Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following are the inbuilt variables in AWK?
a) FS
b) OFS
c) KFS
d) ORS

A. A and B

B. A, C, and D

C. A, B, and D

D. A, B, C, and D

Correct Answer :

C. A, B, and D

Options A, B, and D are the correct inbuilt variable in AWK.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which exact command is used to find files whose permissions are 765 in the current directory?

A. find . -perm 765

B. find . -per 765

C. find . -p 765

D. find . -prm 765

What is the correct answer?


Which exact command is used to show information about specified interface?

A. ip show

B. ip a show

C. ip b show

D. ip show

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following command is used to delete the character before cursor in the vi editor?

A. X

B. x

C. D

D. d

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following symbol is used to match preceding character N times or more than N times?

A. (N)

B. (N,)

C. {N}

D. {N,}

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Which exact command is used to kill a process by name?

A. killall

B. kill -n

C. kill -p

D. kill -s

What is the correct answer?


Which exact command is used to display the signal names used in the Linux operating system?

A. signal -all

B. kill -p

C. kill -l

D. kill -s

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following types of regular expressions are used in the Linux operating system?
a) Basic Regular Expression
b) Extended Regular Expression
c) Crond Regular Expression
d) Perl Regular Expression

A. A and B

B. A, B, and D

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

What is the correct answer?


There are the following commands that are given below, which of them are correct locate command in the Linux operating system?
a) The locate command is also used to search a file.
b) The locate command searches the file into the database.
c) The locate command slower than find command.
d) The locate command search file in MySQL database only.

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

What is the correct answer?


In which year vi editor was developed?

A. 1976

B. 1980

C. 1982

D. 1988

What is the correct answer?


How can we view and add content in the kernel ARP table?

A. arpmod

B. arpalter

C. arptable

D. arp

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following command uses regular expressions in the Linux operating system?
a) grep
b) sed
c) rename
d) bash

A. A and B

B. C and D

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements are the correct about grep command?
a) This command is used to filter the content of the file.
b) This command is not used to filter the content of the file.
c) We can search the specified word in the file using grep command.
d) There is no grep command that exists in the Linux operating system.

A. Only A

B. Only A

C. A and B

D. A and C

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following redirection operator is used to append the content in a file?

A. >

B. <

C. >>

D. <>

What is the correct answer?


There are the following statements that are given below which of them are correct about the ss command in the Linux operating system?
a) The ss command is the replacement for the netstat command.
b) It is faster than the netstat command.
c) We can display all UDP and TCP socket connections using ss command.
d) The ss can display all TCP socket connections only.

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, and D

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following command is used to change the owner of a file?

A. owner

B. chgown

C. chown

D. changeowner

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following characters are used for wildcards in the Linux operating system?
a) ?
b) *
c) []
d) <> 

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. A, B, and C

D. D

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following option is used to mention delimiter in the cut command?

A. -del

B. -d

C. -delmiter

D. -delm

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following directories that contain the executable binary files that require root privileges to perform tasks?

A. /sbin

B. /lib

C. /bin

D. /opt

What is the correct answer?


Which file contains encrypted user's passwords?

A. /etc/passwords

B. /etc/shadow

C. /etc/pwd

D. /etc/pwds

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following directories contains binary files?
a) /sbin
b) /lib
c) /bin
d) /var

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

What is the correct answer?


What is the full form of GPL in Linux licensing?

A. Global Public License

B. General Private License

C. General Public License

D. Global Private License

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following command is used to remove an existing alias?

A. rmalias

B. unalias

C. delalias

D. ralials

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following Linux command is used to print all environment variables?

A. printenv

B. env

C. envvars

D. envs

What is the correct answer?


Which exact command is used to change from the current directory to the previous directory?

A. cd ..

B. cd ~

C. cd -

D. cd .

What is the correct answer?


Which command is used to rename the existing group?

A. rename

B. rengroup

C. groupmode

D. groupmod

What is the correct answer?


Which Linux command is used to un-mount the external storage devices from the Linux file system?

A. unmount

B. umount

C. nmount

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following symbols are used for a regular expression in the Linux?
a) $
b) ?
c) _
d) +

A. A and B

B. A, B, and D

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following configuration file is used by updatedb command?

A. /etc/db.conf

B. /etc/locatedb.conf

C. /etc/updatedb.conf

D. /etc/update.conf

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Which command is used to get the path of the current directory?

A. cdir

B. dir

C. pwd

D. pdir

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following command is used to move up in the vi editor?

A. I

B. h

C. j

D. k