Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following la a very good supporter of combustion?

A. Carbon monoxide

B. Oxygen

C. Nitrogen

D. Hydrogen

Correct Answer :

B. Oxygen

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What is the correct answer?


Laughing gas is

A. nitric oxide

B. nitrogen peroxide

C. nitrogen pentoxide

D. nitrous oxide

What is the correct answer?


The most abundant noble gas present in air is

A. neon

B. argon

C. helium

D. krypton

What is the correct answer?


Dust particles in the air of large industrial cities are removed by

A. Sedimentation

B. Electrophoresis

C. Tyndall effect

D. Brownian movement

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a metalloid?

A. Tin

B. Silver

C. Iodine

D. Arsenic

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The commonest ore of aluminium is

A. cryolite

B. bauxite

C. malachite

D. azurite

What is the correct answer?


The gas which has a faint sweet odour is

A. nitrogen

B. nitrous oxide

C. nitric oxide

D. nitrogen peroxide

What is the correct answer?


When ants bite, they inject

A. glacial acetic acid

B. methanol

C. formic acid

D. stearic acid

What is the correct answer?


The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of mass A and atomic number Z is given by

A. A - Z

B. A + Z

C. Z

D. A

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Artificial diamonds were produced by

A. Moissan

B. Davy

C. Faraday

D. Marie Curie

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Burglar proof safes are made of

A. Tungsten steel

B. Manganese steel

C. Chromium steel

D. Nickel steel

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The discoverer of chloroform was

A. Liebig

B. Pasteur

C. Bunsen

D. Erlenmeyer

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The foul odour of gasoline is due to

A. pyridine

B. hydrogen sulphide

C. cacodyl

D. carbylamines

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Which among the following is a local anaesthetic?

A. Chloroform

B. Morphine

C. Streptomycin

D. Cocaine

What is the correct answer?


The rate of setting of cement is slowed down by the addition of

A. quicklime

B. gypsum

C. soda lime

D. bleaching powder

What is the correct answer?


A drug that is usually administered for malaria is

A. sulphanilamide

B. quinine

C. methicillin

D. novocaine

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is used in fuel to propel rockets?

A. Petrol

B. Kerosene

C. Hydrazine

D. Alcohol

What is the correct answer?


Gases have

A. a definite shape but not volume

B. a definite volume and shape

C. a definite volume but not shape

D. neither definite volume nor shape

What is the correct answer?


The neutron was discovered by

A. Chadwick

B. Madam Curie

C. Becquerel

D. Aston

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The malarial parasite was discovered by

A. Sir Ronald Ross

B. Sir Francis Haig

C. Dr Jagadish Chandra Bose

D. Sir CV Raman

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The main constituent of gobar gas is

A. methane

B. nitrogen

C. carbondioxide

D. ethylene

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The iron salt used in blue prints is

A. ferric sulphate

B. ferric oxalate

C. ferric nitrate

D. ferric chloride

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Which of the following is an essential constituent of acids?

A. Oxygen

B. Nitrogen

C. Hydrogen

D. Chlorine

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a metal?

A. Lithium

B. Helium

C. Sodium

D. Cobalt

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The kinetic energy of gas molecules

A. is unaffected by temperature variations

B. decreases with increase of temperature

C. increases with decrease of temperature

D. increases with increase of temperature

What is the correct answer?


Penicillin was discovered by

A. Alexander Fleming

B. Sir JJ Thomson

C. Dr Nessler

D. Sir John Russel

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A non-material kind of pollution is

A. land pollution

B. air pollution

C. noise pollution

D. water pollution

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An antipyretic is a drug used

A. in the treatment of malaria

B. to relieve sleepiness

C. to induce sleep

D. to lower body temperature

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The chemical name of aspirin is

A. acetamide phenol

B. malonyl urea

C. aminosalicylic acid

D. acetyl salicylic acid

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Gold dissolves in aqua regia due to the formation of

A. chloro auric acid

B. auric chloride

C. gold nitrate

D. aurous chloride

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a regenerated fibre?

A. Terylene

B. Rayon

C. Nylon

D. Silk