Circulatory System multiple choice question with answers.

Circulatory System multiple choice question with answers.

Circulatory System multiple choice question with answers covers chapter wise problems and solutions

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Circulatory System related questions

  1. Rh factor is named after
  2. Carotid artery carries
  3. The erythrocytes of mammals are non nucleated except in
  4. Blood has no role in the transport of O^2 in
  5. Mammalian erythrocytes in blood are
  6. Universal recipient is the person with the blood group
  7. The largest blood corpuscle is
  8. A condition characterised by an increase in the number of erythrocytes in the circulation is
  9. If clumping occurs in a given sample of blood with 'both A and B serum, the blood group was
  10. Impulses from the pacemaker initiate
  11. Universal donor is the person with the blood group
  12. The diameter of capillaries for the RBCs to pass is
  13. The chamber of the mammalian heart from which deoxygenated blood is sent for oxygenation is
  14. The process of blood cells formation is called
  15. Urea is transported by
  16. The left atrioventricular aperture in man is guarded by
  17. The blood platelets are the source of
  18. RBCs placed in a hypertonic solution
  19. The least concentration of urea in mammals is carried in blood of
  20. The vertebrate heart is classified as
  21. The normal diastolic pressure in an adult human being ranges between
  22. Pacemaker of the heart is
  23. The antibodies are formed in
  24. A person with blood group 'C required blood transfusion. Blood of which group can be given to him?
  25. The pH of blood in arteries and veins is
  26. The sympathetic nerve causes the heart rate to
  27. The larger lymphatic organ in the body is
  28. Corneal grafts are generally not rejected by the recipient because cornea is
  29. Pulmonary artery carries blood from
  30. If blood cells from blood are elminated, the liquid left is
  31. Diapedesis is
  32. Hamburger's phenomenon is also called
  33. The instrument used to measure the blood pressure is
  34. Blood passes from the arterioles to venules via
  35. William Harvey is known for the discovery of
  36. The life of erythrocytes in mammalian blood is about
  37. Blood leaving the liver and moving to the heart has usually high concentration of
  38. The white pus of an infected part in the body is composed of
  39. The blood pigment of cephalopods such as Septa and Octopus is
  40. Clotting of blood oozing out of a wound, involves
  41. Emotions such as worry, anxiety, fear can elevate a person's blood pressure by
  42. The vein which carries oxygenated blood is
  43. The nerve like modified muscle in the right auricle is called
  44. An excess of tissue fluid in the extracellular space is called

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