Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following relational algebraic operations is not from set theory?

A. Union

B. Intersection

C. Cartesian Product

D. Select

Correct Answer :

D. Select

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


As per equivalence rules for query transformation, selection operation distributes over

A. Union.

B. Set difference.

C. Intersection.

D. All of the above.

What is the correct answer?


Data independence means

A. data is defined separately and not included in programs.

B. programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data

C. programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data

D. both B and C

What is the correct answer?


The middleware databases in which the business rules act are applicable to _______ tier architectures

A. Single

B. Three

C. Two

D. None

What is the correct answer?


A DBMS is a ____ user if at most one user can use the system and is mostly restricted to personal computer systems.

A. None

B. Multi

C. Single

D. Concurrent

What is the correct answer?


Assume transaction A holds a shared lock R. If transaction B also requests for a shared lock on R.

A. It will result in a deadlock situation.

B. It will immediately be rejected.

C. It will immediately be granted.

D. It will be granted as soon as it is released by A .

What is the correct answer?


Which one is true statement :

A. With finer degree of granularity of locking a high degree of concurrency is possible.

B. Locking prevents non-serializable schedules.

C. Locking cannot take place at field level.

D. An exclusive lock on data item X is granted even if a shared lock is already held on X.

What is the correct answer?


What is data integrity?

A. It is the data contained in database that is non redundant.

B. It is the data contained in database that is accurate and consistent.

C. It is the data contained in database that is secured.

D. It is the data contained in database that is shared.

What is the correct answer?


Create a table with the following attributes: Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME of 10 characters)

A. Create table Employee(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));

B. Create table Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME String(10));

C. Create table Emplo(EMPNO number, EMPNAME string);

D. Create table Emp(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));

What is the correct answer?


DROP is a statement in SQL.

A. Query

B. Embedded SQL



What is the correct answer?


The data models defined by ANSI/SPARC architecture are

A. Conceptual, physical and internal

B. Conceptual, view and external

C. Logical, physical and internal

D. Logical, physical and view

What is the correct answer?


In an E-R, Y is the dominant entity and X is a subordinate entity. Then which of the following is incorrect :

A. Operationally, if Y is deleted, so is X

B. existence is dependent on Y.

C. Operationally, if X is deleted, so is Y.

D. Operationally, if X is deleted, & remains the same.

What is the correct answer?


The normal form that is not necessarily dependency preserving is

A. 2NF

B. 3NF


D. 4NF

What is the correct answer?


In a multi-user database, if two users wish to update the same record at the same time, they are prevented from doing so by

A. jamming

B. password

C. documentation

D. record lock

What is the correct answer?


The ______ indexes are forced to store only record IDs in the data structure and require at least one additional I/O Operation to retrieve the actual record.

A. Clustered

B. Hashed

C. Un-clustered

D. Collision

What is the correct answer?


_____ First proposed the process of normalization.

A. Edgar. W

B. Edward Stephen

C. Edgar F. Codd

D. Edward Codd

What is the correct answer?


Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database design?

A. 2NF

B. 5NF

C. 4NF

D. 3NF

What is the correct answer?


The fact that all employees of a particular organization should not have salaries more than $10000 is a _____ constraint.

A. Schema

B. Tuple

C. Domain

D. Relational

What is the correct answer?


What are the desirable properties of a decomposition

A. Partition constraint.

B. Dependency preservation.

C. Redundancy.

D. Security.

What is the correct answer?


Precedence graphs help to find a

A. Serializable schedule.

B. Recoverable schedule.

C. Deadlock free schedule.

D. Cascadeless schedule.

What is the correct answer?


An advantage of views is

A. Data security

B. Derived columns

C. Hiding of complex queries

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a property of transactions?

A. Atomicity

B. Concurrency

C. Isolation

D. Durability

What is the correct answer?


The set of all values that can be taken by the attribute is called as _______ of the attribute.

A. Tuple

B. Cardinality

C. Degree

D. Domain

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following concurrency control schemes is not based on the serializability property?

A. Two - phase locking

B. Graph-based locking

C. Time-stamp based locking

D. None of these .

What is the correct answer?


If a transaction T has obtained an exclusive lock on item Q, then T can

A. read Q

B. write Q

C. both read and write Q

D. write Q but not read Q

What is the correct answer?


In SQL, testing whether a subquery is empty is done using





What is the correct answer?


In an ER diagram the ___shape specifies the Attibute and a ____ shape specifies the primary key attribute.

A. Oval; An oval with an underlined attribute

B. Circle; A circle with bolded attribute inside it

C. Diamond; A bolded attribute

D. Square; An attribute within the square

What is the correct answer?


The normalization was first proposed by .

A. Code

B. Codd

C. Boyce Codd

D. Boyce

What is the correct answer?


The ____ operator joins two or more conditions and displays rows only if that rows data satisfies all conditions specified.





What is the correct answer?


The relational model is based on the concept that data is organized and stored in two-dimensional tables called ______

A. Fields

B. Records

C. Relations

D. Keys

What is the correct answer?


HSAM stands for ……….

A. Hierarchic Standard Access Method

B. Hierarchic Sequential Access Method

C. Hierarchic Sequential and Method

D. Hierarchic Standard and Method