Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is not radioactive?

A. Astatine

B. Francium

C. Tritium

D. Zirconium

Correct Answer :

D. Zirconium

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What is the correct answer?


The term 'nucleons' apples to

A. neutrons

B. protons

C. protons and neutrons

D. protons and electrons

What is the correct answer?


A metal which occurs 'free' in nature is

A. gold

B. zinc

C. tin

D. molybdenum

What is the correct answer?


Alum is used

A. as an analgesic

B. in the purification of water

C. as a fertilizer

D. as a disinfectant

What is the correct answer?


BHC is a

A. Rodenticide

B. Herbicide

C. Pesticide

D. Fungicide

What is the correct answer?


The flux added in the blast furnace is

A. Limestone

B. FeO

C. SiO2

D. MgO

What is the correct answer?


Burglar proof safes are made of

A. Tungsten steel

B. Manganese steel

C. Chromium steel

D. Nickel steel

What is the correct answer?


Soda-water contains

A. sodium bicarbonate

B. sodium carbonate

C. carbonic acid

D. sodium hydroxide

What is the correct answer?


The noble gas which is present in microscopic quantities in air is

A. xenon

B. krypton

C. argon

D. helium

What is the correct answer?


A mixture of naphthalene and sand is separated by

A. evaporation

B. using a magnet

C. sublimation

D. sedimentation

What is the correct answer?


Artificial diamonds were produced by

A. Moissan

B. Davy

C. Faraday

D. Marie Curie

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The substance preserved under water is

A. potassium

B. sodium

C. red phosphorus

D. white phosphorus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is used as a food preservative?

A. phenol

B. washing soda

C. absolute alcohol

D. vinegar

What is the correct answer?


Glass articles are annealed so that

A. they may appear better

B. they can resist the action of acids and alkalies

C. they lose their brittleness

D. they can withstand temperature shocks

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an essential constituent of acids?

A. Oxygen

B. Nitrogen

C. Hydrogen

D. Chlorine

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following can absorb gases quickly?

A. Activated charcoal

B. Anthracite coal

C. Diamond

D. Graphite

What is the correct answer?


What is 'oxygen mixture'?

A. A mixture of potassium nitrate and carbon

B. A mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate

C. A mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide

D. A mixture of ammonium nitrate and charcoal

What is the correct answer?


Stainless steel contains steel and

A. manganese

B. vanadium

C. nickel

D. chromium

What is the correct answer?


A compound of carbon used as anaesthetic is

A. carbon disulphide

B. carbon tetrachloride

C. phosgene

D. chloroform

What is the correct answer?


Bordeaux mixture contains

A. copper sulphate and water

B. copper sulphate, lime and water

C. thio-urea and lime

D. copper sulphate and thio-urea

What is the correct answer?


Mortar contains cement and sand in the ratio of

A. 1 : 1

B. 1 : 2

C. 2 : 3

D. 1 : 3

What is the correct answer?


The depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is due to -extensive use of

A. dichloro-phenoxy-acetic acid

B. superphosphate of lime

C. chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)

D. dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane

What is the correct answer?


The addition of a neutron to the nucleus of an atom

A. increases the atomic mass of the atom

B. decreases the atomic mass of the atom

C. increases the charge on the nucleus

D. decreases the charge on the nucleus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following process involves removal of the elements of water?

A. Hydrolysis

B. Hydrogenation

C. Dehydration

D. Dehydrogenation

What is the correct answer?


Vinegar is an aqueous solution of

A. oxalic acid

B. citric acid

C. acetic acid

D. hydrochloric acid

What is the correct answer?


Dry Ice is

A. solid carbon dioxide

B. liquid oxygen

C. liquid hydrogen

D. liquid. Chlorine

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a solid non-metal?

A. chlorine

B. mercury

C. water

D. iodine

What is the correct answer?


Cupellation is used in the purification of

A. Lead

B. Tin

C. Silver

D. Gold

What is the correct answer?


A form of carbon which is a good lubricant is

A. diamond

B. coke

C. graphite

D. charcoal

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of potable water?

A. It must be free from suspended impurities

B. It must be free from harmful bacteria

C. It must contain traces of sodium bicarbonate

D. It must have a fishy odour

What is the correct answer?


Gasoline is obtained from crude petroleum by

A. fractional distillation

B. fractional crystallisation

C. sublimation

D. evaporation