Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the group has no member having gliding or flying appendages ?

A. Cydostomata

B. Fishes

C. Reptiles

D. Mammals

Correct Answer :

A. Cydostomata

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A. mollusca

B. cephalopoda

C. anneilida

D. arthropoda

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Cephalophoda is a class of animals in which

A. notochord extends upto head

B. foot is located on head

C. head is located on foot

D. head is fused with thorax

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Which of the following is not a deuteros-tome phylum ?

A. Mollusca

B. Echinodermata

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A. Scales

B. Eggs

C. Shelled eggs

D. Gills

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A triploblastic animal in which I mesenchyme fills the space between ectoderm and endoderm is

A. Sea anemone

B. Planarian

C. Pheretima

D. Starfish

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A. dinosaur

B. duck

C. fossil bird

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A. Carolus Linnaeus

B. Charles Darwin

C. Lamarck

D. Wallace

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A. arthropoda

B. pisces

C. mammalia

D. reptilia

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A. Coelenterata

B. Porifera

C. Annelida

D. Arthropoda

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A. true snake

B. blind worm

C. false snake

D. true worm

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A. birds and mammals

B. birds and reptiles

C. reptiles and mammals

D. reptiles, birds and mammals

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Which of the following have played a part in human evolution, different races adapting to different climate ?

A. Geographical isolation

B. Reproductive isolation

C. Behavioural isolation

D. Hybrid in viability

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Aphrodite, commonly called as sea mouse is a/an

A. annelide

B. fish

C. mollusc

D. arthropod

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A. shark

B. whale

C. frog

D. lizard

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A. hairy skin and ovipary

B. hairy skin and mammary glands

C. mammary glands and teeth

D. pinnae and teeth

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Character common in spider, cockroach and centipede is

A. compound eyes

B. joint legs

C. book lungs

D. green glands

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Which of the following is not an acoelomate animal ?

A. Sponge

B. Jelly fish

C. Tapeworm

D. Roundworm

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Taenia, Periplaneta and Pheretima are non-chordates because

A. their body is segmented

B. they do not possess a post-anal tail

C. they do not have a coelom

D. all of these

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A. limbless amphibian

B. limbless snake

C. limbless lizard

D. limbless fish

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Euplectella (Venus flower basket) is a

A. porifer

B. protozoan

C. coelentrate

D. nematode

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A. size

B. locomotary organelles

C. shape

D. number of nuclei

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A. leech

B. cockroach

C. housefly

D. butterfly

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Biramous appendages are typically found in

A. insects

B. crustaceans

C. annelids

D. arachnids

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Bilateral symmetry, metameric segmentation, coelom and open circulatory system are characters of

A. annelida

B. arthropoda

C. mollusca

D. echinodermata

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A. Mammary glands, hairs, gill slits

B. Notochord, gill slits and dorsal ! tubular nervous system

C. Notochord, scales and dorsal tubular nervous system

D. Gill slits, vertebral column and notochoitl

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The biggest phylum in regard to the number of species is

A. Arthropoda

B. Platyhelminthes

C. Chordata

D. Protozoa

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Which of the following is homiother-mous ?

A. Lizard

B. Frog

C. Rabbit

D. Cuttlefish

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A. Ophiosaurs

B. Heloderma

C. Varanus

D. None of these

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A. Ascaris

B. Planaria

C. Rotifer

D. Sea anemone