Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Who is the founder of classical school of thought?

A. David Ricardo

B. Adam Smith

C. T.R.Malthus

D. J.S.Mill

Correct Answer :

B. Adam Smith

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What is the correct answer?


The spending of money by the producer to influence consumers is an example of:

A. Derived demand

B. Joint demand

C. Demand creation

D. Compressed demand

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?

A. There is perfect information about prices

B. All participants in the market are small relative to the size of the overall market

C. There are many buyers and sellers

D. Buyers and sellers do not know each other

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, because of difference in choices, the firm charges:

A. Different prices

B. Similar prices

C. High prices

D. Low prices

What is the correct answer?


The main contribution of Alfred Marshal is in the field of:

A. Research in mathematical economics

B. Economics of labor

C. Theory of production

D. Theory of demand

What is the correct answer?


In the modern theory of costs, the level of production which the firm considers feasible is known as:

A. Input factor

B. Heavy factor

C. Output factor

D. Load factor

What is the correct answer?


Change in demand (rise and fall of demand) is:

A. Due to change in price while other factors remain constant

B. Due to change in factors other than price

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The minimization of costs subject to output requires equilibrium at the lowest:

A. Isoquant line

B. Isocost line

C. Indifference curve

D. Price line

What is the correct answer?


LMC represents change in LTC (long-run total cost) due to producing an additional unit of a good while the fixed and variable factors:

A. Cannot be changed

B. Can be changed

C. Can partially be changed

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The number of firms in monopolistic competition normally range between:

A. 14 to 28

B. 14 to 80

C. 14 to 38

D. 14 to 60

What is the correct answer?


On the total utility curve the economically relevant range is the portion over which:

A. The total utility is rising at a declining rate

B. The total utility is raising at an increasing rate

C. Total utility is maximum

D. Total utility is declining

What is the correct answer?


The production techniques are technically efficient:

A. Bellow the lower ridge line

B. Above the upper ridge line

C. Between the two ridge lines

D. On the upper ridge line

What is the correct answer?


Who first used the term Quasi-Rent?

A. David Ricardo

B. Alfred Marshal

C. J.S.Mill

D. Karl Marx

What is the correct answer?


In cournot model firms:

A. Cannot make price adjustments

B. Can make price adjustments

C. Can adjust number of customers

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In substitution effect and income effect:

A. The substitution effect is more certain

B. The income effect is more certain

C. The substitution effect is uncertain

D. The income effect is always positive

What is the correct answer?


Economic problems arise because:

A. Wants are unlimited

B. Resources are scarce

C. Scarce resources have alternative uses

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


A typical demand curve cannot be:

A. Convex to the origin

B. Concave to the origin

C. A straight line

D. Rising upwards to the right

What is the correct answer?


Under perfect competition, the average revenue, marginal revenue and price are shown:

A. By a same single curve

B. By three different curves

C. By downward sloping curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In case of budget line, we get pairs of two goods where consumers income is:

A. Fully spent

B. Half spent

C. Partially spent

D. Correctly spent

What is the correct answer?


The point where the supply and demand curves intersect on a graph determines:

A. Market price

B. Equilibrium price

C. Long-term price

D. Short-term price

What is the correct answer?


When total revenue is maximum in monopoly, elasticity of demand is:

A. E =1

B. E >1

C. E <1

D. E =0

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist is able to maximize his profit when:

A. His output is maximum

B. He charges a high price

C. His average cost is minimum

D. His marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost

What is the correct answer?


Total variable cost curve:

A. Steps downwards at first and then upwards

B. Steps upwards, then remains constant and then falls

C. Steps downwards

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In dominant price leadership model, the dominant firm set the:

A. price

B. output

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist is:

A. Price winner

B. Price searcher

C. Price taker

D. Price leaver

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, if a firm lowers its price, the rival firms will:

A. Also lower their prices

B. Increase their prices

C. Show no reaction

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The real income of a consumer is income in terms of:

A. Goods

B. Goods and survices

C. Goods and survices it can purchased

D. Monetary units

What is the correct answer?


By scarcity the economist means that all goods are scarce relative the peoples:

A. Desire for them

B. Purchases

C. Production

D. Consumption

What is the correct answer?


The kinked demand curve comes into being where:

A. Proportional demand curve (PDC) and individual demand curve (IDC) intersect each other

B. Proportional demand curve (PDC) and individual demand curve (IDC) are parallel to each other

C. Proportional demand curve (PDC) and individual demand curve (IDC) repel each other

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Most of the supply curves with which the average consumer deals are:

A. Vertical

B. Horizontal

C. Controlled by the largest producers

D. Unaffected by inflation

What is the correct answer?


The proportionality rule in production requires that the ratios of MP and factor prices are:

A. Doubled

B. Equalized

C. Not equalized

D. None of the above