Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is used for dry cleaning?

A. Kerosene oil

B. Diesel oil

C. Lubricating oil

D. Petroleum ether

Correct Answer :

D. Petroleum ether

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What is the correct answer?


Which of the following cannot be used for the preparation of soap?

A. oleic acid

B. acetic acid

C. palmitic acid

D. stearic acid

What is the correct answer?


Rusting is a special case of corrosion applied to

A. nickel

B. tin

C. iron

D. chromium

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Which of the following is a halogen?

A. Radon

B. Astatine

C. Cesium

D. Ruthenium

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not an alloy of copper?

A. Bronze

B. Brass

C. Solder

D. Gun metal

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Which of the following act a both u oxidising and reducing agent?

A. nitric acid

B. ammonia

C. nitrous acid

D. nitrogen peroxide

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Grape sugar is another name for

A. glucose

B. fructose

C. sucrose

D. maltose

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Which of the following metals is the best conductor of heat and electricity?

A. Aluminium

B. Silver

C. Copper

D. Magnesium

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A mixture of ethyl alcohol and water can be separated by

A. evaporation

B. sublimation

C. using a separating funnel

D. fractional distillation

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The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of mass A and atomic number Z is given by

A. A - Z

B. A + Z

C. Z

D. A

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The compound used in photography is

A. ammonium dichromate

B. copper Sulphate

C. magnesium Sulphate

D. sodium thiosulphate

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A metal which occurs 'free' in nature is

A. gold

B. zinc

C. tin

D. molybdenum

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The compounds produced by plants in the process of photosynthesis are

A. carbohydrates

B. proteins

C. salts

D. fats

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Temporary hardness is due to the presence of

A. calcium carbonate

B. calcium bicarbonate

C. magnesium sulphate

D. calcium sulphate

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The substance most abundantly found in sea water is

A. magnesium chloride

B. sodium chloride

C. calcium sulphate

D. potassium chloride

What is the correct answer?


A non-metal which is a good conductor of electricity is

A. graphite

B. phosphorus

C. sulphur

D. iodine

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Which of the following can absorb gases quickly?

A. Activated charcoal

B. Anthracite coal

C. Diamond

D. Graphite

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Setting of cement is due to

A. hydration

B. dehydration

C. dialysis

D. osmosis

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In the common soda-acid fire extinguisher, the fire is put out by

A. acid fumes

B. sodium bicarbonate

C. carbon dioxide

D. sodium carbonate

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The Carbon dioxide is absorbed by

A. Palladium



D. Dilute H2SO4

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According to the modern Periodic Law, the properties of elements are periodic functions of their

A. valency

B. atomic mass

C. number of neutrons

D. atomic number

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Which of the following is a mixture?

A. Baking soda

B. Milk

C. Chloroform

D. Copper wire

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Methylated spirit is a mixture of

A. methyl alcohol and acetic acid

B. methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol

C. ethyl alcohol and pyridine

D. methyl alcohol and pyridine

What is the correct answer?


Solid carbon dioxide (Dry ice) is also known as

A. Thiokol

B. Drikold

C. Perhydrol

D. Mannitol

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The raw materials required for the manufacture of glass are

A. silica, sodium nitrate and soda ash

B. silica, limestone and sodium nitrate

C. silica, sodium oxide and limestone

D. silica, soda ash and limestone

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Riboflavin deficiency causes

A. tongue inflammation

B. pellagra

C. night blindness

D. anaemia

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Which of the following represents a physical change?

A. sublimation

B. oxidation

C. reduction

D. decomposition

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PAS is a drug used In the treatment of

A. tuberculosis

B. cancer

C. typhoid

D. malaria

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Which of the following is a communicable disease caused by viruses?

A. Cholera

B. Dysentery

C. Diabetes

D. Measles

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Which one of the following gases is extremely soluble in water?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Ammonia

C. Chlorine

D. Hydrogen sulphide

What is the correct answer?


A valuable by-product in the manufacture of soap is

A. stearic acid

B. sodium hydroxide

C. palmitic acid

D. glycerol