Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a type of Microsoft Access database object?

A. Table

B. Form

C. Worksheets

D. Modules

Correct Answer :

C. Worksheets

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What is the correct answer?


If I create Student field in Fees table to store student_id of Students table, then this Student field in Fees table is called:

A. Foreign key

B. Native key

C. Composite key

D. Primary key

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is true

A. Reports can be used to retrieve data from tables and calculate

B. Queries can be printed in well formatted manner and presented as the information

C. Queries can include calculated fields that do not exist in table

D. Reports and forms are similar but forms are use to print but reports to display on screen only

What is the correct answer?


If you write criteria values vertically (one in a row) it will mean

A. OR conditions

B. AND conditions

C. NOT condition

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


While creating relationship, when you drag a field of a field to drop into another table the mouse pointer changes into

A. a doctors sign

B. thin + sign

C. outline rectangle

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Every table in relational database contain a field or combination of fields that can uniquely identify each records, it is called

A. Foreign key

B. Native key

C. Composite key

D. Primary key

What is the correct answer?


What do you mean by one to many relationship between Student and Class table?

A. One student can have many classes

B. One class may have many student

C. Many classes may have many students

D. Many students may have many classes

What is the correct answer?


Collection of related records in a database is known as

A. File

B. Bench

C. Table

D. Relationship

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a method to create a new table in MS Access?

A. Create table in Design View

B. Create Table using wizard

C. Create Table by Entering data

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


Which field type can store photos?

A. Hyperlink


C. Both of these can be used

D. Access tables cant store photos

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a database object in MS Access?

A. Tables

B. Query

C. Report

D. Relationship

What is the correct answer?


A primary key in any table has the properties

A. Not Null

B. No Duplicates

C. Both of above

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


This option allows you to build a new table by entering data directly into the datasheet.

A. datasheet view

B. design view

C. link table

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


This data type allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols.

A. text

B. memo

C. auto number

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


When creating a new table which method can be used to choose fields from standard databases and tables

A. Create table in Design View

B. Create Table using wizard

C. Create Table by Entering data

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following database object hold data?

A. Forms

B. Reports

C. Queries

D. Tables

What is the correct answer?


The task of arranging data in order is called

A. Searching

B. Sorting

C. Ordering

D. Shorting

What is the correct answer?


The complete information about an entity in a database is called

A. Data

B. Information

C. Field

D. Record

What is the correct answer?


The size of Yes No field is always

A. 1 bit

B. 1 byte

C. 1 character

D. 1 GB

What is the correct answer?


It is a sign or symbol that specifies, operator, and values that produce a result

A. operator

B. query

C. expression

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


It is a database object to view, change, and analyze data in different ways

A. query

B. form

C. report

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The size of a field with Number data type can not be

A. 2

B. 4

C. 8

D. 16

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a type of relationship that can be applied in Access database

A. One to One

B. One to Many

C. Many to Many

D. All of above can be applied

What is the correct answer?


A small button with three dots usually displayed at the right of field properties box

A. Make button

B. Expression button

C. Build button

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following expresses correct order?

A. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Files, Databases

B. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Database, Files

C. Databases, Tables, Files, Records, Field, Character

D. Files, Databases, Tables, Records, Fields, Characters

What is the correct answer?


The expression builder is an access tool that controls an expression___ for entering an expression

A. Table

B. Box

C. Cell

D. Palette

What is the correct answer?


A __________ enables you to view data from a table based on a specific criterion

A. Form

B. Query

C. Macro

D. Report

What is the correct answer?


How can you link a table with another so that a field in current table will display values in drop down box from another table while entering data:

A. Query Wizard

B. Look up Wizard

C. Form Wizard

D. Report Wizard

What is the correct answer?


It is an association established between common fields of two tables.

A. line

B. relationship

C. primary key

D. records

What is the correct answer?


When entering field name, how many characters you can type in maximum?

A. 60

B. 64

C. 68

D. Any number of character

What is the correct answer?


Two tables can be linked with relationship so that the data integrity can be enforced. Where can you find Relationship Command?

A. Home Tab

B. Create Tab

C. External Data Tab

D. Database Tab