Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is valid about computer program?

A. High level languages must be converted into machine language to execute

B. High level language programs are more efficient and faster to execute

C. It is more difficult to identify errors in high level language program than in low level programs

D. All of above

Correct Answer :

A. High level languages must be converted into machine language to execute

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What is the correct answer?


Instructions and memory address are represented by

A. Character code

B. Binary codes

C. Binary word

D. Parity bit

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How many numbers could ENIAC store in its internal memory

A. 100

B. 20

C. 80

D. 40

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A. Blaise Pascal

B. George Bool

C. Charles Babbage

D. Dr. Herman Hollerith

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Punched cards were first introduced by

A. Powers

B. Pascal

C. Jacquard

D. Herman Hollerith

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What is the latest write-once optical storage media?

A. Digital paper

B. Magneto-optical disk

C. WORM disk

D. CD-ROM disk

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Modern Computers are very reliable but they are not

A. Infallible

B. Cheap

C. Powerful

D. Fast

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ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for?

A. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

B. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code

C. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code

D. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

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Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record's disk address. What information does this address specify?

A. Track number

B. Sector number

C. Surface number

D. All of above

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Which was the world's first minicomputer and when was it introduced?

A. PDP-I, 1958

B. IBM System/36, 1960

C. PDP-II, 1961

D. VAX 11/780, 1962

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A. Hard Disks

B. Flash Disks

C. Blu-Ray Disks


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A notation used to express clearly on algorithm is known as

A. Algorithmic language

B. Assembly language

C. Machine language

D. High level language

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The technology that stores only the essential instructions on a microprocessor chip and thus enhances its speed is referred to as




D. Wi-Fi

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Mark I is also known as

A. American Sequence Controlled Calculator

B. Automatic Sequence Calculating Controller

C. American Sequence Controlled Computer

D. Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator

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Which converts the user data into machine readable form?

A. Input unit, output unit, control unit

B. Central processing unit

C. Output unit

D. Decoder unit

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________are specific to users' needs

A. System software

B. Application software

C. Assemblers

D. Compilers

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Which of the following is associated with error detector?

A. Odd parity bit

B. Even parity bit

C. Both of the above

D. None of above

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Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called

A. Entry codes

B. Passwords

C. Security commands

D. Code words

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A. Diligence

B. Intelligence

C. Both of above

D. None of above

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The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal, and OCR reader is the:

A. Data collection terminal

B. OCR register terminal

C. Video Display terminal

D. POS terminal

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Which of the following is not a third generation computer?

A. IBM 360

B. IBM 1401

C. PDP-8

D. HP2115

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An IBM system/38 represents the computer class of:

A. Small-scale computer

B. Medium-scale computer

C. Large-scale computer

D. Super computer

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Which of the following is not an input device?


B. Optical scanners

C. COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)

D. Voice recognition device

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The purpose of vacuum tube was to NOT act like

A. an amplifier

B. a switch

C. a router

D. None of above

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IBM 1401 is

A. First Generation Computer

B. Second Generation Computer

C. Third Generation Computer

D. Fourth Generation Computer

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What are the three decisions making operations performed by the ALU of a computer?

A. Grater than

B. Less than

C. Equal to

D. All of the above

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Computer is free from tiresome and boardroom. We call it

A. Accuracy

B. Reliability

C. Diligence

D. Versatility

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The control unit of a microprocessor

A. Stores data in the memory

B. Accepts input data from keyboard

C. Performs arithmetic/logic function

D. None of above

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Example of non-numeric data is

A. Employee address

B. Examination score

C. Bank balance

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


A typical personal computer used for business purposes would have of RAM.

A. 4 KB

B. 16 K

C. 64 K

D. 256 K

What is the correct answer?


A term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is

A. Multiprogramming

B. Modulation

C. Multiprocessing

D. Micro program sequence