Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following phenomenon is absent in virus ?

A. Replication

B. Mutation

C. Production of energy

D. Growth

Correct Answer :

C. Production of energy

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What is the correct answer?


Roux Sarcoma virus contains



C. DNA and RNA

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is devoid of protein coat, with a constitution of RNA only ?

A. Tobacco mosaic virus

B. Poxvirus

C. Potato spindle tuber virus

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following phenomenon is absent in virus ?

A. Replication

B. Mutation

C. Production of energy

D. Growth

What is the correct answer?


A clear /.one lot uwhI in bacterial < olon due to viral action is railed

A. plaque

B. phnge

C. streak

D. krnn/

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a viral disease of potato ?

A. Early blight of potato

B. Late blight of potato

C. Leaf roll of potato

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The exception to the cell theory of Schleiden and Schwann are

A. viruses

B. bacteria

C. algae

D. fungi

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Transduction was discovered by

A. Safferman and Morris

B. Lederberg and Zinder

C. Smithv and Knight

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


An antiviral substance produced by many vertebrates in response to viral In. fection for resisting the multiplication of viruses is known as

A. antivirin

B. antigen

C. virion

D. interferon

What is the correct answer?


Edward Jenner discovered

A. vaccination against small pox

B. vaccination against chicken pox

C. immunization against small pox

D. immunization against chickcn pox

What is the correct answer?


Viral DNA incorporated in host DNA is known as

A. prophage

B. vegephaege

C. cyanophage

D. phycophage

What is the correct answer?


Viruses are believed to be

A. living organisms

B. non-living organisms

C. a transitional group between living and non-living world

D. living organisms which have lost the power of multiplication

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a Capsid ?

A. Protein part of virus

B. Nucleic part of virus

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Influenza virus contains



C. both DNA and RNA

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Genetic modification brought about by a virus in a bmleria is known as

A. transformation

B. transduction

C. conjugation

D. candidiasis

What is the correct answer?


Rabies is caused by

A. viruses

B. slimemoulds

C. fungi

D. bacterium

What is the correct answer?


Where is the protein for protein coat of virus synthesized ?

A. RNA of the virus

B. DNA of the virus

C. RNA of the host

D. Ribosome of the host

What is the correct answer?


The smallest virus has a size of

A. 1 nm

B. 3 nm

C. 6 nm

D. 2 nm

What is the correct answer?


Viruses were discovered by

A. Stanley

B. Iwanowiski

C. Twort

D. Herelle

What is the correct answer?


Little leaf disease of brinjal is caused by

A. viruses

B. bacteria

C. fungi

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


A bacteriophage and a yeast cell are similar in that, both

A. are colourless

B. have enzymes

C. have nucleic acids

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


One of the following discovered synthesis of DNA from RNA in Roux Sarcoma Virus

A. Smith

B. Temin

C. Twort

D. Mayer

What is the correct answer?


Virus which attacks E.coli is called

A. bacteriophage

B. coliphage

C. phytophage

D. zoophage

What is the correct answer?


The disease in man caused by viruses is

A. mumps

B. cholera

C. typhoid

D. plague

What is the correct answer?


A stage in the replication of virus, when the cell wall of host is ruptured is known as

A. lesion

B. lysis

C. autolysis

D. haemolysis

What is the correct answer?


Viruses are defined as

A. a buch of genomes which are looking for a suitable host for replication

B. micro-organisms which contains DNA only

C. smallest micro-organisms causing disease

D. micro-organisms which contains RNA only

What is the correct answer?


Virus is a.............................. stage between living and non-living.

A. balanced

B. threshold

C. transitional

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


RNA particles causing symptoms like those of viral diseases is known as

A. virion

B. vira

C. viroid

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


A virus contains

A. an outer protein coat and a central core of DNA or RNA

B. outer RNA or DNA and a central core of proteins

C. only nucleic acids

D. only protein coats

What is the correct answer?


Virus was crystallized and isolated first by

A. D. Iwanowski

B. F.C. Bawden

C. W.M. Stanley

D. K.M.Smith

What is the correct answer?


The virus DNA which is incorporated into bacterial DNA is termed as

A. episome

B. mesosome

C. free DNA

D. T-phage