
Asp Programming 1000+ MCQ with answer for ISRO Recruitment

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. If someone accidentally deletes the Page Directive of an ASP.NET page say "First.aspx" under "Sales", what will you do?
A. <%@ Page Language="vb" Codebehind="FirstQuarter.aspx.vb" Inherits="FirstQuarter"%>
B. <%@ Page Language="vb" Codebehind="FirstQuarter.aspx.vb" ClassName="Sales.FirstQuarter"%>
C. <%@ Page Language="vb" Codebehind="FirstQuarter.aspx.vb" Inherits="Sales.FirstQuarter"%>
D. <%@ Page Language="vb" Codebehind="FirstQuarter.aspx.vb" ClassName="Sales.FirstQuarter" Inherits="FirstQuarter"%>
Answer : C
2. Under Button Click the following code is written
1. Dim I =10
2. MsgBox(I)

A. Problem is in line 1
B. Problem is in line 2
C. Will display 10 in a message box
D. Compilation Error
Answer : C
3. A web server control is written as
A. <asp-TextBox ......
B. <asp TextBox ......
C. <aspTextBox ........
D. <asp:TextBox ........
Answer : D
4. Can you have more than one form declaration on a web form?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer : B
5. This file stores your web configuration
A. Web.conf
B. Web.config
C. WebConfig.ini
D. WebConf.ini
Answer : B
6. In a DataSet if multible tables are used, they are identified by their
A. Names
B. Indexes
C. Any one of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : C
7. You can send an e-mail with an attachment using only SmtpMail class
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
8. To send attachments using SMTP use
A. MailAttachment and MailMessage
C. Any one of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : A
9. This control does not produce an HTML output
A. Panel
B. Literal
C. PlaceHolder
D. DataList
Answer : C
10. You have an image that is clickable and you want a pop-up window to display text that identifies the action that will be taken if the user clicks the image. What will you do?
A. For each image, set the AlternateText property to specify the text you want to display, and set the ToolTip property to True.
B. For each image, set the ToolTip property to specify the text you want to display.
C. In the onmouseover event handler for each image, add code that calls the RaiseBubbleEvent() method of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image class.
D. In the onmouseover event handler for each image, add code that calls the ToString() method of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image class.
Answer : B
11. To save an XML file from ASP.NET use
A. Save
B. Update
C. SaveXML
D. UpdateXML
Answer : A
12. Options available with SelectionMode are
A. Single
B. Single and Multiple
C. Single, Multiple and Extended
D. All of the above
Answer : B
13. To redirect an user to a particular page when a user logs in use
A. Use Response.Redirect in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
B. Use Response.Redirect in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
C. Use Server.MapPath in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
D. Use Server.MapPath in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
Answer : A
14. In ___________ records are locked when you start editing.
A. LockReadOnly
B. LockPessimistic
C. LockOptimistic
D. LockDynamic
Answer : B
15. In Global.asax there are _______ general methods
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer : C
16. If passwords are to be sent from one page to another, we can use
A. Get method
B. Post method
C. Session variables
D. Any one of the above
Answer : D
17. ____________ enables you to set a particular date when a page should no longer be cached by a browser or proxy server
A. Response.Expires
B. Session.Timeout
C. Response.ExpiresAbsolute
D. Response.CacheControl
Answer : C
18. To pass queries to Crystal Reports use
A. SelectionFormula
B. Formula
C. Filter
D. None of the above
Answer : A
19. The code file for WebForm1.aspx will be ___________
A. WebForm1.vbp
B. WebForm1.vb
C. WebForm1.frm
D. WebForm1.sln
Answer : B
20. What namespace contains the classes for file and directory access?
A. System.IO
B. System.File.IO
C. System.Data
D. System.IO.Data
Answer : A
21. Default Session data is stored in ASP.Net.
A. StateServer
B. Session Object
C. InProcess
D. all of the above
Answer : C
22. While redirecting, values can be passed with it
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
23. Error handling can be done through Global.asax
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
24. _________ object represents all information sent form a browser to a server
A. Response
B. Request
C. Session
D. Application
Answer : B
25. ______________ creates a read-only recordset that can scroll in any direction.
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : D
26. You want to ensure that the user ID is saved between requests when the user is moving through pages. What will you do?
A. Use Session variables
B. Use Application variables
C. Any one of the above
D. No of the above
Answer : A
27. To write an attribute for a tag through ASP.NET use
A. WriteAttribute
B. WriteStartAttribute
C. WriteAttributeString
D. WriteElementString
Answer : C
28. To make an HTML control behave as a Server control, ___________ option must be set.
A. Server Control
B. Run As Server Control
C. Run As Web Control
Answer : B
29. Checkboxes have same name and different values while Radio Buttons have the reverse
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
30. _________ is used to write/read into a leaf node
A. Value
B. InnerText
C. Text
D. InnerValue
Answer : B
31. An alternative way of displaying text on web page using
A. asp:label
B. asp:listitem
C. asp:button
D. None of these
Answer : A
32. In ASP.NET, the default method of a form is
A. Get
B. Post
Answer : B
33. We can write an XML document from ASP.NET without mentioning the encoding format ie even without specifying 'Nothing'
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
34. ____________ converts virtual path to default path
A. Server.MapPath and Request.MapPath
B. Server.MapPath and Response.MapPath
C. Response.MapPath and Request.MapPath
D. All of the above
Answer : B
35. We can manage states in asp.net application using
A. Session Objects
B. Application Objects
C. Viewstate
D. All of the above
Answer : D
36. The HTML control that helps to browse a file is
A. File
B. FileBrowser
C. Browser
D. Select
Answer : A
37. How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "post" method?
A. Request.QueryString
B. Request.Form
C. Response.write
D. Response.writeln
Answer : B
38. Can you use client-side event handler and server-side event handler for the same ASP.NET server control?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer : A
39. To set text programmatically without adding extra HTML tags use
A. Literal
B. Response.Write
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : C
40. To count how many users have logged in the web site till date use
A. Increment Session Variable in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
B. Increment Session Variable in Aplication_Start event of Global.asax file
C. Increment Application Variable in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
D. Increment Application Variable in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
Answer : C
41. To read an XML file from ASP.NET use
A. XMLTextReader
B. XMLReader
C. XML.Reader
D. ReadXML
Answer : A
42. You need to modify an ASP.NET page to prevent the browser window from going blank after a postback and to maintain the correct control focus after events are processed. What should you do?
A. Add the following attribute to the HTML code for the controls that cause the postbacks:
B. Add the following attribute to the HTML code for the controls that cause the postbacks:
C. Add the following attribute to the Page directive for the aspx file:
D. Add the following attribute to the OutputCache directive for the aspx file:
Answer : C
43. __________.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") creates a new connection.
A. Session
B. Request
C. Response
D. Server
Answer : D
44. What class does a Web Service Inherit?
A. System.Web.Services
B. System.Web
C. System.Services
D. System.Web.Page
Answer : A
45. Which of the following tool is used to manage the GAC?
A. RegSvr.exe
B. GacUtil.exe
C. GacSvr32.exe
D. GacMgr.exe
Answer : B
46. For Adrotator control the XML file is mentioned through ________ property
A. File
B. Name
C. Advertisement File
D. Ad File
Answer : C
47. A ValidationSummary control is bound to a control
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
48. Which of the following method must be overridden in a custom control?
A. The Paint() method
B. The Control_Build() method
C. The default constructor
D. The Render() method
Answer : D
49. To open Microsoft Word from ASP.NET page use
A. Response.Content
B. Response.ContentType
C. Request.Content
D. Request.ContentType
Answer : B
50. This tag in Repeater control is mandatory
A. AlternateTemplate
B. ItemTemplate
C. SeperatorTemplate
D. FooterTemplate
Answer : B

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