
Urologic infections and inflammations MCQ Question with Answer

Urologic infections and inflammations MCQ with detailed explanation for interview, entrance and competitive exams. Explanation are given for understanding.

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Question No : 8
What are the commonest organisms causing acute epididymitis in males younger than 35 yrs.?

N. gonorrhea and C. trachomatis
E. coli and Pseudomonas species
Mycoplasma genitalium and Ureaplasma species
Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardnerella vaginalis

Question No : 9
No need for radiologic studies for recurrent UTI in:

the elderly

Question No : 10
What is true concerning malakoplakia?

is a premalignant condition
it can be locally aggressive and invades surrounding structures causing bone erosions
kidneys are the most commonly affected organs
characterized by rounded intracellular inclusions (owls-eyes) in large esinophilic histocytes

Question No : 11
What is false concerning acute glomerulonephritis?

manifested as a sudden onset of hematuria, proteinuria, oliguria, edema, hypertension, and RBC casts in the urine
post-streptococcus GN has an incubation period of 1-3 weeks with specific strains of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus
the triad of sinusitis, pulmonary infiltrates, and nephritis, suggests Wegener granulomatosis
C3, C4, ESR and antistreptolysin O titer are increased

Question No : 12
The relative risk of prostate cancer in men with HIV compared to uninfected individuals is:

greater than 8 fold
greater than 6 fold
greater than 4 fold

Question No : 13
What is false in the treatment and prevention of STDs?

antibiotic therapy is recommended for affected individuals with documented trichomonal infection and sexual partners even if asymptomatic
empirical treatment for gonococcal urethritis should cover chlamydia trachomatis
consistent and proper usage of condoms is estimated to prevent HIV transmission by approximately 80 to 95%
vaccinations are available for the prevention of human papillomavirus, N. gonorrhea, chlamydia trachomatis

Question No : 14
What is the average age of onset of BPS/IC patients?