Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote Rayuela (Hopscotch), a novel known for its experimental narrative structure?

A. Julio Cort�zar

B. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

C. Jorge Luis Borges

D. Mario Vargas Llosa

Correct Answer :

A. Julio Cort�zar

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the traditional Spanish snack or appetizer, often served with drinks?

A. Paella

B. Tapas

C. Gazpacho

D. Empanadas

What is the correct answer?


Which Spanish region is known for its traditional dance, the sevillanas?

A. Catalonia

B. Andalusia

C. Basque Country

D. Castile and Le�n

What is the correct answer?


Which Spanish region is known for its traditional dance, the sevillanas?

A. Catalonia

B. Andalusia

C. Basque Country

D. Castile and Le�n

What is the correct answer?


Who is the famous Spanish filmmaker known for movies like Volver and Talk to Her?

A. Pedro Almod�var

B. Alejandro Amen�bar

C. Guillermo del Toro

D. Alfonso Cuar�n

What is the correct answer?


What is the traditional Spanish sport that involves the running of bulls through the streets?

A. Bullfighting

B. Bull riding

C. Bull wrestling

D. Bull racing

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote El amor en los tiempos del c�lera (Love in the Time of Cholera)?

A. Jorge Luis Borges

B. Pablo Neruda

C. Mario Vargas Llosa

D. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote Los detectives salvajes (The Savage Detectives)?

A. Julio Cort�zar

B. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

C. Mario Vargas Llosa

D. Roberto Bola�o

What is the correct answer?


What is the traditional Spanish dish of cold tomato soup, often served in the summertime?

A. Paella

B. Tapas

C. Gazpacho

D. Empanadas

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote Los detectives salvajes (The Savage Detectives)?

A. Julio Cort�zar

B. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

C. Mario Vargas Llosa

D. Roberto Bola�o

What is the correct answer?


Which Spanish artist is known for his surrealist paintings, including The Persistence of Memory?

A. Pablo Picasso

B. Salvador Dal�

C. Joan Mir�

D. Diego Vel�zquez

What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of Cien a�os de soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude)?

A. Julio Cort�zar

B. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

C. Pablo Neruda

D. Jorge Luis Borges

What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of Los detectives salvajes (The Savage Detectives)?

A. Julio Cort�zar

B. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

C. Mario Vargas Llosa

D. Roberto Bola�o

What is the correct answer?


Which Spanish poet is known for his collection Veinte poemas de amor y una canci�n desesperada?

A. Octavio Paz

B. Pablo Neruda

C. Juan Ram�n Jim�nez

D. Rub�n Dar�o

What is the correct answer?


What is the traditional Spanish dish of small fried doughnuts, often sprinkled with sugar?

A. Churros

B. Tamales

C. Arepas

D. Croquetas

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What is the name of the famous Spanish pilgrimage route that runs through the Pyrenees Mountains?

A. El Camino de Santiago

B. La Ruta del Sol

C. El Paseo de Espa�a

D. La Ruta de los Conquistadores

What is the correct answer?


Which Spanish region is known for its distinct language, Basque, and a strong cultural identity?

A. Catalonia

B. Andalusia

C. Basque Country

D. Castile and Le�n

What is the correct answer?


In Spanish culture, what is a fiesta?

A. A type of traditional Spanish music

B. A religious procession

C. A lively celebration or party

D. A type of Spanish pastry

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote the novel Ficciones, which is known for its intricate and imaginative short stories?

A. Julio Cort�zar

B. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

C. Jorge Luis Borges

D. Mario Vargas Llosa

What is the correct answer?


Which Spanish author wrote La sombra del viento, a novel set in post-war Barcelona?

A. Javier Mar�as

B. Carlos Ruiz Zaf�n

C. Antonio Mu�oz Molina

D. Arturo P�rez-Reverte

What is the correct answer?


What is the traditional Spanish dance characterized by fast footwork and rhythmic clapping called?

A. Flamenco

B. Salsa

C. Tango

D. Ballet

What is the correct answer?


Which Spanish author wrote La sombra del viento, a novel set in post-war Barcelona?

A. Javier Mar�as

B. Carlos Ruiz Zaf�n

C. Antonio Mu�oz Molina

D. Arturo P�rez-Reverte

What is the correct answer?


What is La Tomatina, an annual festival held in Bu�ol, Spain, known for?

A. Running with bulls

B. Tomato throwing

C. Flamenco dancing

D. Wine tasting

What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of La casa de los esp�ritus (The House of the Spirits)?

A. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

B. Julio Cort�zar

C. Pablo Neruda

D. Isabel Allende

What is the correct answer?


Who wrote La casa de Bernarda Alba, a play set in a strict household where the daughters are controlled by their mother?

A. Lope de Vega

B. Federico Garc�a Lorca

C. Miguel de Cervantes

D. Pedro Calder�n de la Barca

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the distinctive tower or bell tower of a Spanish cathedral?

A. Gargoyle

B. Facade

C. Cloister

D. Campanile

What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of Pedro P�ramo, a novel often associated with magical realism?

A. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

B. Julio Cort�zar

C. Juan Rulfo

D. Mario Vargas Llosa

What is the correct answer?


What is the famous work of Spanish literature that follows the adventures of a young nobleman named Alonso Quixano?

A. La Celestina

B. La vida es sue�o

C. Don Quijote de la Mancha

D. Rimas y Leyendas

What is the correct answer?


Which famous Spanish painter is known for his Blue Period and Rose Period artworks?

A. Pablo Picasso

B. Salvador Dal�

C. Joan Mir�

D. Francisco Goya

What is the correct answer?


What is the term for the traditional Spanish folk music and dance often accompanied by castanets?

A. Salsa

B. Tango

C. Flamenco

D. Bolero

What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of Pedro P�ramo, a novel often associated with magical realism?

A. Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez

B. Julio Cort�zar

C. Juan Rulfo

D. Mario Vargas Llosa