Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following plays an important part in photosynthesis?

A. Chloroplast

B. Centrosome

C. Tonoplast

D. Nematoblast

Correct Answer :

A. Chloroplast

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What is the correct answer?


In case of a heart attack a hormone is injected as an emergency measure. Which one is it?

A. Thyroxine

B. Adrenaline

C. Heparin

D. Insulin

What is the correct answer?


Blood cancer is otherwise called

A. Leukaemia

B. Leucoderma

C. Leucocytopenia

D. Erythrocemia

What is the correct answer?


Lecuminous plants are recommended for rotation of crops because they

A. kill harmful insects

B. require little amount of water

C. help in Nitrogen fixation

D. are cash crops

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Organisms that feed on the excreta of other organisms are called

A. autotrophs

B. heterotrophs

C. coprophagous

D. saprotrophs

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Which of the following organelles is known as the 'power House' of the cell?

A. Golgi Bodies

B. Ribosomes

C. Mitochondria

D. None of these

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Bordetella pertussis causes

A. tetanus

B. diphtheria

C. whooping cough

D. rabies

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Small pox is caused by

A. bacteria

B. fungus

C. virus

D. algae

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Bats can fly in the dark because

A. they have a better vision in the dark

B. the light startles them

C. they produce high pitched sounds called ultrasonics

D. None of the above

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Blood pressure is measured by

A. Auxanometer

B. Stethoscope

C. Sphygmomanometer

D. Kaleidoscope

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Sexual selection theory was propounded by

A. Wallace

B. De Vires

C. Lamarck

D. Charles Darwin

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Who discovered the electron microscope?

A. Knoll and Ruska

B. Rudolf and Kolliker

C. Robert Hooke

D. CP Swanson

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A plant cell is distinguishable from an animal cell by the presence of

A. nucleus

B. cell wall

C. chloroplasts

D. cell membrane

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Loss of blood is minimized due to blood

A. clotting

B. receding

C. healing

D. drying up

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Maintenance of pregnancy is under the control of

A. follicular stimulating hormone

B. growth hormone

C. estrogen

D. progesterone

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Excess carbohydrates and insufficient proteins in dally diet will lead to

A. Kwashiorkor

B. Night blindness

C. Pernicious anaemia

D. Loss of hair

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Insects that make a clicking sound are

A. crickets

B. beetles

C. flies

D. silver fish

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Calcium and phosphorus assimilation will depend on sufficient intake of

A. vitamin B complex

B. vitamin D

C. vitamin A

D. vitamin C

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The hypothesis that living matter originated in the past from non-living matter is supported by

A. Fossil records

B. Miller's experiments

C. Pasteur experiment

D. Spallanzeni experiment

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The primary energy for living organisms is

A. Solar energy

B. Chemical energy

C. Mitochondria


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The universal recipient belongs to blood group

A. A

B. B


D. O

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The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called

A. hibernation

B. aestivation

C. laziness

D. lethargy

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The hypoglossal nerves are the pairs of the spinal nerves

A. First pair

B. Second pair

C. Third pair

D. Fourth pair

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Deciduous forests are those with trees

A. that are evergreen

B. that shed leaves periodically

C. that have needle like leaves

D. that have no leaves at all

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Injection of insulin causes

A. increase in glucose in blood

B. decrease in glucose in blood

C. increase in blood pressure

D. decrease in blood pressure

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The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is

A. 280

B. 290

C. 300

D. 310

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The function of connective tissue is

A. to hold the other tissues together

B. to facilitate diffusion

C. to help transportation of dissolved material from capillaries to epithelial cells

D. protection

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The hormone which is Popularly called as stress hormone is

A. Epinephrine

B. Cortisone

C. Thyroxine

D. Insulin

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Man has ____ pairs of salivary glands.

A. 3

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

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1 gm of carbohydrate gives energy which is about

A. 3 k cal

B. 2 k cal

C. 4.2 k cal

D. 8.1 k cal

What is the correct answer?


What are the symptoms of retinal deficiency?

A. Dry skin

B. Rough skin

C. Night blindness

D. Sensitiveness to light and ulcers