Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a Bleaching agent?

A. Potassium chlorate

B. Hydrogen peroxide

C. Copper sulphate

D. Silver Nitrate

Correct Answer :

B. Hydrogen peroxide

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Boiler scales' contain

A. calcium carbonate

B. magnesium bicarbonate

C. calcium sulphate

D. magnesium sulphate

What is the correct answer?


What is 'oxygen mixture'?

A. A mixture of potassium nitrate and carbon

B. A mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate

C. A mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide

D. A mixture of ammonium nitrate and charcoal

What is the correct answer?


Washing soda is

A. sodium hydroxide

B. sodium carbonate

C. sodium bicarbonate

D. potassium chloride

What is the correct answer?


In the making of jewels, gold is usually mixed with

A. zinc

B. tin

C. copper

D. aluminium

What is the correct answer?


Rusting is

A. an oxidation process

B. a reduction process

C. a physical change

D. an electro-chemical process

What is the correct answer?


The alloy added in the preparation of steel contains

A. Fe and C

B. Mn and C

C. Fe and Mn

D. Fe, Mn and C

What is the correct answer?


Compounds of nitrogen with metals are called

A. nitrates

B. nitrites

C. hyponitrates

D. nitrides

What is the correct answer?


A burning substance which continues to burn in a jar of carbon dioxide is

A. zinc

B. red phosphorus

C. magnesium

D. sulphur

What is the correct answer?


Vulcanisation was discovered by

A. Goodyear

B. Wohler

C. Baeyer

D. Perkin

What is the correct answer?


A substance used as a fire-extinguisher under the trade name of Pyrene is

A. carbon dioxide

B. chloroform

C. carbon tetrachloride

D. bleaching powder

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a chemical change?

A. Burning of magnesium ribbon in air

B. Distillation of water

C. Heating of cane sugar

D. Setting of cement

What is the correct answer?


Graphite la a good conductor of electricity because

A. it is an allotrope of carbon

B. it gives CO2 on heating

C. it contains free electrons

D. it is oxidised to graphitic acid

What is the correct answer?


Beri-beri is caused by deficiency of Vitamin

A. A

B. C

C. B12

D. B1

What is the correct answer?


If people sleep in closed rooms where charcoal fire is burning, they die due to

A. carbon monoxide

B. carbon dioxide

C. methane

D. phosgene

What is the correct answer?


Cholesterol is

A. a carbohydrate

B. a protein

C. a lipid

D. a hormone

What is the correct answer?


Cupellation is used in the purification of

A. Lead

B. Tin

C. Silver

D. Gold

What is the correct answer?


An important use of nitrous acid is in

A. the manufacture of explosives

B. the manufacture of dyes

C. refrigerators

D. the preparation of drugs

What is the correct answer?


The name rubber was given by

A. Lavoisier

B. Priestley

C. Dalton

D. Avogadro

What is the correct answer?


The most abundant constituent in air is

A. hydrogen

B. nitrogen

C. oxygen

D. noble gases

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following represents a physical change?

A. sublimation

B. oxidation

C. reduction

D. decomposition

What is the correct answer?


Marsh gas is

A. ethane

B. ethylene

C. acetylene

D. methane

What is the correct answer?


A mixture of ethyl alcohol and water can be separated by

A. evaporation

B. sublimation

C. using a separating funnel

D. fractional distillation

What is the correct answer?


Riboflavin deficiency causes

A. tongue inflammation

B. pellagra

C. night blindness

D. anaemia

What is the correct answer?


Ethyl alcohol is

A. a deliquescent substance

B. an efflorescent substance

C. a hygroscopic substance

D. a dehydrating substance

What is the correct answer?


The malarial parasite was discovered by

A. Sir Ronald Ross

B. Sir Francis Haig

C. Dr Jagadish Chandra Bose

D. Sir CV Raman

What is the correct answer?


Lead pencils contain

A. white lead

B. graphite

C. red lead

D. coke

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following types of water gives lather easily with soap?

A. Hard water

B. Heavy water

C. Soft water

D. Both (a) and (b)

What is the correct answer?


Gases have

A. a definite shape but not volume

B. a definite volume and shape

C. a definite volume but not shape

D. neither definite volume nor shape

What is the correct answer?


The flux added in the blast furnace is

A. Limestone

B. FeO

C. SiO2

D. MgO

What is the correct answer?


High temperature thermometers use

A. sodium amalgam

B. an alloy of sodium and potassium

C. silver amalgam

D. calcium amalgam