Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following environment variables contains the path of the user's unique id?





Correct Answer :


The UID environment variable contains the path of the unique id of a particular user.

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C. down eth0

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A. email

B. mail

C. electronicmail

D. mailcmd

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A. I

B. h

C. j

D. k

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a) /proc
b) /dev
c) /var
d) /home

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B. ssh-agent

C. add-key

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A. .zip2

B. .bz2

C. .b2

D. .z2

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a) curl
b) wget
c) filedownload
d) All of the above

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. B and C

D. D

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A. String Editor

B. Stream Editor

C. Simple Editor

D. Single Editor

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a) Kernel
b) Kernel Modules
c) Shared Libraries
d) User Programs

A. A and B

B. A, B, and C

C. B, C, and D

D. A, B, C, and D

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A. schedule

B. stask

C. at

D. ats

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a) The sed command is used to display modified data on the console screen, actual data in the file remain the same.
b) The sed command is used to modify the data of a file permanently.
c) The regular expressions are used to display modified data of a file in the sed command.
d) The sed command does not use regular expressions.

A. A and C

B. A and D

C. B and C

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A. uu

B. x

C. X

D. u

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A. /lib

B. /usr

C. /boot

D. /etc

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A. password

B. newpass

C. passwd

D. pwd

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A. newcmd

B. new

C. alias

D. aliasname

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There are the following statements that are given below, which of them are correct about touch command in Linux?
a) It is used to create empty files.
b) It is used to update the timestamp of the existing file.
c) It is used to write formatted data into the file.
d) It is used to view the content of the file.

A. A and B

B. B and C

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

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A Linux operating system supports?
a) Multitasking
b) Multiprogramming
c) Multiuser
d) Multithreading

A. A and C

B. A, C and D

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

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a) cat
b) echo
c) touch
d) printf

A. A and B

B. C and D

C. A, B, and C

D. A, B, C, and D

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A. chmod 7

B. chmod 777

C. chown 777

D. chgrp 777

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A. /sbin

B. /lib

C. /bin

D. /opt

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A. Maximum Transmission Unit

B. Minimum Transmission Unit

C. Multiple Transmission Unit

D. Minimum Transactional Unit

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There are the following statements that are given below, which of them is correct about Linux kernel?

A. The kernel is the main part of the Linux root file system.

B. The kernel is a core part of OS, which acts as a bridge between hardware and user programs.

C. The kernel is one kind of shell used by system calls.

D. None of the above

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a) Linux is system software.
b) Linux is a multitasking operating system.
c) Linux was developed by Dennis Ritchie
d) Linux is an open-source operating system.

A. A and B

B. B and C

C. A, C, and D

D. A, B, and D

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A. cat

B. gzip

C. zcat

D. zipcat

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The scope of an environment variable can be?

A. Local

B. Global

C. Both

D. None

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How to change the normal user to root user using the terminal in the Linux operating system?

A. Using sudo command

B. Using su command

C. Using super command

D. None of the above

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Which of the following command is used to print the 3rd column of a specified file?

A. awk '{print $3}

B. awk '{print $2}

C. awk '{print $N2}

D. awk '{print $N3}

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A. cdir

B. dir

C. pwd

D. pdir

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A. >

B. <

C. >>

D. <>

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A. comm -13

B. comm -23

C. comm -12

D. None of the above