Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which part interprets program instructions and initiate control operations.

A. Input

B. Storage unit

C. Logic unit

D. Control unit

Correct Answer :

D. Control unit

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What is the correct answer?


The main electronic component used in first generation computers was

A. Transistors

B. Integrated Circuits

C. None of above

D. Vacuum Tubes and Valves

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following terms is the most closely related to main memory?

A. Non volatile

B. Permanent

C. Control unit

D. Temporary

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What does DMA stand for?

A. Distinct Memory Access

B. Direct Memory Access

C. Direct Module Access

D. Direct Memory Allocation

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Slide Rules was invented in

A. 1614

B. 1617

C. 1620

D. None of above

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Software in computer

A. Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine

B. Increase the speed of central processing unit

C. Both of above

D. None of above

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An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?

A. Leech

B. Squid

C. Slug

D. Glitch

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Who invented Slide Rules?

A. John Napier

B. William Oughtred

C. Gottfried Leibnitz

D. Blaise Pascal

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A system is

A. an integration of different units so as to achieve an objective

B. input unit

C. input and output unit

D. input, output and storage units

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EPROM can be used for

A. Erasing the contents of ROM

B. Reconstructing the contents of ROM

C. Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM

D. Duplicating ROM

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which of the following is problem oriented language?

A. High level language

B. Machine language

C. Assembly language

D. Low level language

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Who invented the high level language C�?

A. Dennis M. Ritchie

B. Niklaus Writh

C. Seymour Papert

D. Donald Kunth

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Who is the father of Computer science?

A. Allen Turing

B. Charles Babbage

C. Simur Cray

D. Augusta Adaming

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The data recording format in most of the modern magnetic tape is

A. 7-bit ASCII

B. 7-bit EBCDIC

C. 8-bit ASCII

D. 8-bit EBCDIC

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following memories need refresh?




D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


A pen shaped device which can sense light, and is used to point at spots on a video screen.

A. Mouse

B. Light pen

C. Joystick

D. Plotter

What is the correct answer?


A device designed to read information encoded into a small plastic card is

A. Magnetic tape

B. Badge reader

C. Tape puncher

D. Card puncher

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?

A. Terminal

B. Light pen

C. Digitizer

D. Mouse

What is the correct answer?


The first digital computer built with IC chips was known as

A. IBM 7090

B. Apple ? 1

C. IBM System / 360

D. VAX-10

What is the correct answer?


The act of retrieving existing data from memory is called

A. Read-out

B. Read from

C. Read

D. All of above

What is the correct answer?


A dumb terminal has

A. an embedded microprocessor

B. extensive memory

C. independent processing capability

D. a keyboard and screen

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The scrambling of code is known as:

A. Encryption.

B. firewall.

C. Scrambling.

D. Password proofing.

What is the correct answer?


________ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously

A. Multitasking

B. Multithreading

C. Multiprocessing

D. Multicomputing

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An integrated circuit is

A. A complicated circuit

B. An integrating device

C. Much costlier than a single transistor

D. Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

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Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as

A. system software

B. application software

C. utility programs

D. operating system

What is the correct answer?


Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on

A. tracks per inch of surface

B. bits per inch of tracks

C. disk pack in disk surface

D. All of above

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Which of the following is not purely output device?

A. Screen

B. Printer

C. Speaker

D. Plotter

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Word length of a Personal Computer is ___

A. 4 bits

B. 8 bits

C. 16 bits

D. 64 bits

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Which is a non-standard version of a computing language?



C. Army

D. PL/1

What is the correct answer?


The common name for the crime of stealing passwords is:

A. Jacking.

B. Identity theft.

C. Spoofing.

D. Hacking.

What is the correct answer?


Which was the computer conceived by Babbage?

A. Analytical Engine

B. Arithmetic Machine

C. Donald Kunth

D. All of above