Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is called 'the King of Chemicals?

A. Nitric acid

B. Hydrochloric acid

C. Silver nitrate

D. Sulphuric acid

Correct Answer :

D. Sulphuric acid

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What is the correct answer?


Hard water does not lather well with soap because

A. it contains carbonates of calcium and magnesium

B. it contains sodium chloride

C. it is highly coloured

D. it contains suspended impurities

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Harmful bacteria in drinking water cannot be destroyed by

A. chlorination

B. boiling

C. adding caustic soda

D. ozonisation

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Annealing of glass is carried out by

A. rapid cooling

B. rapid heating

C. slow cooling

D. slow heating

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Washing soda is

A. sodium hydroxide

B. sodium carbonate

C. sodium bicarbonate

D. potassium chloride

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A. Hydrolysis

B. Hydrogenation

C. Dehydration

D. Dehydrogenation

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A. sulphanilamide

B. quinine

C. methicillin

D. novocaine

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Iodine in alcohol is known as

A. quick lime

B. tincture iodine

C. rectified spirit

D. None of these

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Which among the following is a local anaesthetic?

A. Chloroform

B. Morphine

C. Streptomycin

D. Cocaine

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Rooms in places infected by plague are disinfected using

A. bleaching powder

B. iodoform

C. sulphur dioxide

D. chlorine

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The substance preserved under water is

A. potassium

B. sodium

C. red phosphorus

D. white phosphorus

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Which of the following is not a food material?

A. silicate

B. protein

C. fat

D. carbohydrate

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A. valency

B. atomic mass

C. number of neutrons

D. atomic number

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A. galena

B. dolomite

C. sylvine

D. pitchblende

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Which of the following cannot be used for the preparation of soap?

A. oleic acid

B. acetic acid

C. palmitic acid

D. stearic acid

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In surgical operation, the anaesthetic commonly used nowadays is

A. iodoform

B. chloroform

C. nitrous oxide-ether mixture

D. chloroform-nitrous oxide mixture

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If people sleep in closed rooms where charcoal fire is burning, they die due to

A. carbon monoxide

B. carbon dioxide

C. methane

D. phosgene

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The process of heating steel to bright red heat and cooling suddenly by plunging it into water is known as

A. annealing

B. hardening

C. quenching

D. tempering

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Which of the following elements is not required for the healthy growth of plants?

A. Nitrogen

B. Phosphorus

C. Potassium

D. Mercury

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Which of the following biology laboratory?

A. Phenol

B. Benzaldehyde

C. Formaldehyde

D. Acetic acid

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Which of the following is used in fuel to propel rockets?

A. Petrol

B. Kerosene

C. Hydrazine

D. Alcohol

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Which or the following is not a constituent or gun powder?

A. Ammonium nitrate

B. Nitre

C. Charcoal powder

D. Sulphur

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A hormone which contains iodine is

A. adrenalin

B. glucagon

C. epinephrin

D. thyroxin

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The fertilizer which has the largest percentage of nitrogen is

A. urea

B. ammonium nitrate

C. ammonium sulphate

D. calcium cyanamide

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A. phenol

B. iodoform

C. bleaching powder

D. blue vitriol

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Which of the following represents a physical change?

A. sublimation

B. oxidation

C. reduction

D. decomposition

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Which of the following is not a chemical change?

A. Burning of magnesium ribbon in air

B. Distillation of water

C. Heating of cane sugar

D. Setting of cement

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A. nitrogen

B. nitrous oxide

C. nitric oxide

D. nitrogen peroxide

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A. sulphur

B. phosphorus

C. iodine

D. bromine

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Nylon is made from

A. terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol

B. hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid

C. cellulose nitrate

D. cellulose acetate

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Cupellation is used in the purification of

A. Lead

B. Tin

C. Silver

D. Gold