
Line Graph MCQ Question with Answer

Line Graph MCQ with detailed explanation for interview, entrance and competitive exams. Explanation are given for understanding.

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Question No : 8

Direction: Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.
The line graph below shows per cent profit earned by two companies producing electronic goods over the years % Profit = Profit earned / Total Investment x 100 Profit Earned = Total Income Total Investment in the year

If the total amount invested by the two companies in 2009 was ` 27 lakh while the amount invested by company B was 50% of the amount invested by Company A, what was the total profit earned by the two companies together?

21.15 lakh
20.70 lakh
18.70 lakh
20.15 lakh

Question No : 9

Direction: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions that follow. Number of Girl students in 000s

What was the ratio between the number girls enrolled in the school-C in the year 2007 and the total number of girls enrolled in school-A and school-B together in the same year?

11 : 3
3 : 11
4 : 11
4 : 7

Question No : 10
In which school was the difference between the number of girls enrolled in the year 2008 and 2004 minimum?

Only school-A
Only School-B
Both school-A and school-B
Both school-A and school-C

Question No : 11
What was the approximate average number of girls enrolled in the year 2006 in all the three schools together?


Question No : 12
Total number of girls enrolled in all the three schools in the year 2004 was what percentage of the number of girls enrolled in school-C in the year 2007?


Question No : 13

Direction: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions that follow. Number of Girl students in 000s

In which year was the total number of girls enrolled in all the three schools together second highest?


Question No : 14

Direction: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it.
% profit Earned by a company over the years Per Cent Profit = (Income Expenditure) / expenditure x 100.

What is the average per cent profit earned by the company over the years?