
Asp Programming 1000+ MCQ with answer for ESIC

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. While accessing values submitted to a web form, __________ property of a control is used.
A. Value
B. Text
C. Item
D. Id
Answer : A
2. Default path for any web application is
A. .\Inetpub\Folder_name
B. .\Inetpub\www\Folder_name
C. .\Inetpub\wwwroot\Folder_name
D. .\Inetpub\mailroot\Folder_name
Answer : C
3. Anything appearing after ________ is cleared
A. Response.Flush
B. Response.End
C. Response.Buffer
D. Response.Clear
Answer : B
4. Cookies collection is present in
A. Response and Request
B. Request and Server
C. Response and Server
D. All of the above
Answer : A
5. To save an XML file from ASP.NET use
A. Save
B. Update
C. SaveXML
D. UpdateXML
Answer : A
6. Which of the following tool is used to manage the GAC?
A. RegSvr.exe
B. GacUtil.exe
C. GacSvr32.exe
D. GacMgr.exe
Answer : B
7. A _____________ is a logical naming scheme for grouping related types of
A. objects together.
B. class
C. namespace
D. interface
Answer : C
8. If a Table controls name is Table1, to access value from its second row, third column, __________________ can be used.
A. table1.rows(1).cells(2).text
B. table1.rows(2).cells(3).text
C. table1.rows(1).cells(2).value
D. table1.rows(2).cells(3).value
Answer : A
9. To count how many users have logged in the web site till date use
A. Increment Session Variable in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
B. Increment Session Variable in Aplication_Start event of Global.asax file
C. Increment Application Variable in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
D. Increment Application Variable in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
Answer : C
10. CDO stands for _________________ .
A. Collaborative Database Object
B. Collaborative Data Object
C. Collaborative Distributed Object
D. Complete Data Object
Answer : B
11. By default a WebForm inherits from
A. System.Web.Page
B. System.UI.Page
C. System.Web.UI.Page
D. System.Web.Form.Page
Answer : C
12. ASP.NET uses _______ as the code behind
B. VBScript
C. JavaScript
D. Jscript
Answer : A
13. In the Adrotator XML file ________ is used to mention the file to link to
A. <ImageUrl>
B. <NavigateUrl>
C. <Url>
D. <Link>
Answer : B
14. In ASP.NET, the default method of a form is
A. Get
B. Post
Answer : B
15. ______________ creates a read-only recordset that can scroll forward only.
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : A
16. To send attachments using SMTP use
A. MailAttachment and MailMessage
C. Any one of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : A
17. You can specify a function name in
A. CustomValidator
B. RequiredFieldValidator
C. RangeValidator
D. ValidationSummary
Answer : A
18. ____________ converts virtual path to default path
A. Server.MapPath and Request.MapPath
B. Server.MapPath and Response.MapPath
C. Response.MapPath and Request.MapPath
D. All of the above
Answer : B
19. To set text programmatically without adding extra HTML tags use
A. Literal
B. Response.Write
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : C
20. ____________ enables you to add, modify and delete records but you won't see the changes made by other users
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : B
21. In Global.asax there are _______ general methods
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer : C
22. One difference between ASP.NET and ASP is that ASP is more structure than ASP.NET
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
23. We can write an XML document from ASP.NET without mentioning the encoding format ie even without specifying 'Nothing'
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
24. File extension used for ASP.NET files.
A. .Web
D. None of the above
Answer : B
25. An error handling is Structured when we use
A. On Error GoTo
B. Try Catch
C. Both of the above
D. Any one of the above
Answer : B
26. Caching type supported by ASP.Net
A. Output Caching
B. DataCaching
C. a and b
D. none of the above
Answer : C
27. What keyword is necessary to expose a public function as a method of a Web Service?
A. WebSub()
B. WebFunction()
C. WebMethod()
D. WebClass
Answer : C
28. If a page name is WebForm1.aspx and it resides in ../Test/, then it will inherit from
A. WebForm1
B. WebForm1/Test
C. Test/WebForm1
D. Test.WebForm1
Answer : D
29. The first event triggers in an aspx page is.
A. Page_Init()
B. Page_Load()
C. Page_click()
D. None of these
Answer : A
30. In ___________ records are locked when you start editing.
A. LockReadOnly
B. LockPessimistic
C. LockOptimistic
D. LockDynamic
Answer : B
31. This tag in Repeater control is mandatory
A. AlternateTemplate
B. ItemTemplate
C. SeperatorTemplate
D. FooterTemplate
Answer : B
32. __________.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") creates a new connection.
A. Session
B. Request
C. Response
D. Server
Answer : D
33. ASP.NET supports all data types that VB.NET supports
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
34. Can you use client-side event handler and server-side event handler for the same ASP.NET server control?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer : A
35. ___________ sets the time out period for a particular page in seconds
A. Session.Timeout
B. Server.ScriptTimeout
C. Response.Expires
D. Response.ExpiresAbsolute
Answer : B
36. Can you have more than one form declaration on a web form?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer : B
37. Error handling can be done through Global.asax
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
38. Why is Global.asax is used?
A. Declare Global variables
B. Implement application and session level events
C. No use
D. Both a and b
Answer : B
39. What are unique properties of RangeValidator control?
A. Maximum value
B. Minimum value
C. Type
D. All of the above
Answer : D
40. ______________ creates a read-only recordset that can scroll in any direction.
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : D
41. ASP.NET if fully compatible with ASP
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
42. Which of the following method must be overridden in a custom control?
A. The Paint() method
B. The Control_Build() method
C. The default constructor
D. The Render() method
Answer : D
43. ____________ enables you to add, modify and delete records and you will see the changes made by other users
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : C
44. ____________ enables you to set a particular date when a page should no longer be cached by a browser or proxy server
A. Response.Expires
B. Session.Timeout
C. Response.ExpiresAbsolute
D. Response.CacheControl
Answer : C
45. Web.config file is used...
A. Configures the time that the server-side codebehind module is called
B. To store the global information and variable definitions for the application
C. To configure the web server
D. To configure the web browser
Answer : B
46. To make an HTML control behave as a Server control, ___________ option must be set.
A. Server Control
B. Run As Server Control
C. Run As Web Control
Answer : B
47. Menus can be added to an ASP.NET Page
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
48. The HTML control that helps to browse a file is
A. File
B. FileBrowser
C. Browser
D. Select
Answer : A
49. HTML elements, HTML server controls and ASP.NET server controls can be used on the same form
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
50. ___________ controls how proxy servers temporarily store web pages
A. Expires
B. CacheControl
C. ExpiresAbsolute
D. None of the above
Answer : B

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