Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a correct match of a phylum with their three examples?

A. PlatyhelminthesPlanaria, Schistosoma, Enterobius

B. Mollusca Loligo, Sepia, Octopus

C. Porifera Spongilla, Euplectella, Pennatula

D. Cnidaria Bonellia, Physalia, Aurelia

Correct Answer :

B. Mollusca Loligo, Sepia, Octopus

Loligo, Sepia and octopus are examples of Mollusca phylum. Enterobius is an example of nematode. Pennatula is a colonial coral, belongs to coelenterate phylum. Bonellia (the green spoon worm) is a marine worm (phylum Echiura) noted for displaying exceptional sexual dimorphism and for the biocidal properties of a pigment in its skin.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Flame cells present in platyhelminthes, are specialized in

A. respiration and absorption.

B. osmoregulation and circulation.

C. respiration and excretion.

D. osmoregulation and excretion.

What is the correct answer?


In ctenophora, the body bears _______ external rows of ciliated comb plates, which help in locomotion.

A. five

B. six

C. seven

D. eight

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following group of animals belongs to the same phylum?

A. Earthworm, pinworm, tapeworm

B. Prawn, scorpion, Locusta

C. Sponge, Sea anemone, starfish

D. Malarial parasite, Amoeba, mosquito

What is the correct answer?


Read the following statements and answer the question.
(i) They are exclusively marine, radially symmetrical, diploblastic organisms with tissue level of organisation.
(ii) Body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates, which help in locomotion.
(iii) Digestion is both extracellular and intracellular.
(iv) Reproduction takes place only by sexual means.
Which of the following phylum is being described by above statements?

A. Platyhelminthes

B. Arthropoda

C. Mollusca

D. Ctenophora

What is the correct answer?


The given figure shows some characteristic features marked as chordates. Identify the correct labelling A,B,C and D. 

A. A-Notochord; B-Post-anal part; C-Gill slits; D-Nerve cord

B. A-Nerve cord; B-Notochord; C-Post-anal part; D-Gill slits

C. A-Notochord; B-Nerve cord; C-Gill slits; D-Post-anal part

D. A-Gill slits; B-Post-anal part; C-Nerve cord; D-Notochord

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs of animals are similar to each other pertaining to the feature stated against them?

A. Pteropus and Ornithorhyncus - Viviparity

B. Garden lizard and crocodile - Three chambered heart

C. Ascaris and Ancylostoma - Metameric segmentation

D. Sea horse and flying fish - Cold blooded (poikilothermal)

What is the correct answer?


Match the terms/feature given in column I with their examples given in column II and select the correct match from the option given below.
A. Gregarious pesti. Hirudinaria
B. Vectorii. Planaria
C. Oviparous withiii. Sepia indirect development
D. Metameresiv. Aedes
E. High regenerationv. Locust capacity

A. A - i, B - ii, C - iii, D - iv, E - v

B. A - iii, B - v, C - ii, D - iv, E - i

C. A - iii, B - i, C - v, D - ii, E - iv

D. A - v, B - iv, C - iii, D - i, E - ii

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following possesses electric organs and belongs to class chondrichthyes?

A. Torpedo

B. Petromyzon

C. Trygon

D. Exocoetus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following animal contains respiratory organs like, gills, book gills, book lungs or tracheal system? 

A. Click to check answer

B. Click to check answer

C. Click to check answer

D. Click to check answer

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements (i – v) are incorrect ?

  1. Circulatory system in arthropods is of closed type.

  2. Parapodia in annelids helps in swimming.

  3. Phylum mollusca is the second largest animal phylum.

  4. Aschelminthes are dioecious.

A. (i) only

B. (iii) only

C. (i) and (iii)

D. (iii) and (iv)

What is the correct answer?


Identify the figures A, B and C and choose the correct option. 

A. A - Male Ascaris, B - Hirudinaria (leech), C- Nereis

B. A - Female Ascaris, B - Nereis, C-Hirudinaria (leech)

C. A - Female Ascaris B- Hirudinaria (leech), C - Nereis

D. A - Male Ascaris, B - Nereis, C- Hirudinaria (leech)

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of phylum echinodermata ?

A. They have a water vascular system.

B. They have an internal skeleton.

C. They are protostomes.

D. They have bilateral symmetry at larval stage.

What is the correct answer?


The given figures A, B, C and D are the examples of first true land vertebrates. They are dominant in mesozoic era and belong to phylum ‘X’. Identify ‘X’ and the animals which have four chambered heart. 

A. X – Reptile; B

B. X – Reptile; A

C. X – Amphibia, C

D. X – Pisces; D

What is the correct answer?


__________ is responsible for maintaining the current of water in sponge.

A. Osculum

B. Porocytes

C. Spongocoel

D. Choanocytes

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following categories of animals is correctly described with no single exception in it?

A. In chondrichthyes notochord is persistent throughout life.

B. All mammals are viviparous and possess diaphragm for breathing.

C. All sponges are marine.

D. All reptiles possess scales, have a three chambered heart and are cold blooded (poikilothermal).

What is the correct answer?


A file like rasping organ for feeding, called radula, present in the phylum __________.

A. arthropoda

B. mollusca

C. echinodermata

D. chordata

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a poisonous snake?

A. Naja (Cobra)

B. Bangarus (Krait)

C. Viper (Viper)

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Refer the given figures A, B, C and D and identify the option which shows their correct name. 

A. A - Pleurobrachia, B - Cnidoblast, C - Aurelia, D - Adamsia

B. A - Aurelia, B - Adamsia, C - Cnidoblast, D - Pleurobrachia

C. A - Cnidoblast, B - Pleurobrachia, C - Adamsia, D - Aurelia

D. A - Adamsia, B - Aurelia, C - Pleurobrachia, D - Cnidoblast

What is the correct answer?


Tracheae of cockroach and mammal are similar in having

A. paired nature.

B. non-collapsible walls.

C. ciliated inner lining.

D. origin from head.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following feature is not correct regarding the figure given below? 

A. It is an aquatic form.

B. Circulatory system is of open type.

C. It possesses parapodia for swimming.

D. Neural system consists of paired ganglia connected by lateral nerves to a double ventral nerve cord.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a fresh water sponge?

A. Sycon

B. Euspongia

C. Spongilla

D. Pleurobrachia

What is the correct answer?


The organisms attached to the substratum generally possess

A. one single opening to the digestive canal.

B. cilia on the surface to create water current.

C. radial symmetry.

D. asymmetrical body.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

A. Prawn has two pairs of antennae.

B. Nematocysts are characteristic feature of the phylum cnidaria.

C. Millipedes have two pairs of appendages in each segment of the body.

D. Animals that belong to phylum porifera are exclusively marine.

What is the correct answer?


Refer the figures A, B and C and choose the correct option which shows animals that regulate buoyancy with the help of air bladder. 

A. A and B

B. A and C

C. B and C

D. All of the above.

What is the correct answer?


In amphibians, respiration occurs through

A. gills

B. lungs

C. skin

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding phylum coelenterata?
(i) They are aquatic, mostly marine, sessile or freeswimming, radially symmetrical animals.
(ii) They have a central gastro-vascular cavity with a single opening called hypostome.
(iii) Digestion is extracellular and intracellular.
(iv) Examples are Sycon, Spongilla and Euspongia.

A. (i) and (ii)

B. (i) and (iv)

C. (i), (ii) and (iii)

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following features distinguish mammals from other vertebrates ?

A. Hairy skin and oviparity

B. Hairy skin and mammary glands

C. Mammary glands and teeth

D. Pinna and teeth

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following groups of animals is correctly matched with its characteristic feature without even a single exception ?

A. Reptilia : possess 3 - chambered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle.

B. Chordata : Possess a mouth provided with an upper and lower jaw.

C. Chondrichthyes : Possess cartilaginous endoskeleton.

D. Mammalia : Give birth to young one.

What is the correct answer?


In which of the phylum, excretory organ like proboscis gland is present?

A. Hemichordata

B. Chordata

C. Echinodermata

D. Annelida

What is the correct answer?


Identify the figure with its correct name and phylum. 

A. Cucumaria – Echinodermata

B. Ascidia – Urochordata

C. Balanoglossus – Hemichordata

D. Hirudinaria – Annelida