Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is false regarding Addison`s disease?

A. autoimmune disease in 70% of the cases

B. diagnosed by the rapid ACTH stimulation test

C. characterized by low serum sodium and high potassium

D. may coexist with hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus

Correct Answer :

D. may coexist with hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus

may coexist with hypothyroidism.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Regarding renal ectopia, usually, the adrenals:

A. are cross ectopic

B. are at their normal position

C. travel with the kidneys

D. undergo ischemic atrophy

What is the correct answer?


In which condition can NOT creatinine level be 1200 mg/dL?

A. an aspirate of pelvic urinoma

B. in untreated end-stage renal failure disease

C. a sample from a wound drain after pyeloplasty

D. a sample from suprapubic catheter

What is the correct answer?


Which of the prostate medications could result in retrograde ejaculation?

A. tamsulosin

B. doxazosin

C. dutasteride

D. alfuzosin

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the prostate prevents the seminal fluid from entering the bladder during ejaculation?

A. central zone

B. peripheral zone

C. preprostatic tissue

D. anterior fibromuscular stroma

What is the correct answer?


What is the appropriate intravenous maintenance fluid for a 16 kg girl?

A. 43 ml/hr of normal saline

B. 78 ml/hr of ¼ normal saline

C. 69 ml/hr of ½ normal saline

D. 54 ml/hr of ¼ normal saline

What is the correct answer?


Which of the renal artery occlusive conditions, commonly, do NOT affect renal function?

A. intimal fibroplasia

B. medial fibroplasia

C. medial hyperplasia

D. serosal hyperplasia

What is the correct answer?


Which area in the nervous system is tested by bulbocavernosus reflex?

A. brain stem

B. C2 C4

C. S2 - S4

D. L2 - L4

What is the correct answer?


Which statement regarding post-obstructive diuresis (POD) is false?

A. urine production exceeding 200 ml/hr for 2 consecutive hours or producing greater than 3 L of urine in 24 hours is diagnostic of POD

B. pathologic POD can be exacerbated by excessive fluid replacement

C. the replacement fluid choice is ringer lactate

D. fluid resuscitation depends on the degree of dehydration

What is the correct answer?


Which statement concerning urine pH is false?

A. influenced by food and medications

B. renal stones form at the extremes of pH range

C. reliable only when measured by 24 hr. urine collection

D. ranges from 4 7

What is the correct answer?


What vessels are located in the prostate neurovascular bundle?

A. Watson plexus

B. capsular arteries and veins

C. inferior vesical and midrectal vessels

D. Santorini plexus

What is the correct answer?


Serum testosterone should be measured:

A. at mid-day

B. at the hour of sleep

C. in the morning

D. late afternoon

What is the correct answer?


Which innervations mediate detumescence?

A. cavernous nerves

B. dorsal nerves of the penis

C. sympathetic nervous system

D. parasympathetic nervous system

What is the correct answer?


What is the most frequent anomaly associated with multicystic renal dysplasia?

A. ureteral atresia

B. vesicoureteral reflux

C. ureteropelvic junction obstruction

D. ureteral duplication

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following explains infertility in liver cirrhosis male patients?

A. decrease plasma estradiol levels

B. increase plasma testosterone-estradiol-binding globulin levels

C. suppression of suprarenal androgens

D. exaggerated pituitary response to feedback hormones

What is the correct answer?


What is the most likely cause of large scrotal hematoma in neonates?

A. clotting factor VIII deficiency

B. clotting factor IX deficiency

C. breech delivery

D. scrotal cavernous haemangioma

What is the correct answer?


What is the number of bacteria per high-power field microscopy that matches colony counts of 100,000/mL?

A. 100

B. 50

C. 10

D. 5

What is the correct answer?


The manifestations of autonomic dysreflexia include:

A. hypotension and tachycardia

B. hypotension and bradycardia

C. hypertension and tachycardia

D. hypertension and bradycardia

What is the correct answer?


What is the most likely diagnosis of an erectile dysfunction patient with low plasma testosterone and high prolactin levels?

A. pituitary adenoma

B. adrenal adenoma

C. Kallmann syndrome

D. Klinefelter syndrome

What is the correct answer?


What is true regarding hematospermia?

A. should be investigated thoroughly like hematuria

B. is rarely associated with significant urologic pathology

C. carries a risk of infertility

D. mandates testicular biopsy

What is the correct answer?


Which layer lies between the superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes?

A. Scarpa`s fascia

B. fascia lata

C. Dartos fascia

D. Camper`s fascia

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a sex accessory tissue?

A. the prostate gland

B. seminal vesicles

C. epididymi

D. bulbourethral glands

What is the correct answer?


Which of the prostate medications could result in significant hypotension?

A. finasteride

B. prazosin

C. silodosin

D. vardenafil

What is the correct answer?


At which week of gestation do the primordial germ cells migrate to form the genital ridges?

A. third

B. fourth

C. fifth

D. seventh

What is the correct answer?


What could render red urine workup, false positive for hematuria?

A. dehydration

B. myoglobinuria

C. high doses of vitamin C

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


At what month of intra-uterine life do testes descend into the scrotum with the aid of the intra-abdominal pressure and the gubernacula?

A. sixth

B. seventh

C. eighth

D. ninth

What is the correct answer?


Where is the gene sex-determining region (SRY) located at?

A. long arm of X chromosome

B. long arm of Y chromosome

C. short arm of Y chromosome

D. short arm of X chromosome

What is the correct answer?


All of the following conditions are related to obesity syndrome, EXCEPT:

A. super fertility

B. increase aromatization reaction

C. increase resistance to circulating insulin

D. sleep apnea

What is the correct answer?


The commonest neoplasms that metastasize to kidneys come from:

A. breasts

B. thyroids

C. lungs

D. liver

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does asymptomatic hematuria workup include?

A. cystoscopy

B. CT urography

C. urine cytology

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which agent should be avoided during living-related donor nephrectomy?

A. ice slush

B. heparin

C. norepinephrine

D. methylene blue