
1000+ Visual Basic .NET MCQ for JEE Main [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

Sharing is caring

1. Finally is fired only when error occurs
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
2. We need multiple ErrorProviders from multiple controls.
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
3. Using OLEDB you can connect more than one table
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
4. Set method is used to
A. Assign a value to an user control
B. Read value from an user control
C. Both of the above
Answer : B
5. ________ converts to long datatype
A. Clong
B. CLng
C. Lng
D. None of the above
Answer : B
6. In ListView the item that is currently selected is determined by
A. SelectedItem
B. Item
C. FocussedItem
D. GetSelected
Answer : C
7. If a form call another form and the caller form is closed through code, then both forms are disposed
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
8. To vertically arrange all forms in an MDI form use
A. Me.Layout(MdiLayout.TileVertical)
B. Me.MdiLayout(MdiLayout.TileVertical)
C. Me.LayoutMdi(MdiLayout.TileVertical)
D. Nothing is required because default is Vertical
Answer : C
9. Data from DataSet is accessed using34
A. Binding Obejct
B. BindContext Object
C. BindingContext Object
D. EndCurrentEdit Object
Answer : C
10. On error goto lbl is a
A. Structured error
B. Unstructured error
Answer : B
11. If a Form is Inherited from another Form and both Forms have certain codes in their respective Form_Load event, then while running the program
A. Only the first Forms code will be executed
B. Only the second Forms code will be executed
C. Both Forms code will be executed
D. None of the above
Answer : C
12. DomainUpDown control is used only for strings and NumericUpDown for numbers.
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
13. Images can be loaded from
A. Images.FromFile
B. BitMap.FromFile
C. System.FromFile
D. Both a and b
Answer : D
14. /*1. OleDataAdapterq1.update(DataSet1,"emp")
2. OleDataAdapterq1.update(DataSet1,"std")
3. DataSet1.Merge(DataSet1)
4. DataSet1.AcceptChanges()
/* The error is in line

A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. No Error
Answer : D
15. Using ADODB multiple tables can be connected at a time
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
16. The default event handler of TextBox is
A. KeyPress
B. Changed
C. TextChanged
D. Validating
Answer : C
17. FolderBrowserDialog displays
A. File
B. Folder
C. Drives
D. b and c
Answer : D
18. In OLEDB database can be accessed without using DataSet
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
19. To add items stored in an array to a ListView use
A. List1.Add(name of the array)
B. List1.AddItem(name of the array)
C. List1.Items.Add(name of the array)
D. List1.Items.Addrange(name of the array)
Answer : D
20. InputBox by default returns ________ values
A. Integer
B. Byte
C. Double
D. String
Answer : D
21. This view pops up if "Ctrl+F1" is pressed
A. Help
B. Properties Window
C. Dynamic Help
D. Server Explorer
Answer : C
22. Only derived class can have shadows keyword
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
23. The Apply button automatically appears of the Font Dialog Box is opened
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
24. If a button click event is to be fired when the user press the 'Esc' key, set the buttons name against forms _________ property
A. DefaultButton
B. AcceptButton
C. DialogResult
D. CancelButton
Answer : D
25. A MsgBox can have maximum ___________ button(s)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer : C
26. If an user-defined class have a user-defined event then, the class object is declared as
A. Dim c as new ClassName
B. Dim withEvents c as new ClassName
C. Dim c as ClassName
D. Dim withEvents c as ClassName
Answer : B
27. A single OLEDBAdapter can have many DataSets
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
28. In Class, Me.Show and MyClass.Show are same (Show is method name)
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
29. To print use
A. PrintDialog1.Print()
B. PrintDocument1.Print()
C. Printer1.Print()
D. None of the above
Answer : B
30. To retrieve the default path of the project use
A. Application.Path
B. Application.DefaultPath
C. Application.StartupPath
D. Application.ProjectPath
Answer : C
31. The EventLog's ________ method is used to write an entry to a log file
A. WriteLine
B. WriteEntry
C. Add
D. Append
Answer : B
32. To use HelpProvider, the following properties of the form needs to be set
A. HelpButton
B. MaximizeBox
C. MinimizeBox
D. All of the above
Answer : D
33. What cannot be done if the table has no primary key
A. Insert and Update
B. Update and Delete
C. Select and Delete
D. Insert and Select
Answer : B
34. In TreeView to get the node the mouse is pointing to, use
A. GetNode
B. Node
C. GetNodeAt
D. SelectNode
Answer : C
35. To call a buttons click event use
A. Button1.Click
B. Button1.PerformClick
C. Button1.Clicked
D. None of the above
Answer : B
36. A DataSet can be updated only when the connection is open
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
37. If a Class in inherited, its constructor is inherited automatically and it is fired automatically
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
38. A form can have only ______ Main Menu and _________ Context Menu
A. 1,1
B. 1,Multiple
C. Multiple,1
D. 1,2
Answer : B
39. To redimension an array with its previous values intact use ___________ keyword
A. RedimPreserve
B. Preserve
C. Redim
D. Redim Preserve
Answer : D
40. Dim a() as Integer-{1,2,3,4}is a valid statement
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
41. While handling keystrokes if e.Handled=True is set then Visual Basic
A. Will handle the key
B. Will not handle the key
C. Will send the key to Garbage collector
D. None of the above
Answer : B
42. The default Tab of a Tab Control is
A. The first tab
B. The last tab added
C. The last tab modified
D. There is no default tab.
Answer : A
43. DataSet can be used to connect to Crystal Report
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
44. If Scrollbars property of a TextBox is set to Hortizontal and the WordWrap property is also set to true. Which one will get precedence
A. Scrollbars
B. WordWrap
C. No precedence both will work
Answer : B
45. The correct sequence of Form Loading is
A. Load
B. Initialize, Load, Activate
C. Initialize, Activate, Load
D. Activate, Initialize Load
Answer : B
46. To get details about an error use
A. Err.Message
B. Err.Desc
C. Err.Description
D. Err.Number
Answer : C
47. /*1. Class C
2. public mustinherit sub abc()
3. msgbox("Base Class")
4. end sub
5. end Class /* The error is in line no.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer : A
48. In reports ___________ property help to assign user-defined criteria
A. ReportSource
B. SectionFormula
C. Query
D. SelectionFormula
Answer : D
49. Two commands can be written in the same line using
A. :
B. ;
C. ,
D. .
Answer : A
50. A function can have multiple return statements
A. True
B. False
Answer : B

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