Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which organism probably arrived first in the world?

A. Algae

B. Fungi

C. Protozoa

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

A. Algae

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What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases is not caused by a virus?

A. Cancer

B. Rabies


D. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

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The method of inducing artificial immunity was discovered by

A. Jenner

B. Tolstoy

C. Pasteur

D. Morgan

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The cell theory of Schleiden and Schwann states that

A. cells reproduce by mitosis or meiosis

B. all cells have nuclei

C. cells are basic units of plants and animals

D. cells arise only from pre-existing cells

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What are halophytes?

A. plants found in fresh water

B. plants growing in saline conditions

C. mesophytic plants

D. desert plants

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The 'mad-cow disease' (Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease) is produced by certain

A. bacterium

B. virus

C. viroid

D. prion

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Insects that make a clicking sound are

A. crickets

B. beetles

C. flies

D. silver fish

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Which among the following is a Cast growing tree?

A. Teak

B. Eucalyptus

C. Banyan

D. Coconut

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Bio indicators are

A. stains

B. pH indicators

C. weather indicators

D. soil indicators

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Mutations could be created by X-rays. This was found by

A. Muller

B. Morgan

C. Meyer

D. Flemming

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The function of ribosomes is

A. Secretion

B. Excretion

C. Power house of the cell

D. Protein synthesis

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The science of improving the hereditary qualities of future generations of mankind is referred to as

A. genetics

B. eugenics

C. epigenesist

D. epistasis

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Pneumonia is ,a bacterial disease caused by the type of bacteria called

A. Bacilli

B. Cocci

C. Sprilli

D. Vibrio

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The hormone secreted when one is frightened or excited

A. pituitrin

B. thyroxine

C. adrenaline

D. parathormone

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What is the other name for the brain?

A. myelon

B. encephalon

C. cephalon

D. All the above

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In one minute normally the heart beats

A. 60 times

B. 80 times

C. 100 times

D. 72 times

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The universal recipient belongs to blood group

A. A

B. B


D. O

What is the correct answer?


In case of a heart attack a hormone is injected as an emergency measure. Which one is it?

A. Thyroxine

B. Vasopressin

C. Heparin

D. Insulin

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Eosinophil™s are stained by

A. alkaline dyes

B. acidic dyes

C. neutral dyes

D. vital stains

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Development without fertilization is called

A. parthenogenesis

B. asexual reproduction

C. sporulation

D. budding

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Hormones are carried from their place of production by

A. Ducts

B. Blood

C. Lymph

D. Mucus

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Blood is

A. acidic

B. alkaline

C. neutral

D. like a buffer

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Injection of insulin causes

A. increase in glucose in blood

B. decrease in glucose in blood

C. increase in blood pressure

D. decrease in blood pressure

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The tallest tree in the world Sequoia™ is found in



C. former USSR

D. China

What is the correct answer?


The principal reason why it is better to have two eyes than one is that

A. by having two eyes, one can distinguish colours more easily

B. by having two eyes, one can easily see in the dark and dim light

C. this gives the man a type of vision known as mosaic vision

D. this enhances depth perception in the humans

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Foal' is the young on of the

A. Cat

B. Lion

C. Tiger

D. Horse

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The theory of use and disuse was used to explain evolution by

A. Lamarck

B. Darwin

C. De Vries

D. Wallace

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Pacemaker is the

A. Sinu-auricular node

B. Auriculo-ventricular node

C. Bundle of His

D. Purkinje fibres

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The stones formed in human kidney consist mostly of

A. calcium oxalate

B. sodium acetate

C. magnesium

D. calcium

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Blood is

A. acidic

B. alkaline

C. neutral

D. like a buffer

What is the correct answer?


What are the symptoms of Xeroph-thalmia?

A. eye weakness

B. dry skin and night blindness

C. nervous break down

D. All the above