

C. Detailed design description

D. All the above

Correct Answer :

D. All the above

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What is the correct answer?


Identify the correct statement: Software engineers shall

A. ensure that their products only meet the SRS.

B. act consistently with the public interest.

C. act in a manner that is in the best interests of his expertise and favour.

D. none

What is the correct answer?


Efficiency in a software product does not include ________

A. licensing

B. responsiveness

C. processing time

D. memory utilization

What is the correct answer?


Design phase will usually be?

A. bottom-up

B. random

C. top-down

D. center fingring

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are the activities of the function- oriented design.

A. Data- flow design

B. Structural decomposition

C. Detailed design description

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not the stages in software design problem?

A. Study and understand the problem

B. Identify gross features of at least one possible solution.

C. Describe each abstraction used in the solution

D. Maintenance

What is the correct answer?


_____ is the most widely used single measure of information technology success

A. User satisfaction

B. Job satisfaction

C. Business success

D. Profit making

What is the correct answer?


The economic success of an application is measured in terms of metrics such as _____.

A. Profit maximization

B. Cost reduction

C. Customer satisfaction

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The Linear sequential model of software development is_____

A. An Old Fashioned model that cannot be used in a modern context

B. A good approach when a working program is required quickly

C. A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly.

D. A reasonable approach when requirement are well defined.

What is the correct answer?


State True or False.
1. People are at the core of problem solving because business problems are solved by people for people.
2. The structure of the group and its efficiency of communications, style of management, and cohesiveness are critical factors in the effectiveness of the team.

A. 1-True, 2-True

B. 1-True, 2-False

C. 1-False, 2-True

D. 1-False, 2-False

What is the correct answer?


A good specification should be?

A. distinctly specific

B. unambiguous

C. all of these

D. functional

What is the correct answer?


Data structure suitable for an application discussed in?

A. interface design

B. data design

C. procedural design

D. architectural design

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not the part of system requirements?

A. Availability

B. Data Integrity

C. Security

D. Reliability

What is the correct answer?


which is used to measure POFOD?

A. The time between system failure

B. The frequency of occurrence with which unexpected behaviour is likely to occur

C. The elapsed repair or restart time when a system failure occurs. Given that the system must be continuously available.

D. The number of system failures given a number of systems inputs.

What is the correct answer?


_____ interacts with the system at the financial level.

A. Accounting Personnel

B. Database Manager

C. Salesman

D. System Operator

What is the correct answer?


_____ model is based on incremental development under statistical quality control and formal correctness principles.

A. Waterfall

B. Spiral

C. Iterative

D. Cleanroom

What is the correct answer?


_____ is the open source software.

A. Internet Explorer

B. Mozilla

C. MS-Office

D. Oracle

What is the correct answer?


Integrating business processes with the Internet leads to far greater _____ between customers and suppliers.

A. Understanding

B. Restrictions

C. Transparency

D. Controversy

What is the correct answer?


Design phase includes?

A. data,architectural and procedural designs only

B. architectural,procedural and interface design only

C. data,architectural and interface design only

D. data,architectural interface and procedural design

What is the correct answer?


____________ serves as the foundation for software engineering.

A. Software Analysis

B. Software Design

C. Software quality

D. Software testing

What is the correct answer?


State True or False.
1. People have different software needs that change over time.
2. Most computer users do not understand computer languages.

A. 1-False, 2-False

B. 1-True, 2-False

C. 1-False, 2-True

D. 1-True, 2-True

What is the correct answer?


Tools used in the early phases of the life cycle are called _____ CASE tools.

A. Lower

B. Back-end

C. Intermediate

D. Upper

What is the correct answer?


State True or False.
1. Ubiquitous computing lead to an environment in which the cycle time and costs of the business processes are increased.
2. Software technology facilitates communication between devices in a multimedia fashion.

A. 1-True, 2-True

B. 1-True, 2-False

C. 1-False, 2-True

D. 1-False, 2-False

What is the correct answer?


What is meant by a dedicated computer?

A. Which is used by one person only

B. Which is assigned one and only one task

C. Which uses one kind of software

D. Which is meant for application software

What is the correct answer?


_____ refers to the elimination or reduction of third-party intermediaries between the client or customer.

A. Intermediation

B. Disintermediation

C. Mediation

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Feller and Fitzgerald observe that between _____ percent of software costs are traditionally associated with the post-development, maintenance phase of the software life cycle.

A. 70 to 80

B. 30 to 40

C. 50 to 60

D. 10 to 20

What is the correct answer?


State True or False.
1. COCOMO is not a cost estimation model.
2. Human factors have an important role in the development process.

A. 1-True, 2-True

B. 1-True, 2-False

C. 1-False, 2-True

D. 1-False, 2-False

What is the correct answer?


In object oriented design of software which of the following is not true?

A. objects inherit the properties of the class

B. classes are defined based on the attributes of the object

C. objects can belong to two classes

D. classes are always different

What is the correct answer?


State True or False.
1. Cultural differences are examples of inherited characteristics that affect the degree of diversification in an environment.
2. Amid various diversity, commonly shared human needs play a unifying role.

A. 1-False, 2-False

B. 1-True, 2-False

C. 1-False, 2-True

D. 1-True, 2-True

What is the correct answer?


RAD stands for _____.

A. Random Application Development

B. Raw Application Development

C. Robust Application Development

D. Rapid Application Development

What is the correct answer?


Open source development model best suits for _____.

A. Large system applications

B. Small system applications

C. Medium system applications

D. Very small system applications