Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is commonly called a polyamide ?

A. Orion

B. Terylene

C. Rayon

D. Nylon

Correct Answer :

D. Nylon

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What is the correct answer?


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A. autogamy

B. entomophily

C. anemophily

D. ornithophily

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The metallic constituents of hard water are

A. Calcium, magnesium and iron

B. Magnesium, Calcium and tin

C. Magnesium, tin and iron

D. Iron, tin and calcium

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The accumulation of stress along the boundaries of lithospheric plates results in which of the following?

A. Earthquakes

B. Magnetic reversals

C. Hurricanses

D. Increased deposition of deep-sea sediments

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Epoxy resins is used as

A. Adhesives

B. Detergents

C. Insecticides

D. Moth repellants

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In a certain electronic circuit the output is positive if input 1 is positive and input 2 is zero. If both inputs are positive the output is zero. This is

A. an AND circuit

B. an OR circuit

C. a high-pass filter

D. a NOR circuit

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The smallest functional and structural unit of kidney is called as

A. Granulocyte

B. Neuron

C. Reticulocyte

D. Nephron

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Polythene is industrially prepared by the polymerisation of

A. styrene

B. methane

C. ethylene

D. acetylene

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Nitrification means

A. Conversion of nitrogen to nitric acid.

B. Production of nitrogen from air

C. Convert the atmospheric nitrogen to effective nitrogen compound.

D. Liquifaction of nitrogen

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Carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher should not be used in closed room because it produces poisonous glass called

A. Carbon Monoxide

B. Phosgene

C. Phosphine

D. None of these

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Water has maximum density at

A. 0°C

B. -4°C

C. 100°C

D. 4°C

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Liquefied Petroleum gas (LPG) consists of mainly

A. Methane, Butane and Propane

B. Methane, Ethane and Hexane

C. Ethane, Hexane and Nonane

D. Methane, Hexane and Nonane

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One fathom is equal to

A. 6 feet

B. 6 metres

C. 60 cms

D. 60 feet

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The metal that is present in Photo Films is

A. Silver

B. Magnesium

C. Platinium

D. Mercury

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Quartz crystals normally used in quartz clocks etc. is chemically

A. A mixture of B and C

B. Silicon dioxide

C. Germenium dioxide

D. Sodium Silicate

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Rust is

A. A mixture of FeO and Fe(OH)2

B. A mixture of Fe2O3 and Fe(OH)2

C. A mixture of Fe2O3, 3H2O and FeO

D. FeO only

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The element present in the largest amount in rocks and minerals is

A. Carbon

B. Hydrogen

C. Aluminium

D. Silicon

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The major ingredient of leather is

A. Nucleic acid

B. Carbohydrate

C. Collagen

D. Polymer

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The intencity of Earthquakes is measured on

A. Beaufort scale

B. Secant scale

C. Mercalli scale

D. Richter scale

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Which of the following is commonly called a polyamide ?

A. Orion

B. Terylene

C. Rayon

D. Nylon

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According to Daltons atomic theory the smallest particle which can exist independently is

A. An atom

B. A cation

C. A molecule

D. An anion

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Which of the following characters is not shown by hydrogen

A. It burns in air to form water

B. It supports combustion

C. It readily combines with fluorine and chlorine

D. It combines with almost all metals forming hydrides

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The type of glass used in making prisms and lenses is

A. Pyrex glass

B. Soft glass

C. Flint glass

D. Jena glass

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The recent atomic weight scale is based on

A. 1H1

B. 1H2

C. 6C12

D. 8O16

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The oxide of Nitrogen used in medicine as anaesthetic is

A. Nitric oxide

B. Nitrogen dioxide

C. Nitrogen pentoxide

D. Nitrous oxide

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Which of the following elements is non-radioactive?

A. Uranium

B. Plutonium

C. Thorium

D. Zirconium

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The Panda belongs to the same family as that of

A. Cat

B. Bear

C. Rabbit

D. Dog

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Which of the following elements is a metal

A. S

B. Ga

C. Se

D. I

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Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding

A. Potassium Permanganate

B. Bleaching Powder

C. Chlorine

D. Washing Soda

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Which of the following is in liquid form at room temperature ?

A. Sodium

B. Cerium

C. Francium

D. Lithium

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What is the unit for measuring the pitch or frequency of sound ?

A. Coulomb

B. Hum

C. Cycles

D. Decible